android Programming Glossary: resultintent
How to pass the values from one activity to previous activity before calling finish to close the secondary Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER.. close the secondary Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER enteredTextValue setResult.. enteredTextValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step is in the calling Activity override onActivityResult..
Android - Build a notification, TaskStackBuilder.addParentStack not working the application closes. What am I doing wrong Intent resultIntent new Intent context MatchActivity.class resultIntent.setFlags.. Intent resultIntent new Intent context MatchActivity.class resultIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK TaskStackBuilder.. MainActivity.class stackBuilder.addNextIntent resultIntent android notifications share improve this question You need..
Create custom notification, android an explicit intent for an Activity in your app Intent resultIntent new Intent this test.class The stack builder object will contain.. to the top of the stack stackBuilder.addNextIntent resultIntent PendingIntent resultPendingIntent stackBuilder.getPendingIntent..
Failed Binder Transaction when returning camera image c System.out.println Picture taken now returning Intent resultIntent new Intent resultIntent.putExtra cameraImage imageData System.out.println.. taken now returning Intent resultIntent new Intent resultIntent.putExtra cameraImage imageData System.out.println put Extra.. System.out.println put Extra setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish initialize camera public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder..
Opening a Dialog with text input from within a View in Android super.onBackPressed private void executeDone Intent resultIntent new Intent resultIntent.putExtra value private void executeDone Intent resultIntent new Intent resultIntent.putExtra value .toString setResult.. .toString setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish Launch by Intent foo new Intent this TextEntryActivity.class..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity before calling finish to close the camera Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER.. to close the camera Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER tabIndexValue setResult.. tabIndexValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step is in the calling Activity override onActivityResult..
Sending data back to the Main Activity in android Intent that is passed back to the calling Activity. Intent resultIntent new Intent TODO Add extras or a data URI to this intent as appropriate... this intent as appropriate. setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish To access the returned data in the calling Activity override..
How to pass the values from one activity to previous activity its extras bundle. To pass it back to the parent call setResult before calling finish to close the secondary Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER enteredTextValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent.. back to the parent call setResult before calling finish to close the secondary Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER enteredTextValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step.. new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER enteredTextValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step is in the calling Activity override onActivityResult to listen for callbacks from the text entry Activity...
Android - Build a notification, TaskStackBuilder.addParentStack not working the back button the HomeActivity parent doesn't open instead the application closes. What am I doing wrong Intent resultIntent new Intent context MatchActivity.class resultIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder.. open instead the application closes. What am I doing wrong Intent resultIntent new Intent context MatchActivity.class resultIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder TaskStackBuilder.create context Adds the back.. for the Intent but not the Intent itself stackBuilder.addParentStack MainActivity.class stackBuilder.addNextIntent resultIntent android notifications share improve this question You need to add the parent stack for the activity you're launching..
Create custom notification, android R.drawable.ic_launcher .setContent remoteViews Creates an explicit intent for an Activity in your app Intent resultIntent new Intent this test.class The stack builder object will contain an artificial back stack for the started Activity. .. test.class Adds the Intent that starts the Activity to the top of the stack stackBuilder.addNextIntent resultIntent PendingIntent resultPendingIntent stackBuilder.getPendingIntent 0 PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent..
Failed Binder Transaction when returning camera image public void onPictureTaken byte imageData Camera c System.out.println Picture taken now returning Intent resultIntent new Intent resultIntent.putExtra cameraImage imageData System.out.println put Extra setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent.. byte imageData Camera c System.out.println Picture taken now returning Intent resultIntent new Intent resultIntent.putExtra cameraImage imageData System.out.println put Extra setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish initialize.. new Intent resultIntent.putExtra cameraImage imageData System.out.println put Extra setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish initialize camera public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder mCamera public void surfaceChanged..
Opening a Dialog with text input from within a View in Android @Override public void onBackPressed executeDone super.onBackPressed private void executeDone Intent resultIntent new Intent resultIntent.putExtra value .toString setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent.. public void onBackPressed executeDone super.onBackPressed private void executeDone Intent resultIntent new Intent resultIntent.putExtra value .toString setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish Launch by Intent.. new Intent resultIntent.putExtra value .toString setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish Launch by Intent foo new Intent this TextEntryActivity.class foo.putExtra value old value to edit this.startActivityForResult..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity the extras bundle. To pass it back to the parent call setResult before calling finish to close the camera Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER tabIndexValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent.. it back to the parent call setResult before calling finish to close the camera Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER tabIndexValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step is.. new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER tabIndexValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step is in the calling Activity override onActivityResult to listen for callbacks from the camera Activity...
Sending data back to the Main Activity in android . The setResult method takes an int result value and an Intent that is passed back to the calling Activity. Intent resultIntent new Intent TODO Add extras or a data URI to this intent as appropriate. setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish.. resultIntent new Intent TODO Add extras or a data URI to this intent as appropriate. setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish To access the returned data in the calling Activity override onActivityResult . The requestCode corresponds to the..