android Programming Glossary: resume
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask then lock the screen and unlock the screen it does not resume playing until you either kill and resume the app or rotate the.. it does not resume playing until you either kill and resume the app or rotate the screen. All my attempts at using OnResume..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted separate thread. Sometimes this process can be paused and resumed. Currently I am using a flag for pausing it works fine but.. private void pause mIsPaused true private void resume mIsPaused false private void doStep Some code Please just provide.. as many threads pausing you as you like and you will only resume when all of them have called resume . You can even pause yourself..
Android FTP Library library that works on the android that can download and resume files from an FTP server. Does anyone know of such a library...
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog If download is too big you may want to implement a way to resume the download if previous attempts failed. Users will be grateful..
How to show soft-keyboard when edittext is focused focused and y don't want because my edit is done . To resume my problem is to have something more like on the iPhone which..
Resume application and stack from notification application and stack from notification I want to resume my app from a status bar notification in the exact same manner.. targets a specific activity. I don't want this. I need to resume the application just as the launcher does. So if the user is.. launcher does. So if the user is in activity A I want to resume activity A. If he has launched activity B from activity A then..
Resume http file download in java count output.write data 0 count in this code I try to resume download. Target file is 20MB. But when I stop download on 10mb.. from server. Wget c works great with this file. How can I resume file download java android http download file download share..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView In the LogCat it says java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to resume activity package of another app I made
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted pause We can wait for a lock here. pause.readLock .lock Resume the work. NB MUST be balanced by a pause. public void resume..
Android application current activity bring to front issue to restore a task rather than a specific activity Resume application and stack from notification share improve this..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 lastModified connection.getHeaderField Last Modified ... Resume download. connection.setRequestProperty If Range lastModified..
Passing data through Intent and receiving it R.string.resume prevTimeRemaining timeRemaining Resume counter new MyCount timeRemaining 100 state 0 break case 2 prevTimeRemaining..
Resume Download not working in android Download not working in android This code for resuming download..
Resume application and stack from notification application and stack from notification I want to resume my..
How to update a menu item shown in the ActionBar? fine. Now the MenuItem is state dependent. It's a Pause Resume menu option for pausing and resuming a queue. My problem is..
Resume http file download in java http file download in java URL url new URL http
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes to the foreground or onStop if it becomes.. On Restart ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onResume super.onResume Log.i TAG On.. @Override protected void onResume super.onResume Log.i TAG On Resume ..... non Javadoc @see
android soundpool heapsize overflow container containers container.onPause public void onResume for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onResume.. for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onResume private static class SoundPoolContainer SoundPool soundPool.. e Log.w TAG Pause SoundPool error e public void onResume try soundPool.autoResume catch Exception e Log.w TAG Resume..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused coming through while paused and play them back on an onResume . This is somewhat unsatisfactory and I'm thinking that there.. receives an onPause call PauseHandler.pause and for onResume call PauseHandler.resume . Replace your implementation of the.. Flag indicating the pause state private boolean paused Resume the handler final public void resume paused false while messageQueueBuffer.size..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask appreciate help addressing If you have the device on a stream then lock the screen and unlock the screen it does not resume playing until you either kill and resume the app or rotate the screen. All my attempts at using OnResume to do something.. the device on a stream then lock the screen and unlock the screen it does not resume playing until you either kill and resume the app or rotate the screen. All my attempts at using OnResume to do something or other resulted in app crashes. In particular..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted have a class which does some tasks with fixed periodicy in a separate thread. Sometimes this process can be paused and resumed. Currently I am using a flag for pausing it works fine but loop in this way still loads processor when process is paused... if mIsPaused doStep public MyClass mTimerThread.start private void pause mIsPaused true private void resume mIsPaused false private void doStep Some code Please just provide alternative implementation of my code. P.S. The environment.. time it is used. ReadWriteLock My favorite. You can have as many threads pausing you as you like and you will only resume when all of them have called resume . You can even pause yourself if you wish. import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock..
Android FTP Library FTP Library I'm looking for a java library that works on the android that can download and resume files from an FTP server. Does anyone know of such a library. I've found lots of client apps but no stand alone libraries...
