android Programming Glossary: send_email_activity.xml
Android style Resources compile (aapt) failing : Bad resource table: header size 0xc from Users user1 Documents workspace MyApp res layout send_email_activity.xml 2011 05 15 16 22 25 MyApp 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted... message 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. This is send_email_activity.xml PROBLEM send_email_activity.xml isnt the file with the error... Build aborted. This is send_email_activity.xml PROBLEM send_email_activity.xml isnt the file with the error. send_email_activity.xml compiled..
Android style Resources compile (aapt) failing : Bad resource table: header size 0xc 2011 05 15 16 22 25 MyApp new resource id send_email_activity from Users user1 Documents workspace MyApp res layout send_email_activity.xml 2011 05 15 16 22 25 MyApp 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. THIS IS NOT THE FILE WHERE THE ERROR IS. TIP How to.. PROBLEM Find the last file that's mentioned before the error message 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. This is send_email_activity.xml PROBLEM send_email_activity.xml isnt the file with the error. send_email_activity.xml compiled ok and was output. ITS THE.. mentioned before the error message 'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted. This is send_email_activity.xml PROBLEM send_email_activity.xml isnt the file with the error. send_email_activity.xml compiled ok and was output. ITS THE ONE AFTER send_email_activity.xml..