android Programming Glossary: sendmultiparttextmessage
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) I have figured out how to send and receive SMS messages. To send SMS messages I had to call the sendTextMessage and sendMultipartTextMessage methods of the SmsManager class. To receive SMS messages I had to register a receiver in the AndroidMainfest.xml file. Then.. if length MAX_SMS_MESSAGE_LENGTH ArrayList String messagelist smsManager.divideMessage message smsManager.sendMultipartTextMessage phoneNumber null messagelist null null else smsManager.sendTextMessage phoneNumber null message piSent piDelivered More..
Sending long sms messages break the message up into multiple SMSs send each part as a separate SMS. Use the multi part send SMS function sendMultipartTextMessage . Send the message as an MMS message sendDataMessage . Here's my novice take on it 1 most well supported across carriers...
Broadcast Receiver with sendMultiPartTextMessage Receiver with sendMultiPartTextMessage I've been trying to get the status result code from sendMultipartTextMessage the thing i don't understand is if the broadcast receiver works with sendTextMessage why doesnt it work with sendMultipartTextMessage.. the thing i don't understand is if the broadcast receiver works with sendTextMessage why doesnt it work with sendMultipartTextMessage I've searched far and wide and looked and code examples but just cant see any obvious reasons as to why this wont work... for int j 0 j messageCount j sentIntents.add PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 new Intent SENT_ACTION 0 sms.sendMultipartTextMessage phoneNumber null messages sentIntents null Here's my broadcastreceiver private BroadcastReceiver messageSentReceiver new..
How to send the SMS more than 160 character? 0 sentIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT listOfIntents.add pi sendMessage contactNos j msgs i sms.sendMultipartTextMessage contactNos j null msgsplit listOfIntents null But it sends junk character in the message. Can anyone help me android sms.. junk character in the message. Can anyone help me android sms share improve this question Junk characters method sendMultipartTextMessage only send text message. If you want to send non text message you should look to method sendDataMessage. Below is the code..