android Programming Glossary: selection
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView Uri contactsUri ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI String selection ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.DISPLAY_NAME.. COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity.. CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection selectionArgs sortOrder else group cursor Uri groupsUri ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_SUMMARY_URI..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader of creating a Cursor for the data being displayed. String selection ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME NOTNULL AND ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER.. CursorLoader mContext baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION selection null sortOrder public void onLoadFinished Loader Cursor loader.. the TextWatcher's onTextChanged method. After making the selection to terminate the first token let's say the token was Joe Johnson..
Focusable EditText inside ListView items in the adapter using the arrow keys will move the selection up down in the list as expected but when getting to the header..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? ID of the SMS then the only thing you have to do is String selection _id id Uri uri Uri.parse content sms Cursor cursor contentResolver.query.. content sms Cursor cursor contentResolver.query uri null selection null null String phone cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex.. content mms provider Uri uri Uri.parse content mms String selection _id mmsId Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query uri null selection..
Get filename and path from uri from mediastore an onActivityResult returning from an mediastore image selection which I can get a URI for an image using the following Uri selectedImage..
How to call Android contacts list? People.CONTENT_URI then return to this Activity when the selection is made or canceled . startActivityForResult intent PICK_CONTACT..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” use a Spinner that initially when the user has not made a selection yet displays the text Select One . When the user clicks the.. user selects one of the options. After the user has made a selection the selected item is displayed in the Spinner instead of Select..
Eclipse will not recognize project as library (ActionBarSherlock/ViewPagerIndicator) project Properties Android Add then in the opened Project Selection window select the Library Project list here of cause you should..
android Multiple selection ListView & Textview question it may help you. package com.Sample_MultipleSelection import java.util.ArrayList import android.R.integer import import android.widget.TextView public class Sample_MultipleSelectionActivity extends ListActivity private MyListAdapter adapter ArrayList.. i if cnt 0 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext NO Selection 1 .show else Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Your..
Highlight custom listview item when long click super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState Setup Multiple Selection Mode getListView .setChoiceMode ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL.. false Inflate Actionbar Menu for Passwords Multiple Selection @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode ActionMode arg0..
Android ListView Selection Problem ListView Selection Problem Hi All I apologize for the following long question..... you can do this listView.setAdapter adatper listView.setSelection 0 currentSelectedView listView.getChildAt 0 highlightCurrentRow..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically explaining how to deal with picasa images. Single Picture Selection With support for images from file explorers thanks to user mad...
Change Selection in a ListView from Orange to Green Selection in a ListView from Orange to Green How do I do this per selected..
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android columns to return null Which rows to return all rows Selection arguments with a given ID ContactsContract.Contacts._ID id..
Android: List View Selected item -1 . Click and selection are not necessarily related. Selection comes from using the D pad or trackball to navigate the list..
Android: How to make RadioGroup work correctly in a ListView? a RadioButton in each row. But if i scroll the ListView my Selection is gone or it does not show correctly. For example i choose..
Get list of photo galleries on Android columns to return Which rows to return all rows null Selection arguments none Ordering Log.i ListingImages query count cur.getCount..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection WebView Javascript getSelection I am having some trouble getting the selection from a WebView.. tried this JavaScript which works on the iPhone. Bu getSelection does not seem to work on the Android. function highlight colour.. function highlight colour var range sel if window.getSelection Non IE case sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt range..
Passing a List to another Activity in Android null Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Please Make A Selection Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else Intent intent new Intent Recipes2.this.. null Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Please Make A Selection Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else String selItemArray new String..
Suppressing Google Maps Intent Selection Dialog Google Maps Intent Selection Dialog When I use this code string url
Android 3.x ONLY WebView Text Selection + JavaScript 3.x ONLY WebView Text Selection JavaScript Problem domain Android WebView based ePub format.. up and making it seamless btw on which we perform the TextSelectionActionMode and the ClipboardManager is supplied with the results..... which initiates selection mode override the built in TextSelection ActionMode to provde the clients branding the way I found to..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? select the zoom levels you want tiles for and hit the Add Selection button in the column on the left followed by Create Atlas. Oh..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color name android label Date Selection android screenOrientation portrait android theme @style Theme.SelectDate..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView for loader_id id CursorLoader cl if id 1 child cursor Uri contactsUri ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI String selection ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.DISPLAY_NAME NOTNULL AND ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER.. String sortOrder ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection selectionArgs.. ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection selectionArgs sortOrder else group cursor Uri groupsUri ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_SUMMARY_URI String selection ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader Now create and return a CursorLoader that will take care of creating a Cursor for the data being displayed. String selection ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME NOTNULL AND ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER 1 AND ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME.. COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC return new CursorLoader mContext baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION selection null sortOrder public void onLoadFinished Loader Cursor loader Cursor data Swap the new cursor in. The framework will take.. UPDATE 2 So I have identified the issue. The problem is the TextWatcher's onTextChanged method. After making the selection to terminate the first token let's say the token was Joe Johnson then entering more characters into this MultiAutoCompleteTextView..
Focusable EditText inside ListView listView.addHeaderView view null true Assuming there are other items in the adapter using the arrow keys will move the selection up down in the list as expected but when getting to the header row it is also displayed with the selector and no way to..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? query.moveToNext How to get data from a SMS So you have the ID of the SMS then the only thing you have to do is String selection _id id Uri uri Uri.parse content sms Cursor cursor contentResolver.query uri null selection null null String phone cursor.getString.. you have to do is String selection _id id Uri uri Uri.parse content sms Cursor cursor contentResolver.query uri null selection null null String phone cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex address int type cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex type.. We can get detailed information about this MMS by using the content mms provider Uri uri Uri.parse content mms String selection _id mmsId Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query uri null selection null null However the only interesting column is read..
