android Programming Glossary: sender
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) private static void createFakeSms Context context String sender String body byte pdu null byte scBytes PhoneNumberUtils .networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD.. .networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD 0000000000 byte senderBytes PhoneNumberUtils .networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD sender.. PhoneNumberUtils .networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD sender int lsmcs scBytes.length byte dateBytes new byte 7 Calendar..
Getting access to media player cache to the player so that it looks like your proxy is the sender but I'm dealing with a proprietary implementation of the MediaPlayer..
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event handleSelectionChange void handleSelectionChange Object sender handle event android events spinner share improve this question..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app View v TODO Auto generated method stub try GMailSender sender new GMailSender password sender.sendMail.. sender new GMailSender password sender.sendMail This is Subject This is Body void sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try MimeMessage message new..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? catch IOException e return bitmap How to get the sender address You will need to use the content mms xxx addr provider..
How to cancel this repeating alarm? intent new Intent this AlarmReceive.class PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarmManager.. AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime.getTimeInMillis 30 1000 sender In my OnReceive method I just display the notification in status.. intent new Intent this AlarmReceive.class PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarmManager..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? foo bar.toString int id randomNum PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast con id intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.. am.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP scheduleExecution sender android android intent alarmmanager android pendingintent extras..
Alarm Manager Example Intent intent new Intent context Alarm.class PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarmManager.. Context.ALARM_SERVICE alarmManager.cancel sender Set Alarm from Service package YourPackage import
android AlarmManager not waking phone up intent.putExtra alarm alarm PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast ctxt intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.. AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime.getTimeInMillis sender My broadcast receiver @Override public void onReceive Context..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? by the ReceiverActivity. private void sendMessage Log.d sender Broadcasting message Intent intent new Intent custom event name.. debug output should look like this 01 16 10 35 42.413 D sender 356 Broadcasting message 01 16 10 35 42.421 D receiver 356 Got..
GCM Push Notification with Asp.Net key 0 applicationID tRequest.Headers.Add string.Format Sender id 0 SENDER_ID string postData 'registration_id' ' regId ' 'data'..
why do I get “MismatchSenderId” from GCM server side? [duplicate] do I get &ldquo MismatchSenderId&rdquo from GCM server side duplicate Possible Duplicate When.. sending messages using GCM I keep getting response MismatchSenderId I'm trying to create a push service for my android app and.. following error Error sending message to device #0 MismatchSenderId For my android app I use SENDER_ID 200000000001 And for my..
android GCM doesn't work java google example public static void main String args Sender sender new Sender AIzaSXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXrQOnoGZw Message.. public static void main String args Sender sender new Sender AIzaSXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXrQOnoGZw Message message new..
I can not get registration ID from Android GCM I try other answer about this problem it can't be solved. Sender ID is correct permissions are added API key is true. I use this..
GCM and id handling gcmIds getGCMIds c fbId if gcmIds null gcmIds.isEmpty Sender sender new Sender Params.GOOGLE_API_KEY Message message new.. c fbId if gcmIds null gcmIds.isEmpty Sender sender new Sender Params.GOOGLE_API_KEY Message message new Message.Builder .addData..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications CollapseKey catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return Sender sender new Sender SENDER_ID Message message new Message.Builder.. Exception e e.printStackTrace return Sender sender new Sender SENDER_ID Message message new Message.Builder .collapseKey collapseKey..
How to send and receive broadcast message name com.toxy.LOAD_URL intent filter activity Activity Sender Intent intent new Intent getApplicationContext WebResults.class..
How many database columns associated with a SMS in android? I want to display the following information Message Type Sender Number Message Body Timestamp Please can anybody enumerate the..
Unable to instantiate receiver in BroadcastReceiver SMS currentMessage messages sb.append SMS Received From Sender Number sb.append currentMessage.getDisplayOriginatingAddress..
