android Programming Glossary: sendmessage
show the information in the middle of the call .getDrawable R.drawable.images v.setClickable false sendMessage v number Track this event MixPanelTracking.setPropKeyValue..
cant create handler inside thread that has not called looper prepare Called when the user clicks the Send button public void sendMessage if isOnline Toast.makeText MainActivity.this No Internet Access..Cannot.. number String testMessage message try SmsSender.sendMessage msgreciever testMessage userName password catch Exception ex.. t.start public void run TODO Auto generated method stub sendMessage mHandler.sendEmptyMessage 0 public Handler mHandler new Handler..
Take screensot and save android android layout_toLeftOf @ id imageView7 android onClick sendMessage android src @drawable icon_album ImageButton android id @ id..
Problems connecting with bluetooth Android uuid clientSocket.connect Log.d info Cliente Conectado sendMessage OI TODO Transfer data using the Bluetooth Socket catch IOException..
Activity has leaked window$DecorView@46368a28 that was originally added here for it to be able to update the UI. I would then use the sendMessage method of the handler rather than posting a runnable private.. if connectTo9292ov return catch UnknownHostException e sendMessage HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR catch ClientProtocolException e sendMessage.. HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR catch ClientProtocolException e sendMessage HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR catch IOException e sendMessage HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR..
Android C2DM Push Notification Toast.makeText this s Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show public void sendMessage View view try Log.e Tag Started String auth_key prefManager.getString..
How to send the SMS more than 160 character? PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT listOfIntents.add pi sendMessage contactNos j msgs i sms.sendMultipartTextMessage contactNos..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused 0 messageQueueBuffer.removeElementAt 0 sendMessage msg Pause the handler final public void pause paused true.. with a delay onto the message looper fragment.handler.sendMessageDelayed fragment.handler.obtainMessage MSG_WHAT MSG_SHOW_DIALOG..
Sending message to a Handler on a dead thread when getting a location from an IntentService 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime 473 12 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264.. 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed 446 12 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264.. 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.os.Handler.sendMessage 383 12 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.location.LocationManager..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v sendMessage Send an Intent with an action named custom event name . The.. should be received by the ReceiverActivity. private void sendMessage Log.d sender Broadcasting message Intent intent new Intent custom..
Strange NetworkOnMainThreadException in Android app? v when the button is clicked the next screen is loaded sendMessage end of onCreate Here is my connect method private void connect..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ static final String UTF8 UTF 8 public static String sendMessage String auth_token String registrationId String message throws.. auth token from datamessaging servers updatedAuthToken sendMessage updatedAuthToken registrationId message String responseLine.. Log.d auth_key auth_key response MessageClass.sendMessage auth_key registrationId hello test android Log.d Response code..
show the information in the middle of the call Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show v.setBackgroundDrawable ct.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.images v.setClickable false sendMessage v number Track this event MixPanelTracking.setPropKeyValue getApplicationContext null null Add friend During Call inviteButton.setWidth..
cant create handler inside thread that has not called looper prepare findViewById btnsend.setOnClickListener this Called when the user clicks the Send button public void sendMessage if isOnline Toast.makeText MainActivity.this No Internet Access..Cannot Send SMS Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else String userName.. .toString String message editText.getText .toString String msgreciever number String testMessage message try SmsSender.sendMessage msgreciever testMessage userName password catch Exception ex Toast.makeText MainActivity.this SMS Sending Failed. Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. Sms Sending SMS..Please Wait.. true Thread t new Thread this t.start public void run TODO Auto generated method stub sendMessage mHandler.sendEmptyMessage 0 public Handler mHandler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg TODO Auto..
Take screensot and save android android layout_marginLeft 35dp android layout_marginRight 50dp android layout_toLeftOf @ id imageView7 android onClick sendMessage android src @drawable icon_album ImageButton android id @ id imageButton2 android layout_width 55dip android layout_height..
Problems connecting with bluetooth Android clientSocket device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord uuid clientSocket.connect Log.d info Cliente Conectado sendMessage OI TODO Transfer data using the Bluetooth Socket catch IOException e Log.d BLUETOOTH CLIENTE e.getMessage android bluetooth..
Activity has leaked window$DecorView@46368a28 that was originally added here question Your Handler needs to be created in your UI thread for it to be able to update the UI. I would then use the sendMessage method of the handler rather than posting a runnable private static final int HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR 0 private static final.. connectAndGetRoute new Thread @Override public void run try if connectTo9292ov return catch UnknownHostException e sendMessage HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR catch ClientProtocolException e sendMessage HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR catch IOException e sendMessage.. return catch UnknownHostException e sendMessage HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR catch ClientProtocolException e sendMessage HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR catch IOException e sendMessage HANDLER_MESSAGE_ERROR finally sendMessage HANDLER_MESSAGE_COMPLETED..
Android C2DM Push Notification View view String s prefManager.getString AUTH n a Toast.makeText this s Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show public void sendMessage View view try Log.e Tag Started String auth_key prefManager.getString AUTH n a Send a sync message to this Android device...
How to send the SMS more than 160 character? pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast MultipleMsg.this 0 sentIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT listOfIntents.add pi sendMessage contactNos j msgs i sms.sendMultipartTextMessage contactNos j null msgsplit listOfIntents null But it sends junk character..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused while messageQueueBuffer.size 0 final Message msg messageQueueBuffer.elementAt 0 messageQueueBuffer.removeElementAt 0 sendMessage msg Pause the handler final public void pause paused true Notification that the message is about to be stored as the.. State.TAG if fragment null Send a message with a delay onto the message looper fragment.handler.sendMessageDelayed fragment.handler.obtainMessage MSG_WHAT MSG_SHOW_DIALOG value DELAY public void onSaveInstanceState Bundle..
Sending message to a Handler on a dead thread when getting a location from an IntentService 196 12 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime 473 12 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed 446.. at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime 473 12 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed 446 12 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.os.Handler.sendMessage 383 12 31.. at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed 446 12 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.os.Handler.sendMessage 383 12 31 14 09 33.664 W MessageQueue 3264 at android.location.LocationManager ListenerTransport.onLocationChanged..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? findViewById .setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v sendMessage Send an Intent with an action named custom event name . The Intent sent should be received by the ReceiverActivity. private.. with an action named custom event name . The Intent sent should be received by the ReceiverActivity. private void sendMessage Log.d sender Broadcasting message Intent intent new Intent custom event name You can also include some extra data. intent.putExtra..
Strange NetworkOnMainThreadException in Android app? new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v when the button is clicked the next screen is loaded sendMessage end of onCreate Here is my connect method private void connect port 4456 convert the host name to InetAddress try serverAddress..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ public static final String PARAM_COLLAPSE_KEY collapse_key private static final String UTF8 UTF 8 public static String sendMessage String auth_token String registrationId String message throws IOException StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder.. auth_token.equals updatedAuthToken Log.d C2DM Got updated auth token from datamessaging servers updatedAuthToken sendMessage updatedAuthToken registrationId message String responseLine new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader conn.getInputStream.. Constants.C2DM_APPLICATION_SERVER_Password Log.d auth_key auth_key response MessageClass.sendMessage auth_key registrationId hello test android Log.d Response code response catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block..