android Programming Glossary: selecting
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView I have now modified the getChildrenCursor method. I am now selecting the groupCursor position not the value of ContactsContract.Groups._ID..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 your tablet emulator is missing the BACK HOME buttons try selecting WXGA800 as the Built in skin in the AVD editor Or by manually..
selecting contact from autocomplete textview contact from autocomplete textview i want to select the contact..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader mAdapter.swapCursor data This works in selecting one item for the MultiAutoCompleteTextView but will not allow..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? resources But wha After I applied this selector and was selecting multiple items I encountered several state chenges. It was normal..
Caching images and displaying setListAdapter adapter selecting single ListView item lv getListView protected Boolean doInBackground..
Focusable EditText inside ListView the list so that the selector seamlessly transitions from selecting the entire row for non focusable items and traversing the focus..
Android Emulator - Trouble creating user accounts the emulator you'll have to create a new one. Instead of selecting an Android target select the Google APIs target that you need..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android using the DeviceListActivity class to do the discovery and selecting of the device I want to connect to. It returns anActivityResult..
How to listen for a custom URI solve it. any suggestions how i can start the app just by selecting it android uri share improve this question To register..
Android SDK Manager gives “Failed to fetch URL” error when selecting repository android repository repository.xml&rdquo error when selecting repository I'm trying to install a platform but when I open..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found for the SDK. I was able to get DDMS to install when selecting it by itself. And for the last component the Android developer..
How to sign an android apk file process of signing your application including steps for selecting the private key with which to sign the .apk or creating a new..
Highlight ListView selected row
how to solve INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT this error? the emulator from the Android SDK and AVD Manager and selecting the option Wipe User Data has removed this problem for me. You..
PayPal integration for android [closed] this is for when a user select a item and after selecting he need to make a payment of it how can i do this please provide..
Android: how to select texts from webview perfectly fine and it seams you missing something while selecting text.So you need to double check the code and find you overrided..
Android Honeycomb: How to change Fragments in a FrameLayout, without re-creating them? holding a reference to each fragment call replace ... on selecting a different menu item ensuring that you don't add to the back..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number text messaging app on all Android phones. My problem is selecting more than one user to send an SMS message to. What I have done..
How to use Intent.ACTION_APP_ERROR as a means for a “feedback” framework in Android? returns to the app and Google Play and the Feedback agent. Selecting either Google Play Store or Send feedback will open the built..
Selecting text in a WebView? text in a WebView The browser does this by calling public void..
Selecting multiple items in ListView multiple items in ListView How to select multiple item in ListView..
camera intent data null in onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) in Samsung S3 Describe the columns you'd like to have returned. Selecting from the Thumbnails location gives you both the Thumbnail Image..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 Describe the columns you'd like to have returned. Selecting from the Thumbnails location gives you both the Thumbnail Image.. Describe the columns you'd like to have returned. Selecting from the Thumbnails location gives you both the Thumbnail Image..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? Common Tasks and How to Do Them in Android includes Selecting Highlighting or Styling Portions of Text Get our EditText object...
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically this is our fallback here return uri.getPath Selecting Multiple Pictures Since someone requested that information in..
Android development - 'missing theme error' in eclipse ide for layout xml files and the remaining area is blank. The error message reads Selecting page '0' in AndroidXmlEditor failed The first and last 10 lines..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android Also the Setting Page now change there is No Option for Selecting Web Based application or Desktop Application. If i send Callback..
INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error when trying to install application app com.theisenp.blade 1.apk Here's what I've tried so far Selecting the Wipe User Data option in the Run Configurations Target menu...
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) letting the card emulation being the only one working. Selecting an external secure element in UICC instead of the embedded one..
How can I configure the Android emulator to simulate the Galaxy Nexus? try Target Google APIs API Level 15 Skin Built in WXGA720 Selecting skin sets the following hardware parameters leave them as is..
Android :: Possible To Camera Capture Without A Preview? fos.close catch IOException e do something about it Selecting front facing camera. private Camera openFrontFacingCameraGingerbread..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView what could be the issue UPDATE Thanks to @Yam's advice I have now modified the getChildrenCursor method. I am now selecting the groupCursor position not the value of ContactsContract.Groups._ID to pass into the initLoader call. I also changed the..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 do echo 'hw.keyboard yes' f done On a related note if your tablet emulator is missing the BACK HOME buttons try selecting WXGA800 as the Built in skin in the AVD editor Or by manually setting the skin in config.ini WXGA800 skin.path..
selecting contact from autocomplete textview contact from autocomplete textview i want to select the contact using autocomplete textview for sending sms. I have almost..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader data.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME mAdapter.swapCursor data This works in selecting one item for the MultiAutoCompleteTextView but will not allow multiple items to be selected in the MultiAutoCompleteTextView..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? #ffe8e8e8 color color name holo_light_selected #ff7cc9e5 color resources But wha After I applied this selector and was selecting multiple items I encountered several state chenges. It was normal pressed normal checked That's really bad. What I did is..
Caching images and displaying new String TAG_IIMG TAG_MDNAME TAG_UTCOST new int setListAdapter adapter selecting single ListView item lv getListView protected Boolean doInBackground final String... args JSONParser jParser new JSONParser..
Focusable EditText inside ListView or not I want to set focusability for a single item in the list so that the selector seamlessly transitions from selecting the entire row for non focusable items and traversing the focus tree for items that contain focusable children. Any takers..