Problem Attaching internal file to GMail in my android app text plain Intent chooser Intent.createChooser jj Select Sender startActivity chooser this sends an internal file works for.. text plain Intent chooser Intent.createChooser jj Select Sender startActivity chooser Any suggestions Do I need to give Gmail..
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity 0 cursor.moveToFirst return smsList.clear do String str Sender cursor.getString indexAddr n cursor.getString indexBody smsList.add..
How to pass integer from one activity to another? integer bundle share improve this question Its simple Sender Side Intent myIntent new Intent A.this B.class myIntent.putExtra..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) simple purpose it can invoke notification like another sms. private static void createFakeSms Context context String sender String body byte pdu null byte scBytes PhoneNumberUtils .networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD 0000000000 byte senderBytes PhoneNumberUtils.. String sender String body byte pdu null byte scBytes PhoneNumberUtils .networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD 0000000000 byte senderBytes PhoneNumberUtils .networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD sender int lsmcs scBytes.length byte dateBytes new byte 7 Calendar.. .networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD 0000000000 byte senderBytes PhoneNumberUtils .networkPortionToCalledPartyBCD sender int lsmcs scBytes.length byte dateBytes new byte 7 Calendar calendar new GregorianCalendar dateBytes 0 reverseByte byte..
Getting access to media player cache to alter the host header in the response before passing it along to the player so that it looks like your proxy is the sender but I'm dealing with a proprietary implementation of the MediaPlayer so behaviour could be a bit different. Hope that helps...
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event to do is something similar to this spinner1.onSelectionChange handleSelectionChange void handleSelectionChange Object sender handle event android events spinner share improve this question Some of the previous answers are not correct. They..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub try GMailSender sender new GMailSender password sender.sendMail This is Subject This is Body onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub try GMailSender sender new GMailSender password sender.sendMail This is Subject This is Body catch Exception e Log.e SendMail e.getMessage.. return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? is catch IOException e finally if is null try is.close catch IOException e return bitmap How to get the sender address You will need to use the content mms xxx addr provider where xxx is the id of the MMS private String getAddressNumber..
How to cancel this repeating alarm? in my main activity alarmTime Calendar.getInstance Intent intent new Intent this AlarmReceive.class PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarmManager AlarmManager getSystemService ALARM_SERVICE alarmTime.add.. offset_time Schedule the alarm alarmManager.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime.getTimeInMillis 30 1000 sender In my OnReceive method I just display the notification in status bar and set the flag as FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL manager NotificationManager.. PendingIntent to the one you used with setRepeating Intent intent new Intent this AlarmReceive.class PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarmManager AlarmManager getSystemService ALARM_SERVICE alarmManager.cancel..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? new Intent con AppointmentNotificationReciever.class intent.putExtra foo bar.toString int id randomNum PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast con id intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT AlarmManager am AlarmManager con.getSystemService.. am AlarmManager con.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE am.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP scheduleExecution sender android android intent alarmmanager android pendingintent extras share improve this question Possibly two different..
Alarm Manager Example Second Minute public void CancelAlarm Context context Intent intent new Intent context Alarm.class PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarmManager AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE.. 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarmManager AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE alarmManager.cancel sender Set Alarm from Service package YourPackage import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent..
android AlarmManager not waking phone up Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH 1 Intent intent new Intent ctxt AlarmReceiver.class intent.putExtra alarm alarm PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast ctxt intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT alarmManager.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP.. intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT alarmManager.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime.getTimeInMillis sender My broadcast receiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent try Bundle bundle intent.getExtras final..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? named custom event name . The Intent sent should be received by the ReceiverActivity. private void sendMessage Log.d sender Broadcasting message Intent intent new Intent custom event name You can also include some extra data. intent.putExtra message..
