android Programming Glossary: socket.connect
NullPointer Exception on socket.connect() Galaxy Tab 2 running Android 4.04 Exception on socket.connect Galaxy Tab 2 running Android 4.04 I seem to be facing this.. Android 4.04 I seem to be facing this weird error on a socket.connect 09 18 14 41 22.968 W System.err 2593 java.lang.NullPointerException.. device.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord uuid socket.connect this.dos new DataOutputStream new BufferedOutputStream socket.getOutputStream..
android bluetooth can't connect is that once I try to connect I get an IOException on socket.connect The error message is as follows connect read failed socket might..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work socket BluetoothSocket m.invoke hxm Integer.valueOf 1 socket.connect Hope the fix will be out very soon Best regards Espen S. Nygaard..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android 5 Activa.myBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery socket.connect BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter .getRemoteDevice.. hxm Integer.valueOf 1 handler.sendEmptyMessage 5 socket.connect catch Exception e handler.sendEmptyMessage 7 e.printStackTrace..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? new socket.setSoTimeout SO_TIMEOUT socket.connect new InetSocketAddress Host Port 10000 setup the port with a..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? Socket socket new Socket socket.setTcpNoDelay true socket.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber 3000 socket.connect.. new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber 3000 socket.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber if socket.isConnected..
How to programatically connect 2 android devices with bluetooth? have a socket created with the same UUID on listening mode socket.connect connect blocks your thread untill a connection is established..
NullPointer Exception on socket.connect() Galaxy Tab 2 running Android 4.04 Exception on socket.connect Galaxy Tab 2 running Android 4.04 I seem to be facing this weird error on a socket.connect 09 18 14 41 22.968 W System.err.. Exception on socket.connect Galaxy Tab 2 running Android 4.04 I seem to be facing this weird error on a socket.connect 09 18 14 41 22.968 W System.err 2593 java.lang.NullPointerException 09 18 14 41 22.968 W System.err 2593 at android.sec.enterprise.BluetoothUtils... uuid Succeeds Warning INSECURE socket device.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord uuid socket.connect this.dos new DataOutputStream new BufferedOutputStream socket.getOutputStream this.dis new DataInputStream new BufferedInputStream..
android bluetooth can't connect the list of devices with their addresses no problem. The problem is that once I try to connect I get an IOException on socket.connect The error message is as follows connect read failed socket might closed or timeout read ret 1 Here is my code. ANY suggestions..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805F9B34FB handler.sendEmptyMessage 5 Activa.myBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery socket.connect BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter .getRemoteDevice device.getAddress Method m try m hxm.getClass.. new Class int.class socket BluetoothSocket m.invoke hxm Integer.valueOf 1 handler.sendEmptyMessage 5 socket.connect catch Exception e handler.sendEmptyMessage 7 e.printStackTrace break handler.sendEmptyMessage 6 InputStream in..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? String hostInfo null try socket new socket.setSoTimeout SO_TIMEOUT socket.connect new InetSocketAddress Host Port 10000 setup the port with a timeout of 10sec. out socket.getOutputStream in is wrapped..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? Thread.sleep 1000 continue Log.d TCP C Connecting... Socket socket new Socket socket.setTcpNoDelay true socket.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber 3000 socket.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber if socket.isConnected.. socket new Socket socket.setTcpNoDelay true socket.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber 3000 socket.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber if socket.isConnected throw new Exception Server Unavailable try Log.d..
How to programatically connect 2 android devices with bluetooth? to connect The device you are trying to connect to must have a socket created with the same UUID on listening mode socket.connect connect blocks your thread untill a connection is established or an error occurs an exeception will be thrown in this case...