android Programming Glossary: returned
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView in the onCreateLoader method. Is the CursorLoader returned in the onCreateLoader method for the child cursor being instantiated..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? resultCode is RESULT_CANCELED instead of RESULT_OK and the returned intent is null. How do I return something from the Activity..
Detect application heap size in Android your device. Here are my test results showing the values returned by maxMemory and getMemoryClass for four different devices running.. largeHeap values maxMemory 268435456 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 256 MB reported getMemoryClass 64.. the 256 MB reported getMemoryClass 64 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 64 MB reported for a Galaxy S3 running..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML is not defined in the defined in the XML then null is returned. Except of course if the return type is a primitive in which.. type is a primitive in which case the second argument is returned. If you don't want to retrieve all of the attributes it is possible..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK return Server returned HTTP connection.getResponseCode connection.getResponseMessage..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery bytes 07 13 08 38 21.277 DEBUG skia 2133 decoder decode returned false 07 13 08 38 21.287 WARN dalvikvm 2133 threadid 25 thread..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple.. getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view TextView.. tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why eof method eof..
Android post JSON using HTTP Content type application json Handles what is returned from the page ResponseHandler responseHandler new BasicResponseHandler..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager an update function in my ListFragment but getId in getItem returned 0. As per the docs I tried by acquiring a reference to the Fragment..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? View int and save a reference to the fragment returned from the super call before returning it it has the logic to..
How to call Android contacts list? Activity you launched in step 2. You should check that the returned request code matches the value you're expecting and that the.. URI to create a new query and extract the name from the returned cursor. @Override public void onActivityResult int reqCode int..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions by MediaPlayer but neither the FileInputStream nor the returned FileDescriptor can be null . 1 Prior to version 2.2 the media..
AsyncTask Android example txt.setText result might want to change executed for the returned string passed into onPostExecute but that is upto you @Override..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView it looks to be an issue of how the CursorLoaders are instantiated in the onCreateLoader method. Is the CursorLoader returned in the onCreateLoader method for the child cursor being instantiated improperly UPDATE So I have identified one of my issues...
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? intent finish onActivityResult is called in Class A but the resultCode is RESULT_CANCELED instead of RESULT_OK and the returned intent is null. How do I return something from the Activity inside a TabHost I realize that the problem is that my Class..
Detect application heap size in Android ESPECIALLY if you select a smaller value than is normal for your device. Here are my test results showing the values returned by maxMemory and getMemoryClass for four different devices running CyanogenMod using two different manually set heap values.. to the comment by cmcromance below we have the following largeHeap values maxMemory 268435456 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 256 MB reported getMemoryClass 64 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 64.. I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 256 MB reported getMemoryClass 64 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 64 MB reported for a Galaxy S3 running Jelly Bean. if anyone has other largeheap numbers please..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML the TypedArray using various get functions. If the attribute is not defined in the defined in the XML then null is returned. Except of course if the return type is a primitive in which case the second argument is returned. If you don't want to.. the XML then null is returned. Except of course if the return type is a primitive in which case the second argument is returned. If you don't want to retrieve all of the attributes it is possible to create this array manually.The ID for standard android..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog save error report instead of the file if connection.getResponseCode HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK return Server returned HTTP connection.getResponseCode connection.getResponseMessage this will be useful to display download percentage might..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery 07 13 08 38 21.266 ERROR 2133 VM won't let us allocate 819840 bytes 07 13 08 38 21.277 DEBUG skia 2133 decoder decode returned false 07 13 08 38 21.287 WARN dalvikvm 2133 threadid 25 thread exiting with uncaught exception group 0x4001b188 07 13 08..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero TableLayout tl TableLayout findViewById tl TableLayout findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this.. tl TableLayout findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight.. dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why eof method eof class android layout android widget lifecycle measure share..
Android post JSON using HTTP do with it httpost.setHeader Accept application json httpost.setHeader Content type application json Handles what is returned from the page ResponseHandler responseHandler new BasicResponseHandler return httpclient.execute httpost responseHandler..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager My second attempt involed trying to call an update function in my ListFragment but getId in getItem returned 0. As per the docs I tried by acquiring a reference to the Fragment from FragmentManager using findFragmentById or findFragmentByTag..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? Another approach is to override FragmentPageAdapter.instantiateItem View int and save a reference to the fragment returned from the super call before returning it it has the logic to find the fragment if already present . For a fuller picture..
How to call Android contacts list? method to listen for the return from the 'select a contact' Activity you launched in step 2. You should check that the returned request code matches the value you're expecting and that the result code is RESULT_OK . You can get the URI of the selected.. To get the name of the selected contact you need to use that URI to create a new query and extract the name from the returned cursor. @Override public void onActivityResult int reqCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult reqCode resultCode..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions going to guess that that NullPointerException is being reported by MediaPlayer but neither the FileInputStream nor the returned FileDescriptor can be null . 1 Prior to version 2.2 the media player wouldn't recognize ShoutCast streams with an ICY 1.1..
AsyncTask Android example txt TextView findViewById txt.setText Executed txt.setText result might want to change executed for the returned string passed into onPostExecute but that is upto you @Override protected void onPreExecute @Override protected void onProgressUpdate..