android Programming Glossary: selection.class
numberformat exception using alarmamanager - crashes before on start AlarmManager Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance cal.add Calendar.SECOND 10 Intent intent new Intent myservice.this selection.class PendingIntent pintent PendingIntent.getService myservice.this 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarm AlarmManager getSystemService.. switch v.getId case edit11 edit1.getText .toString edit22 edit2.getText .toString Intent i new Intent this selection.class i.putExtra code_value edit11 Intent k new Intent this myservice.class k.putExtra time_value edit22 this.startService..
GPS myservice doesn't update in time intervals AlarmManager Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance cal.add Calendar.SECOND 10 Intent intent new Intent myservice.this selection.class PendingIntent pintent PendingIntent.getService myservice.this 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarm AlarmManager getSystemService.. switch v.getId case edit11 edit1.getText .toString edit22 edit2.getText .toString Intent i new Intent this selection.class i.putExtra code_value edit11 Intent k new Intent this myservice.class k.putExtra time_value edit22 this.startService..
wait for a function to run and then start activity then starts an activity.The checkGPS uses alertmanager. case checkGPS Intent gpslocation new Intent this selection.class startActivity gpslocation break How can I accomplish to wait to the user to enable GPS and then start the activity android.. provider enabled is GPS if yes then launch your GPSActivity if provider.equals gps Intent gpslocation new Intent this selection.class startActivity gpslocation else launch your alert dialog here @Override public void onStatusChanged String provider int..