android Programming Glossary: resultdata
How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2? SoapObject envelope.getResponse To get the data. String resultData result.getProperty 0 .toString 0 is the first object of data...
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? public void finish if mParent null int resultCode Intent resultData synchronized this resultCode mResultCode resultData mResultData.. resultData synchronized this resultCode mResultCode resultData mResultData if Config.LOGV Log.v TAG Finishing self token mToken.. .finishActivity mToken resultCode resultData mFinished true catch RemoteException e Empty else mParent.finishFromChild..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse to get the data String resultData result.toString 0 is the first object of data sb.append resultData.. result.toString 0 is the first object of data sb.append resultData n catch Exception e sb.append Error n e.getMessage n I can.. SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse to get the data String resultData result.toString 0 is the first object of data sb.append resultData..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog data 1 total count publishing the progress.... Bundle resultData new Bundle resultData.putInt progress int total 100 fileLength.. publishing the progress.... Bundle resultData new Bundle resultData.putInt progress int total 100 fileLength receiver.send UPDATE_PROGRESS.. int total 100 fileLength receiver.send UPDATE_PROGRESS resultData output.write data 0 count output.flush output.close input.close..
Restful API service leaks. public void onReceiveResult int resultCode Bundle resultData switch resultCode case RUNNING show progress break case FINISHED.. RUNNING show progress break case FINISHED List results resultData.getParcelableList results do something interesting hide progress.. Receiver public void onReceiveResult int resultCode Bundle resultData @Override protected void onReceiveResult int resultCode Bundle..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments protected void onReceiveResult int resultCode final Bundle resultData boolean isSet false if resultData null if resultData.containsKey.. resultCode final Bundle resultData boolean isSet false if resultData null if resultData.containsKey MyService.STATUS_FINISHED_GET.. resultData boolean isSet false if resultData null if resultData.containsKey MyService.STATUS_FINISHED_GET if resultData.getBoolean..
How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2? Object envelope.getResponse Correct code SoapObject result SoapObject envelope.getResponse To get the data. String resultData result.getProperty 0 .toString 0 is the first object of data. I think this should definitely work. share improve this answer..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? mParent property set to null . Otherwise the result is lost. public void finish if mParent null int resultCode Intent resultData synchronized this resultCode mResultCode resultData mResultData if Config.LOGV Log.v TAG Finishing self token mToken try.. is lost. public void finish if mParent null int resultCode Intent resultData synchronized this resultCode mResultCode resultData mResultData if Config.LOGV Log.v TAG Finishing self token mToken try if ActivityManagerNative.getDefault .finishActivity.. Log.v TAG Finishing self token mToken try if ActivityManagerNative.getDefault .finishActivity mToken resultCode resultData mFinished true catch RemoteException e Empty else mParent.finishFromChild this So my solution is to set result to the..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? n cannot get the xml request send SoapPrimitive result SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse to get the data String resultData result.toString 0 is the first object of data sb.append resultData n catch Exception e sb.append Error n e.getMessage n.. envelope.getResponse to get the data String resultData result.toString 0 is the first object of data sb.append resultData n catch Exception e sb.append Error n e.getMessage n I can successfully access .asmx service but when I try to call a wcf.. SOAP_ACTION envelope SoapPrimitive result SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse to get the data String resultData result.toString 0 is the first object of data sb.append resultData n catch Exception e sb.append Error n e.getMessage n..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog new byte 1024 long total 0 int count while count data 1 total count publishing the progress.... Bundle resultData new Bundle resultData.putInt progress int total 100 fileLength receiver.send UPDATE_PROGRESS resultData output.write.. 0 int count while count data 1 total count publishing the progress.... Bundle resultData new Bundle resultData.putInt progress int total 100 fileLength receiver.send UPDATE_PROGRESS resultData output.write data 0 count output.flush.. Bundle resultData new Bundle resultData.putInt progress int total 100 fileLength receiver.send UPDATE_PROGRESS resultData output.write data 0 count output.flush output.close input.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Bundle resultData..
Restful API service void onPause mReceiver.setReceiver null clear receiver so no leaks. public void onReceiveResult int resultCode Bundle resultData switch resultCode case RUNNING show progress break case FINISHED List results resultData.getParcelableList results do.. int resultCode Bundle resultData switch resultCode case RUNNING show progress break case FINISHED List results resultData.getParcelableList results do something interesting hide progress break case ERROR handle the error break The Service.. Receiver receiver mReceiver receiver public interface Receiver public void onReceiveResult int resultCode Bundle resultData @Override protected void onReceiveResult int resultCode Bundle resultData if mReceiver null mReceiver.onReceiveResult resultCode..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments resultReceiver new ResultReceiver null @Override protected void onReceiveResult int resultCode final Bundle resultData boolean isSet false if resultData null if resultData.containsKey MyService.STATUS_FINISHED_GET if resultData.getBoolean.. null @Override protected void onReceiveResult int resultCode final Bundle resultData boolean isSet false if resultData null if resultData.containsKey MyService.STATUS_FINISHED_GET if resultData.getBoolean MyService.STATUS_FINISHED_GET removeFooter.. protected void onReceiveResult int resultCode final Bundle resultData boolean isSet false if resultData null if resultData.containsKey MyService.STATUS_FINISHED_GET if resultData.getBoolean MyService.STATUS_FINISHED_GET removeFooter startLoad..