android Programming Glossary: resuming
android maps stop responding after resuming fragment maps stop responding after resuming fragment Listed below is my basic code for controlling the..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? stopping and starting resuming Java TimerTask continuously I have one simple question regarding..
App always starts fresh from root activity instead of resuming background state (Known Bug) always starts fresh from root activity instead of resuming background state Known Bug I am facing exactly the problem..
resuming an activity from a notification an activity from a notification I have a notification in the..
How to inform an Activity that another Activity was just started? RemoteException Log.e zouyu In ActivityMonitor an Activity resuming activityId public void closingSystemDialogs String reason ..
How do i pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable? [closed] you'd like to use and then add methods for pausing and resuming the animation. Here is an example for AlphaAnimation public..
android nested listview null nested list's stuff list.addView line So resuming It's not possible to nest to ListViews but you can create a..
Why does starting an activity from a widget cause my main activity to start as well? widgets I believe that when you click the widget you are resuming an existing task. Hence when you are in that task you will return..
Android Application Class Lifecycle exception accessing a variable in the Application class on resuming the app after the phone was asleep for several hours the app..
Resume Download not working in android Download not working in android This code for resuming download is not working properly in Aandroid although it works..
Reusing SSL Sessions in Android with HttpClient in Android with HttpClient I'm having a lot of difficulty resuming an SSL session on Android using HttpClient. I'm polling a server..
How to update a menu item shown in the ActionBar? dependent. It's a Pause Resume menu option for pausing and resuming a queue. My problem is I can't figure out how to set it's initial..
How to return to the latest launched activity when re-launching application after pressing HOME? Ref App always starts fresh from root activity instead of resuming background state Known Bug So I've manually killed the application..
Activity handle when screen unlocked thread which runs my game loop. This works perfectly for resuming the app when closed by home button or by focusing on another..
android wait asynctask to finish I get an exception. I need to wait for it to finish BEFORE resuming with the code inside the if. How can I do this Problem is the..
android maps stop responding after resuming fragment maps stop responding after resuming fragment Listed below is my basic code for controlling the maps. I do some really advanced stuff later. Everything seems..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? stopping and starting resuming Java TimerTask continuously I have one simple question regarding Java TimerTask. How do I pause resume two TimerTask tasks..
App always starts fresh from root activity instead of resuming background state (Known Bug) always starts fresh from root activity instead of resuming background state Known Bug I am facing exactly the problem mentioned in these links http p android issues..
resuming an activity from a notification an activity from a notification I have a notification in the status bar for my app Notification notification new Notification..
How to inform an Activity that another Activity was just started? public void activityResuming int activityId throws RemoteException Log.e zouyu In ActivityMonitor an Activity resuming activityId public void closingSystemDialogs String reason Log.e zouyu In ActivityMonitor an Activity closing reason ..
How do i pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable? [closed] else to see. What you need to do is subclass the animation type you'd like to use and then add methods for pausing and resuming the animation. Here is an example for AlphaAnimation public class PausableAlphaAnimation extends AlphaAnimation private..
android nested listview albums.get position .musics View line li.inflate R.layout.inside_row null nested list's stuff list.addView line So resuming It's not possible to nest to ListViews but you can create a list inside a row using LinearLayout and populating it with..
Why does starting an activity from a widget cause my main activity to start as well? share improve this question Although I've never used widgets I believe that when you click the widget you are resuming an existing task. Hence when you are in that task you will return to the latest activity in that task instead of Home ...
Android Application Class Lifecycle The question comes up because I ran into a null pointer exception accessing a variable in the Application class on resuming the app after the phone was asleep for several hours the app was left in the foreground before phone went to sleep . Is..
Resume Download not working in android Download not working in android This code for resuming download is not working properly in Aandroid although it works fine in a Java application. Here I am trying to download..
Reusing SSL Sessions in Android with HttpClient SSL Sessions in Android with HttpClient I'm having a lot of difficulty resuming an SSL session on Android using HttpClient. I'm polling a server every 90 seconds it's for industrial devices with one function..
How to update a menu item shown in the ActionBar? the ActionBar. Which works fine. Now the MenuItem is state dependent. It's a Pause Resume menu option for pausing and resuming a queue. My problem is I can't figure out how to set it's initial statue when the Fragment is created. It's state is dependent..
How to return to the latest launched activity when re-launching application after pressing HOME? with the android.intent.action.MAIN action and no category. Ref App always starts fresh from root activity instead of resuming background state Known Bug So I've manually killed the application in the phone and relaunched it again from the home screen..
Activity handle when screen unlocked unlocked So I have my onResume command restarting a stopped thread which runs my game loop. This works perfectly for resuming the app when closed by home button or by focusing on another app. However when you turn the screen off then on again the..
android wait asynctask to finish network request which can't be run on UI because otherwise I get an exception. I need to wait for it to finish BEFORE resuming with the code inside the if. How can I do this Problem is the activity starts firsts then the async executes so when the..