android Programming Glossary: retries
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? Be prepared for timeouts and errors and for the need for retries. Test your app by simulating intermittent connection loss high..
Send SMS until it is successful besides receiver and message counting the number of retries up until now so you have a chance of stopping the send retry..
Android game UDP / TCP? if old messages after the time it takes for several retries each at network latency are going to be garbage anyway with..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws Exception [duplicate] that error but I usually put the method into a loop of 10 retries and quietly ignore the occasional error. If it's happening every..
Cannot get Android Market Licensing (LVL) working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY has not had any of the extras attached to increase the max retries. I think this is the crux of the problem the first time I try.. other network error. What I recommend is to have several retries on top of the LVL built in retries as I found it can't be trusted.. is to have several retries on top of the LVL built in retries as I found it can't be trusted and prone to errors. It would..
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? background worker thread and not to block the user interface. Be prepared for timeouts and errors and for the need for retries. Test your app by simulating intermittent connection loss high latency and high rates of packet loss and make sure it remains..
Send SMS until it is successful an error do the above method. You could add an extra information besides receiver and message counting the number of retries up until now so you have a chance of stopping the send retry loop. Question 3 The sending stops by itself as it is an Intent..
Android game UDP / TCP? as well use TCP and let the network hardware help you. However if old messages after the time it takes for several retries each at network latency are going to be garbage anyway with new updates coming in then TCP is a waste of bandwith for you...
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws Exception [duplicate] Maps API. I've used this method and I occasionally see that error but I usually put the method into a loop of 10 retries and quietly ignore the occasional error. If it's happening every time you call the method there's something odd happening..
Cannot get Android Market Licensing (LVL) working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY On the few occasions that I've had a licensed response it has not had any of the extras attached to increase the max retries. I think this is the crux of the problem the first time I try and license I have no retry or validity period toleration.. is no internet connection for a while on the device or some other network error. What I recommend is to have several retries on top of the LVL built in retries as I found it can't be trusted and prone to errors. It would probably reduce the number.. on the device or some other network error. What I recommend is to have several retries on top of the LVL built in retries as I found it can't be trusted and prone to errors. It would probably reduce the number of false negative reports you'll..