android Programming Glossary: senderror
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files int file.fileSize else if range.startsWith bytes sendError socket HTTP_416 null return if debug BrowserUtils.LOGRUN.. NumberFormatException nfe if startFrom file.fileSize sendError socket HTTP_416 null inS.close return if endAt 0 endAt.. catch IOException ioe if debug ioe.printStackTrace try sendError socket HTTP_INTERNALERROR SERVER INTERNAL ERROR IOException..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files String status if range null canSeek status 200 OK sendCount int file.fileSize else if range.startsWith bytes sendError socket HTTP_416 null return if debug BrowserUtils.LOGRUN range range range.substring 6 long startFrom 0 endAt 1 int.. range.substring minus 1 endAt Long.parseLong endR catch NumberFormatException nfe if startFrom file.fileSize sendError socket HTTP_416 null inS.close return if endAt 0 endAt file.fileSize 1 sendCount int endAt startFrom 1 if sendCount.. if debug BrowserUtils.LOGRUN Http stream finished catch IOException ioe if debug ioe.printStackTrace try sendError socket HTTP_INTERNALERROR SERVER INTERNAL ERROR IOException ioe.getMessage catch Throwable t catch InterruptedException..