Android Emulator - Trouble creating user accounts correctly the emulator and your eclipse project. To set up the emulator you'll have to create a new one. Instead of selecting an Android target select the Google APIs target that you need this target includes the Android platform but Android doesn't..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android Failed exception at the point of the connection. I am using the DeviceListActivity class to do the discovery and selecting of the device I want to connect to. It returns anActivityResult and then my Bluetooth class waits for it to handle that..
How to listen for a custom URI lets include some check for nullvalue but that didn't solve it. any suggestions how i can start the app just by selecting it android uri share improve this question To register a protocol in your android app add an extra block to the AndroidManifest.xml...
Android SDK Manager gives “Failed to fetch URL” error when selecting repository Manager gives &ldquo Failed to fetch URL https dl android repository repository.xml&rdquo error when selecting repository I'm trying to install a platform but when I open Android Manager then I click Available Software then select..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found the tools android sdk tool to install all the Eclipse components for the SDK. I was able to get DDMS to install when selecting it by itself. And for the last component the Android developer tools I'm getting the ugly error message pasted below. Now..
How to sign an android apk file Application wizard now starts which will guide you through the process of signing your application including steps for selecting the private key with which to sign the .apk or creating a new keystore and private key . Complete the Export Wizard and..
Highlight ListView selected row
how to solve INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT this error? android install apk share improve this question Restarting the emulator from the Android SDK and AVD Manager and selecting the option Wipe User Data has removed this problem for me. You can find the option as highlighted in the below given image..
PayPal integration for android [closed] android closed how can i integrate paypal in my android application this is for when a user select a item and after selecting he need to make a payment of it how can i do this please provide step by step method and sample of code Thanks in advance..
Android: how to select texts from webview paste share improve this question The above answers looks perfectly fine and it seams you missing something while selecting text.So you need to double check the code and find you overrided any TouchEvent of webview. i Tried below code it works..
Android Honeycomb: How to change Fragments in a FrameLayout, without re-creating them?
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number I am working on an app that works similar to the default text messaging app on all Android phones. My problem is selecting more than one user to send an SMS message to. What I have done so far is stored my contacts as listview items with check..
How to use Intent.ACTION_APP_ERROR as a means for a “feedback” framework in Android? can select from three actions icons. The calling app which returns to the app and Google Play and the Feedback agent. Selecting either Google Play Store or Send feedback will open the built in Android feedback agent as intended. I haven't investigated..
Selecting text in a WebView? text in a WebView The browser does this by calling public void emulateShiftHeld method on the WebView which is hidden in..
Selecting multiple items in ListView multiple items in ListView How to select multiple item in ListView in android. android share improve this question ..
camera intent data null in onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) in Samsung S3 requestCode case PICK_FROM_CAMERA Log.i TAG Inside PICK_FROM_CAMERA Describe the columns you'd like to have returned. Selecting from the Thumbnails location gives you both the Thumbnail Image ID as well as the original image ID try Log.i TAG inside..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 if requestCode CAMERA_IMAGE_CAPTURE resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Describe the columns you'd like to have returned. Selecting from the Thumbnails location gives you both the Thumbnail Image ID as well as the original image ID String projection MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails._ID.. if requestCode CAMERA_IMAGE_CAPTURE resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Describe the columns you'd like to have returned. Selecting from the Thumbnails location gives you both the Thumbnail Image ID as well as the original image ID String projection ..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? element E.g. line1 bold word1 italic etc. The developer guide's Common Tasks and How to Do Them in Android includes Selecting Highlighting or Styling Portions of Text Get our EditText object. EditText vw EditText findViewById Set the EditText's..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically cursor.moveToFirst return cursor.getString column_index this is our fallback here return uri.getPath Selecting Multiple Pictures Since someone requested that information in a comment and it's better to have information gathered. Set..
Android development - 'missing theme error' in eclipse ide for layout xml files right navigation area.The left Palette navigator area is ok and the remaining area is blank. The error message reads Selecting page '0' in AndroidXmlEditor failed The first and last 10 lines from the Exception Stack Trace reads java.lang.NullPointerException..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android has been updated recently so i am unable to send Callback URL. Also the Setting Page now change there is No Option for Selecting Web Based application or Desktop Application. If i send Callback in this Line authUrl provider.retrieveRequestToken consumer..
INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error when trying to install application PackageManager 142 Package couldn't be installed in data app com.theisenp.blade 1.apk Here's what I've tried so far Selecting the Wipe User Data option in the Run Configurations Target menu. Though I can only see emulators and not my physical device..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) the Nexus S. This mode is always enabled. Disabling reader mode letting the card emulation being the only one working. Selecting an external secure element in UICC instead of the embedded one in SmartMX chip . Although not related removing time limit..
How can I configure the Android emulator to simulate the Galaxy Nexus? android emulator share improve this question Here's a try Target Google APIs API Level 15 Skin Built in WXGA720 Selecting skin sets the following hardware parameters leave them as is Hardware Back Home no Abstracted LCD density 320 Keyboard lid..
Android :: Possible To Camera Capture Without A Preview? try fos new FileOutputStream test.jpeg fos.write data fos.close catch IOException e do something about it Selecting front facing camera. private Camera openFrontFacingCameraGingerbread int cameraCount 0 Camera cam null Camera.CameraInfo..