GCM Push Notification with Asp.Net charset UTF 8 tRequest.Headers.Add string.Format Authorization key 0 applicationID tRequest.Headers.Add string.Format Sender id 0 SENDER_ID string postData 'registration_id' ' regId ' 'data' 'message' ' txtMsg.Text ' string postData collapse_key..
why do I get “MismatchSenderId” from GCM server side? [duplicate] do I get &ldquo MismatchSenderId&rdquo from GCM server side duplicate Possible Duplicate When sending messages using GCM I keep getting response MismatchSenderId.. from GCM server side duplicate Possible Duplicate When sending messages using GCM I keep getting response MismatchSenderId I'm trying to create a push service for my android app and I follow google GCM's doc and example for this matter I can.. send a message from server to my android app I always get following error Error sending message to device #0 MismatchSenderId For my android app I use SENDER_ID 200000000001 And for my server side as google says I use API_KEY AIzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxXxxXxxxXXXXXxxxxs..
android GCM doesn't work proves me that the client application works. Now the server java google example public static void main String args Sender sender new Sender AIzaSXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXrQOnoGZw Message message new Message.Builder .collapseKey 1 .timeToLive.. the client application works. Now the server java google example public static void main String args Sender sender new Sender AIzaSXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXrQOnoGZw Message message new Message.Builder .collapseKey 1 .timeToLive 3 .delayWhileIdle..
I can not get registration ID from Android GCM can not get registration ID from Android GCM Although I try other answer about this problem it can't be solved. Sender ID is correct permissions are added API key is true. I use this post for creating the project http
GCM and id handling For clarity this is the code I'm using at the moment List String gcmIds getGCMIds c fbId if gcmIds null gcmIds.isEmpty Sender sender new Sender Params.GOOGLE_API_KEY Message message new Message.Builder .addData message apiMessage.buildJSONString.. the code I'm using at the moment List String gcmIds getGCMIds c fbId if gcmIds null gcmIds.isEmpty Sender sender new Sender Params.GOOGLE_API_KEY Message message new Message.Builder .addData message apiMessage.buildJSONString .build MulticastResult..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications Message collapseKey request.getParameter CollapseKey catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return Sender sender new Sender SENDER_ID Message message new Message.Builder .collapseKey collapseKey .timeToLive 30 .delayWhileIdle.. Message collapseKey request.getParameter CollapseKey catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return Sender sender new Sender SENDER_ID Message message new Message.Builder .collapseKey collapseKey .timeToLive 30 .delayWhileIdle true .addData message..
How to send and receive broadcast message android label @string app_name intent filter action android name com.toxy.LOAD_URL intent filter activity Activity Sender Intent intent new Intent getApplicationContext WebResults.class intent.setAction com.toxy.LOAD_URL intent.putExtra url uri.toString..
How many database columns associated with a SMS in android? many columns in database which are associated with this uri. I want to display the following information Message Type Sender Number Message Body Timestamp Please can anybody enumerate the total column names android sms messages share improve..
Unable to instantiate receiver in BroadcastReceiver SMS i Feed the StringBuilder with all Messages found. for SmsMessage currentMessage messages sb.append SMS Received From Sender Number sb.append currentMessage.getDisplayOriginatingAddress sb.append nMessage Actual Message Content sb.append currentMessage.getDisplayMessageBody..
Problem Attaching internal file to GMail in my android app jj.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM Uri.parse fileName jj.setType text plain Intent chooser Intent.createChooser jj Select Sender startActivity chooser this sends an internal file works for android mail but no attachment sent with gmail Intent jj new.. jj.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM Uri.parse fileName jj.setType text plain Intent chooser Intent.createChooser jj Select Sender startActivity chooser Any suggestions Do I need to give Gmail special permission somehow My attachments are all text files..
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity cursor.getColumnIndex SmsReceiver.ADDRESS if indexBody 0 cursor.moveToFirst return smsList.clear do String str Sender cursor.getString indexAddr n cursor.getString indexBody smsList.add str while cursor.moveToNext ListView smsListView ListView..
How to pass integer from one activity to another? values passed from activity A to activity B. thanks android integer bundle share improve this question Its simple Sender Side Intent myIntent new Intent A.this B.class myIntent.putExtra intVariableName intValue startActivity myIntent Receiver..