android Programming Glossary: somewhat
Disable Home Button in Android ICS (4.0) the app but I can no longer use this method as that somewhat prevents us from doing our updates to the app we don't want..
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? EDIT I'm trying to make this post somewhat useful to the comunity Sencha Touch like many other Javascript..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? make sense here unfortunately the word fatal is still somewhat inappropriate for a temporary condition such as a timeout. getSkuDetails..
How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? ships with any examples of the location API which is somewhat surprising. You can download the source code for one of my books..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? in Windows Mobile and .NET. However the last week has been somewhat of a turnoff for me... I hope I don't have to abandon Android..
ListSelector applies to the entire list to the pressed overlay color which is more striking and somewhat more opaque. The solution was to stay away from any @color or..
Voice recognition on android with recorded sound clip? my customers' most praised features. However the format is somewhat restrictive. You have to call the recognizer intent have it..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android globally for the Android OS. Is this possible This is somewhat analogous to what some programs already do on e.g. Windows systems..
Multiple choice list with custom view? Now I want each view to have 2 TextView's and 1 CheckBox somewhat similar to the List3 example. I tried creating a custom layout..
Android column '_id' does not exist? applies. However the statement is technically wrong and somewhat misleading to a newbie. The result set for the cursor must contain..
iPhone or Android? [closed] makes it very easy to integrate with other apps on a somewhat finegrained level. Sharing application logic across applications..
Using the Android Application class to persist data on a fairly complex Android application that requires a somewhat large amount of data about the application I'd say a total of..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD media but it might hold true for OPEN_READONLY . I'd be somewhat surprised if this helps as it presumes that WAL is not used..
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? a better way to obtain my end goal I've done something somewhat similar but it was for the Quick Search box and it involved..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget SystemClock.elapsedRealtime showElapsedTime One somewhat confusing thing about Chronometer is that you can't really use..
Detecting MMS messages on Android for browsing android source code This information somewhat describes how to retrieve information from MMS messages that..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically can't figure out what the offset is centered around. As a somewhat aside I am really unsure if what I am doing in onSizeChanged..
Store orientation to an array - and compare will never have exactly the same values but they can be somewhat the same. Am I at all on the right track here UPDATE I think..
Android http connection exception things like looking up a host name can take a long and somewhat indeterminate amount of time they should not be called from..
Disable Home Button in Android ICS (4.0) the app as a home replacement so the button just reopened the app but I can no longer use this method as that somewhat prevents us from doing our updates to the app we don't want to give the user the option of reselecting a Home default as..
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? or its just android's limit Thanks Ricardo Perre http EDIT I'm trying to make this post somewhat useful to the comunity Sencha Touch like many other Javascript Frameworks are not the best example of performance due to..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? error during the API action because no other error code would make sense here unfortunately the word fatal is still somewhat inappropriate for a temporary condition such as a timeout. getSkuDetails appears to behave just like consumePurchase . Update..
How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? in Android. Unfortunately it does not appear that Android ships with any examples of the location API which is somewhat surprising. You can download the source code for one of my books look for the Internet Weather and Service WeatherPlus demos..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? platform since it addresses a lot of issues that exist in Windows Mobile and .NET. However the last week has been somewhat of a turnoff for me... I hope I don't have to abandon Android but it doesn't look very good right now Is there a way for..
ListSelector applies to the entire list and when the user taps the enter key or whatever it flashes to the pressed overlay color which is more striking and somewhat more opaque. The solution was to stay away from any @color or @drawable that refers to a color inside listSelector. I created..
Voice recognition on android with recorded sound clip? recognition feature on Android and I love it. It's one of my customers' most praised features. However the format is somewhat restrictive. You have to call the recognizer intent have it send the recording for transcription to google and wait for..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android . That is precisely what I intend to define my own URI schema globally for the Android OS. Is this possible This is somewhat analogous to what some programs already do on e.g. Windows systems such as Skype skype or any torrent downloader program..
Multiple choice list with custom view? . Each such view has a TextView and a CheckBox. Now I want each view to have 2 TextView's and 1 CheckBox somewhat similar to the List3 example. I tried creating a custom layout file row.xml like this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout..
Android column '_id' does not exist? is a derived class so it appears this statement applies. However the statement is technically wrong and somewhat misleading to a newbie. The result set for the cursor must contain _id not the cursor itself. I'm sure this is clear to..
iPhone or Android? [closed] appstore NDA see above but also for architectural reasons Android makes it very easy to integrate with other apps on a somewhat finegrained level. Sharing application logic across applications is done by using intents http android intro..
Using the Android Application class to persist data the Android Application class to persist data I'm working on a fairly complex Android application that requires a somewhat large amount of data about the application I'd say a total of about 500KB is this large for a mobile device . From what..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD Now that appears to be more in the context of read only media but it might hold true for OPEN_READONLY . I'd be somewhat surprised if this helps as it presumes that WAL is not used in standard Android HTC enabled WAL in those two devices Something..
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? that overrides performFiltering Or is there a better way to obtain my end goal I've done something somewhat similar but it was for the Quick Search box and it involved implementing a service but I believe that's not what I want..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget new OnClickListener public void onClick View v mChronometer.setBase SystemClock.elapsedRealtime showElapsedTime One somewhat confusing thing about Chronometer is that you can't really use it as a stopwatch that gets started stopped and restarted..
Detecting MMS messages on Android class that contains MMS calass also this site is convenient for browsing android source code This information somewhat describes how to retrieve information from MMS messages that are in the database. However I still can't figure out the way..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically of the widget but that doesn't seem to do it. But I can't figure out what the offset is centered around. As a somewhat aside I am really unsure if what I am doing in onSizeChanged is sane or if it's going to bite me in the ass later on. Here's..
Store orientation to an array - and compare thing is how can I compare the two arrays in a smart way They will never have exactly the same values but they can be somewhat the same. Am I at all on the right track here UPDATE I think that maybe Alis answer about using DTW could be the right way..
Android http connection exception exception at the top of the error messages you posted. Because things like looking up a host name can take a long and somewhat indeterminate amount of time they should not be called from the event functions on the main thread which are required to..