android Programming Glossary: selectedcolor
Android - Keep ListView's item highlighted once one has been clicked extends BaseAdapter private Context context private ArrayList TestList testList private int selectedIndex private int selectedColor Color.parseColor #1b1b1b public TestAdapter Context ctx ArrayList TestList testList this.context ctx this.testList testList.. selectedIndex 1 position selectedIndex Color.BLACK else selectedColor position 1 testList.get position .getTestText return vi Now set the selectedIndex variable when a list..
Android: How to do this framing paint? boolean onTouch View arg0 MotionEvent arg1 Bitmap mask BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.mask int selectedColor mask.getPixel int arg1.getX int arg1.getY int sG selectedColor 0x0000FF00 8 int sR selectedColor 0x00FF0000 16 int sB selectedColor.. getResources R.drawable.mask int selectedColor mask.getPixel int arg1.getX int arg1.getY int sG selectedColor 0x0000FF00 8 int sR selectedColor 0x00FF0000 16 int sB selectedColor 0x000000FF Bitmap original BitmapFactory.decodeResource.. R.drawable.mask int selectedColor mask.getPixel int arg1.getX int arg1.getY int sG selectedColor 0x0000FF00 8 int sR selectedColor 0x00FF0000 16 int sB selectedColor 0x000000FF Bitmap original BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.empty..