android Programming Glossary: resulted
Android - zoom in/out RelativeLayout with spread/pinch and also by using a ScaleAnimation . Neither resulted in smooth zooming or anything that could at all be called zooming..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask All my attempts at using OnResume to do something or other resulted in app crashes. In particular I'd like to get the AsyncTask..
How implement the VOIP application using package Then I connected to this port using the other one. This resulted in two way communication even if i only had the correct port..
Why is HttpUrlConnection throwing an SSLException while on a mobile data connection?
Android emulator segmentation fault segmentation fault Running it from the command line resulted in a segmentation fault emulator avd nexus_s Segmentation fault..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager to behave as expected EDIT The collection of actions that resulted in a solution are in my answer below. android android service..
android maps stop responding after resuming fragment ViewGroup before creating a new instance of it. This resulted in errors regarding a duplicate fragment. Try removing all views..
Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed some bogus address data from the staging server and this resulted in the Address#getLatLng method returning null which caused..
Gradle build errors after updating Android Studio it in my .gitignore and cloned the project on my Mac which resulted in this error. Strangely before 0.1.5 it worked just fine without..
Google Cloud Messaging register AUTHENTICATION_FAILED using the Google account for registration. This has resulted in a lot of auth errors for people where the account was not..
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] fos.close Tried reusing instance of media player but that resulted in system crashes... MediaPlayer mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer..
Handler vs AsyncTask a developer is submitting to its limitations which resulted because of the design decisions that the author of the class..
Increase the value of a record in android/sqlite database name new String name Also tried ' ' instead of just but it resulted just in a run time error. android sqlite share improve this..
does Android TTS support Speech Synthesis Markup Language? Language document to the com.svox.pico TextToSpeech engine resulted in a reading of the XML body but no control from the phoneme..
Two questions about max heap sizes and available memory in android largely because of some early design decisions that resulted in the external allocation mechanism. Further the soft reference..
Does a replacement for Gallery widget with View recycling exist? assumed that each different position in the adapter resulted in a unique view. The changes above are only good if your Gallery..
How to get a Fragment to remove itself, i.e. its equivalent of finish()? having the fragment popping itself off the stack but this resulted in an exception. onActivityResult is useless because I have..
Android - zoom in/out RelativeLayout with spread/pinch to implement it via calling setScaleX and setScaleY on the RelativeLayout and also by using a ScaleAnimation . Neither resulted in smooth zooming or anything that could at all be called zooming . Is it even possible to zoom in out a RelativeLayout..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask you either kill and resume the app or rotate the screen. All my attempts at using OnResume to do something or other resulted in app crashes. In particular I'd like to get the AsyncTask back in but was not able to get that to..
How implement the VOIP application using package and used audioStream.getLocalPort to find the port number. Then I connected to this port using the other one. This resulted in two way communication even if i only had the correct port number on one phone. Hope this helps. share improve this answer..
Why is HttpUrlConnection throwing an SSLException while on a mobile data connection?
Android emulator segmentation fault emulator segmentation fault Running it from the command line resulted in a segmentation fault emulator avd nexus_s Segmentation fault core dumped However running emulator arm directly as follows..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager can anyone explain this behaviour and suggest ways to get it to behave as expected EDIT The collection of actions that resulted in a solution are in my answer below. android android service android alarms share improve this question After some..
android maps stop responding after resuming fragment to the old map fragment's View not being removed from its parent ViewGroup before creating a new instance of it. This resulted in errors regarding a duplicate fragment. Try removing all views from your flMapContainer before you create the new instance..
Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed it programmatically. The heart of the matter I was getting some bogus address data from the staging server and this resulted in the Address#getLatLng method returning null which caused an exception when calling CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom...
Gradle build errors after updating Android Studio
Google Cloud Messaging register AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Gingerbread registration is implemented in GoogleServicesFramework using the Google account for registration. This has resulted in a lot of auth errors for people where the account was not in a good state. Starting with ICS GCM doesn't depend or uses..
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] fos new FileOutputStream tempMp3 fos.write mp3SoundByteArray fos.close Tried reusing instance of media player but that resulted in system crashes... MediaPlayer mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer Tried passing path directly but kept getting Prepare failed...
Handler vs AsyncTask required. However it is important to note that when using AsyncTask a developer is submitting to its limitations which resulted because of the design decisions that the author of the class took. For e.g. I recently found out that there is a limit to..
Increase the value of a record in android/sqlite database new ContentValues values.put key 2 db.update table values name new String name Also tried ' ' instead of just but it resulted just in a run time error. android sqlite share improve this question From http reference android..
does Android TTS support Speech Synthesis Markup Language? Passing the following SSML Speech Synthesis Markup Language document to the com.svox.pico TextToSpeech engine resulted in a reading of the XML body but no control from the phoneme element or the emphasis element. This result no apparent SSML..
Two questions about max heap sizes and available memory in android if there's enough room. This starts to fall apart with bitmaps largely because of some early design decisions that resulted in the external allocation mechanism. Further the soft reference mechanism needs some tuning the initial version tended..
Does a replacement for Gallery widget with View recycling exist? regardless of the position requested The existing implementation assumed that each different position in the adapter resulted in a unique view. The changes above are only good if your Gallery contains only one type of item if not you'll need to add..
How to get a Fragment to remove itself, i.e. its equivalent of finish()? is pressed in order to remove fragments Df Cf and Bf I tried having the fragment popping itself off the stack but this resulted in an exception. onActivityResult is useless because I have not loaded up the fragment using startActivityForResult. Am..