android Programming Glossary: sendrequest
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically FinalString send SOAP request InputStream responseIs sendRequest FinalString create the response SOAP envelope SoapSerializationEnvelope.. from the service can not be processed. private InputStream sendRequest String requestContent throws Exception initialize HTTP post..
How to execute web request in its own thread? catch Exception ex Log.e TAG ex.getMessage public void sendRequest String requestString requests.add requestString handler new.. handler new Handler requestSender The method sendRequest is called from the main activity which implements ServerResponseHandler...
How to send image via MMS in Android? android's internal code please use this final SendReq sendRequest new SendReq final EncodedStringValue sub EncodedStringValue.extract.. subject if sub null sub.length 0 sendRequest.setSubject sub 0 final EncodedStringValue phoneNumbers EncodedStringValue.. recipient if phoneNumbers null phoneNumbers.length 0 sendRequest.addTo phoneNumbers 0 final PduBody pduBody new PduBody if parts..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ Register.setOnClickListener this public void sendRequest View ignored Log.d Register hello Intent registrationIntent.. 0 @Override public void onClick View v if v Register sendRequest Register files public class Constants public..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically arg0 arg1 arg2 Log.i TAG After Finallyyy FinalString FinalString send SOAP request InputStream responseIs sendRequest FinalString create the response SOAP envelope SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11.. web service can not be established or when the response from the service can not be processed. private InputStream sendRequest String requestContent throws Exception initialize HTTP post HttpPost httpPost null try httpPost new HttpPost URL httpPost.addHeader..
How to execute web request in its own thread? sContent responseHandler.onProductsResponse products catch Exception ex Log.e TAG ex.getMessage public void sendRequest String requestString requests.add requestString handler new Handler requestSender The method sendRequest is.. sendRequest String requestString requests.add requestString handler new Handler requestSender The method sendRequest is called from the main activity which implements ServerResponseHandler. I guess the request is executed in its own thread..
How to send image via MMS in Android? build content and perform request. If you want to do that using android's internal code please use this final SendReq sendRequest new SendReq final EncodedStringValue sub EncodedStringValue.extract subject if sub null sub.length 0 sendRequest.setSubject.. sendRequest new SendReq final EncodedStringValue sub EncodedStringValue.extract subject if sub null sub.length 0 sendRequest.setSubject sub 0 final EncodedStringValue phoneNumbers EncodedStringValue .extract recipient if phoneNumbers null phoneNumbers.length.. final EncodedStringValue phoneNumbers EncodedStringValue .extract recipient if phoneNumbers null phoneNumbers.length 0 sendRequest.addTo phoneNumbers 0 final PduBody pduBody new PduBody if parts null for MMSPart part parts final PduPart partPdu new PduPart..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ setContentView R.layout.main Register Button findViewById Register.setOnClickListener this public void sendRequest View ignored Log.d Register hello Intent registrationIntent new Intent Constants.SEND_REGISTRATION_TO_GOOGLE iHaveNoClueWhatThisSettingDoesButItIsRequiredForTheIntentToWorkSoIBetterSetIt.. PendingIntent.getBroadcast Akashc2dmActivity.this 0 new Intent 0 @Override public void onClick View v if v Register sendRequest Register files public class Constants public static final String TAG c2dm public static final String REGISTRATION_INTENT..