Get filename and path from uri from mediastore filename and path from uri from mediastore I have an onActivityResult returning from an mediastore image selection which I can get a URI for an image using the following Uri selectedImage data.getData Converting this to a string gives..
How to call Android contacts list? an Activity that's registered to support ACTION_PICK on the People.CONTENT_URI then return to this Activity when the selection is made or canceled . startActivityForResult intent PICK_CONTACT 3 Listening for the Result Also in your Activity override..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” initial text &ldquo Select One&rdquo In Android I want to use a Spinner that initially when the user has not made a selection yet displays the text Select One . When the user clicks the spinner the list of items is displayed and the user selects.. clicks the spinner the list of items is displayed and the user selects one of the options. After the user has made a selection the selected item is displayed in the Spinner instead of Select One . I have the following code to create a Spinner String..
Eclipse will not recognize project as library (ActionBarSherlock/ViewPagerIndicator) select and set up Library Project Reference i.e. right click project Properties Android Add then in the opened Project Selection window select the Library Project list here of cause you should import them in the same Eclipse workspace as your Main Project..
android Multiple selection ListView & Textview thanks in advance. android android layout share improve this question it may help you. package com.Sample_MultipleSelection import java.util.ArrayList import android.R.integer import import import android.content.Context.. android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener import android.widget.TextView public class Sample_MultipleSelectionActivity extends ListActivity private MyListAdapter adapter ArrayList String item_id new ArrayList String ArrayList String.. 0 i selection_val.size i selectIds selectIds selection_val.get i if cnt 0 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext NO Selection 1 .show else Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Your are Selected cnt ids. selectIds 1 .show public class MyListAdapter..
Highlight custom listview item when long click public void onActivityCreated Bundle savedInstanceState super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState Setup Multiple Selection Mode getListView .setChoiceMode ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL getListView .setOnItemLongClickListener new OnItemLongClickListener.. arg0 MenuItem arg1 TODO Auto generated method stub return false Inflate Actionbar Menu for Passwords Multiple Selection @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode ActionMode arg0 Menu menu getActivity .getMenuInflater .inflate
Android ListView Selection Problem ListView Selection Problem Hi All I apologize for the following long question... I have a LinearLayout which contains a ListView and some.. stupid Next about set default selection . You may think that you can do this listView.setAdapter adatper listView.setSelection 0 currentSelectedView listView.getChildAt 0 highlightCurrentRow currentSelectedView in onCreate in activity or onActivityCreated..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically below by @mad. Also check the solution below from @Khobaib explaining how to deal with picasa images. Single Picture Selection With support for images from file explorers thanks to user mad. public class BrowsePictureActivity extends Activity this..
Change Selection in a ListView from Orange to Green Selection in a ListView from Orange to Green How do I do this per selected list item. I tried adding this to android background selector..
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android Cursor managedCursor managedQuery contacts projection Which columns to return null Which rows to return all rows Selection arguments with a given ID ContactsContract.Contacts._ID id Put the results in ascending order by name ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME..
Android: List View Selected item -1 you are calling getSelectedItemPosition from an OnClickListener . Click and selection are not necessarily related. Selection comes from using the D pad or trackball to navigate the list contents. If the user taps on the screen or clicks in the emulator..
Android: How to make RadioGroup work correctly in a ListView? 4 RadioButtons as Children in each row. Now i can select a RadioButton in each row. But if i scroll the ListView my Selection is gone or it does not show correctly. For example i choose the RadioButton A in the first row if i scroll through the ListView..
Get list of photo galleries on Android Make the query. Cursor cur managedQuery images projection Which columns to return Which rows to return all rows null Selection arguments none Ordering Log.i ListingImages query count cur.getCount if cur.moveToFirst String bucket String date int..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection WebView Javascript getSelection I am having some trouble getting the selection from a WebView in Android. I can get the WebView to go into selection mode... figure out where the selection is to get the right one. I have tried this JavaScript which works on the iPhone. Bu getSelection does not seem to work on the Android. function highlight colour var range sel if window.getSelection Non IE case sel window.getSelection.. the iPhone. Bu getSelection does not seem to work on the Android. function highlight colour var range sel if window.getSelection Non IE case sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt range sel.getRangeAt 0 document.designMode on if range sel.removeAllRanges..
Passing a List to another Activity in Android OnClickListener public void onClick View v if selItemList null Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Please Make A Selection Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else Intent intent new Intent Recipes2.this XMLParser.class intent.putExtra items_to_parse selItemList.. new OnClickListener public void onClick View v if selItemList null Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Please Make A Selection Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else String selItemArray new String selItemList.size copy your List of Strings into the Array..
Suppressing Google Maps Intent Selection Dialog Google Maps Intent Selection Dialog When I use this code string url Intent mapLauncherIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
Android 3.x ONLY WebView Text Selection + JavaScript 3.x ONLY WebView Text Selection JavaScript Problem domain Android WebView based ePub format reader We need text highlights which are accessible via JavaScript.. html other than visually nice job on lining it all up and making it seamless btw on which we perform the TextSelectionActionMode and the ClipboardManager is supplied with the results... to make that clear the actual HTML with the WebView IS.. see out of my corner 1 capture MOTION_DOWN of the long click which initiates selection mode override the built in TextSelection ActionMode to provde the clients branding the way I found to do so is so hackish it hurts watch the drag capture MOTION_UP..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? a region on the map that you would like to create tiles for select the zoom levels you want tiles for and hit the Add Selection button in the column on the left followed by Create Atlas. Oh and depending on the source you may need to check the Create..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color for the Activity that uses the DatePicker activity android name android label Date Selection android screenOrientation portrait android theme @style Theme.SelectDate That's it My Working Out I came to this conclusion..