android Programming Glossary: socket.getinputstream
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) the BluetoothSocket input and output streams try tmpIn socket.getInputStream tmpOut socket.getOutputStream catch IOException e Log.e TAG..
NullPointer Exception on socket.connect() Galaxy Tab 2 running Android 4.04 this.dis new DataInputStream new BufferedInputStream socket.getInputStream etc Note that while an insecure connection is not perfect in..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service InputStream tmpIn null OutputStream tmpOut null try tmpIn socket.getInputStream tmpOut socket.getOutputStream catch IOException e Log.e Printer..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work the connection is successful a regular method with input socket.getInputStream can be used. BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android break handler.sendEmptyMessage 6 InputStream in socket.getInputStream OutputStream out socket.getOutputStream byte retrieve 0x44..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? inputBuffer new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader socket.getInputStream catch e Log.d Connection..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android this.input new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader socket.getInputStream Handler.output new PrintWriter new OutputStreamWriter socket.getOutputStream..
Android BluetoothSocket - Timing out new byte 1024 buffer store for the stream int readbytes socket.getInputStream .read buffer retVal new byte readbytes System.arraycopy buffer.. new byte 1024 buffer store for the stream int readbytes socket.getInputStream .read buffer retVal new byte readbytes System.arraycopy buffer..
How to make client on Android listen to server on C#? true in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader socket.getInputStream out.println message while in.readLine null txt.append in.readLine..
How to programatically connect 2 android devices with bluetooth? Now get the input and output streams InputStream is socket.getInputStream OutputStream os socket.getOutputStream and you can begin sending..
Android - Server Socket BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader socket.getInputStream System.out.println ip socket.getInetAddress String str in.readLine..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files you'd handle single client at a time read http request socket.getInputStream mainly check GET method and Range header send headers mainly.. void handleResponse Socket socket try InputStream inS socket.getInputStream if inS null return byte buf new byte 8192 int rlen
Bluetooth file transfer Android Attach the i p stream to the socket try InputStream in socket.getInputStream mIn in Log.d TAG input stream acquired catch IOException e1..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) socket InputStream tmpIn null OutputStream tmpOut null Get the BluetoothSocket input and output streams try tmpIn socket.getInputStream tmpOut socket.getOutputStream catch IOException e Log.e TAG temp sockets not created e mmInStream tmpIn mmOutStream..
NullPointer Exception on socket.connect() Galaxy Tab 2 running Android 4.04 DataOutputStream new BufferedOutputStream socket.getOutputStream this.dis new DataInputStream new BufferedInputStream socket.getInputStream etc Note that while an insecure connection is not perfect in our case an insecure connection is preferable to no connection...
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service ConnectedThread BluetoothSocket socket mmSocket socket InputStream tmpIn null OutputStream tmpOut null try tmpIn socket.getInputStream tmpOut socket.getOutputStream catch IOException e Log.e Printer Service temp sockets not created e mmInStream tmpIn mmOutStream..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work 89 EE EB with the MAC of your HXM to make it connect. After the connection is successful a regular method with input socket.getInputStream can be used. BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter .getRemoteDevice 00 07 80 89 EE EB Method m hxm.getClass..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android Exception e handler.sendEmptyMessage 7 e.printStackTrace break handler.sendEmptyMessage 6 InputStream in socket.getInputStream OutputStream out socket.getOutputStream byte retrieve 0x44 0x31 out.write retrieve byte ack new byte 1 ack..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? allows us to read a line at a time using the readLine method. inputBuffer new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader socket.getInputStream catch e Log.d Connection failed e if the connection fails return null for serverResponse..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android socketFactory.createSocket serverUrl Integer.parseInt serverPort this.input new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader socket.getInputStream Handler.output new PrintWriter new OutputStreamWriter socket.getOutputStream Log.d SSL Created the socket input and output..
Android BluetoothSocket - Timing out .write payload read response if responseExpected byte buffer new byte 1024 buffer store for the stream int readbytes socket.getInputStream .read buffer retVal new byte readbytes System.arraycopy buffer 0 retVal 0 readbytes return retVal The problem is that sometimes.. payload read response if responseExpected byte buffer new byte 1024 buffer store for the stream int readbytes socket.getInputStream .read buffer retVal new byte readbytes System.arraycopy buffer 0 retVal 0 readbytes return retVal start task in a..
How to make client on Android listen to server on C#? new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter socket.getOutputStream true in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader socket.getInputStream out.println message while in.readLine null txt.append in.readLine Log.d TCP C Sent. Log.d TCP C Done. catch Exception..
How to programatically connect 2 android devices with bluetooth? a seperate thread. And there You are connected to another device. Now get the input and output streams InputStream is socket.getInputStream OutputStream os socket.getOutputStream and you can begin sending receiving data. Keep in mind that both actions sending..
Android - Server Socket while true try socket serverSocket.accept BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader socket.getInputStream System.out.println ip socket.getInetAddress String str in.readLine System.out.println message Received str catch Exception..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files Socket accept serverSocket.accept one thread may be ok since you'd handle single client at a time read http request socket.getInputStream mainly check GET method and Range header send headers mainly Content Type Content Length Accept Ranges Content Range headers.. if is null canSeek true else is openInputStream file 0 private void handleResponse Socket socket try InputStream inS socket.getInputStream if inS null return byte buf new byte 8192 int rlen buf 0 buf.length if rlen 0 return Create a BufferedReader..
Bluetooth file transfer Android Log.d TAG bytes flushed outStream.close Receiving code Attach the i p stream to the socket try InputStream in socket.getInputStream mIn in Log.d TAG input stream acquired catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace Create output streams write to file FileOutputStream..