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog are going to download files exist and has write permissions. If download is too big you may want to implement a way to resume the download if previous attempts failed. Users will be grateful if you allow them to interrupt the download. Unless you..
How to show soft-keyboard when edittext is focused the keyboard the keyboard is dissmissed but the EditText stays focused and y don't want because my edit is done . To resume my problem is to have something more like on the iPhone which keep the keyboard sync with my EditText state focused not..
Resume application and stack from notification application and stack from notification I want to resume my app from a status bar notification in the exact same manner as when the user taps its icon in the launcher. That is I.. a pending intent on the notification is that it always targets a specific activity. I don't want this. I need to resume the application just as the launcher does. So if the user is in activity A I want to resume activity A. If he has launched.. don't want this. I need to resume the application just as the launcher does. So if the user is in activity A I want to resume activity A. If he has launched activity B from activity A then I want B to be displayed when the user taps the notification..
Resume http file download in java new byte 1024 long total 0 while count data 1 total count output.write data 0 count in this code I try to resume download. Target file is 20MB. But when I stop download on 10mb then contunue I get file with filesize 30MB. It seems that.. that it continue writing to file but cant partly download from server. Wget c works great with this file. How can I resume file download java android http download file download share improve this question HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView return 1 public Object getSections return sections In the LogCat it says java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to resume activity package of another app I made . I thought that was really weird because I don't..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted Pause the work. NB MUST be balanced by a resume. public void pause We can wait for a lock here. pause.readLock .lock Resume the work. NB MUST be balanced by a pause. public void resume Release the lock. pause.readLock .unlock Stop. public void..
Android application current activity bring to front issue
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 Range header of the resume request. Initial download. String lastModified connection.getHeaderField Last Modified ... Resume download. connection.setRequestProperty If Range lastModified The server will use this information to verify if you're requesting..
Passing data through Intent and receiving it Left String.valueOf formatTime timeRemaining control.setText R.string.resume prevTimeRemaining timeRemaining Resume counter new MyCount timeRemaining 100 state 0 break case 2 prevTimeRemaining 0 counter new MyCount length 100 control.setText..
Resume Download not working in android Download not working in android This code for resuming download is not working properly in Aandroid although it works fine..
Resume application and stack from notification application and stack from notification I want to resume my app from a status bar notification in the exact same manner..
How to update a menu item shown in the ActionBar? to have it show as a button on the ActionBar. Which works fine. Now the MenuItem is state dependent. It's a Pause Resume menu option for pausing and resuming a queue. My problem is I can't figure out how to set it's initial statue when the Fragment..
Resume http file download in java http file download in java URL url new URL http URLConnection connection url.openConnection..
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] was one. Always followed by onStart . onStart Called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes to the foreground or onStop if it becomes hidden. And you can write your simple class to take a look.. @Override protected void onRestart super.onRestart Log.i TAG On Restart ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onResume super.onResume Log.i TAG On Resume ..... non Javadoc @see super.onRestart Log.i TAG On Restart ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onResume super.onResume Log.i TAG On Resume ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onStart..
android soundpool heapsize overflow Play sound error e public void onPause for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onPause public void onResume for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onResume private static class SoundPoolContainer SoundPool soundPool.. container containers container.onPause public void onResume for SoundPoolContainer container containers container.onResume private static class SoundPoolContainer SoundPool soundPool Map String Integer soundMap AtomicInteger size public SoundPoolContainer..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused One possible solution I'm considering is to record the messages coming through while paused and play them back on an onResume . This is somewhat unsatisfactory and I'm thinking that there must be something in the framework to handle this more elegantly... your handler from the PauseHandler class. Whenever your activity receives an onPause call PauseHandler.pause and for onResume call PauseHandler.resume . Replace your implementation of the Handler handleMessage with processMessage . Provide a simple.. final Vector Message messageQueueBuffer new Vector Message Flag indicating the pause state private boolean paused Resume the handler final public void resume paused false while messageQueueBuffer.size 0 final Message msg messageQueueBuffer.elementAt..