android Programming Glossary: selectedlistitem
Change ListView background - strange behaviour class Offices extends Activity private ListView listView selectedListItem will contain the number of items to be selected. Your list item.. rest because you need to refresh the ListView. private int selectedListItem 1 private Handler mHandler new Handler private Vector String.. AdapterView parent View view int position long id selectedListItem position EfficientAdapter listView.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged..
Android,how do i Highlight a row in ListView Coun mListUsers String responce null public int d int selectedListItem 1 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState .. new ListAdapter this mListUsers selectedListItem data.getExtras .getInt PositionInList lvUsers.setChoiceMode.. be passed through the intent when starting the activity selectedListItem getIntent .getIntExtra PositionInList 1 lvUsers.setChoiceMode..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour for changing the background and doing anything further public class Offices extends Activity private ListView listView selectedListItem will contain the number of items to be selected. Your list item OnOlickListener will simply change this variable to the.. the position of the clicked item. The Adapter will do the rest because you need to refresh the ListView. private int selectedListItem 1 private Handler mHandler new Handler private Vector String data @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. new OnItemClickListener public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View view int position long id selectedListItem position EfficientAdapter listView.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public..
Android,how do i Highlight a row in ListView adapter TextView t private ListView lvUsers private ArrayList Coun mListUsers String responce null public int d int selectedListItem 1 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView lvUsers ListView findViewById lvUsers.setAdapter new ListAdapter this mListUsers selectedListItem data.getExtras .getInt PositionInList lvUsers.setChoiceMode ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE lvUsers.setOnItemClickListener new.. part the initial idea is correct the last position should be passed through the intent when starting the activity selectedListItem getIntent .getIntExtra PositionInList 1 lvUsers.setChoiceMode ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE lvUsers.setSelection selectedListItem..