

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:08

android Programming Glossary: rate

Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario?


for this kind of animations. For non hardware accelerated devices a bitmap caching implementation should fit better Demo.. fit better Demo video with the animation Here Slow frame rate cause of the screen cast. Actual performance is very fast Usage.. public FrameLayout getRightLayout Below are demonstrated the 2 animations Stage1 IN Screen OUT View1 __ View2 __ __..

Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec


it seems like it's lost all information regarding the framerate extremely fast playback . Also the color space looks incorrect.. the encoder type to video mp4 apparently solves the framerate problem but since the main goal is to make a streaming service.. share improve this question For your fast playback frame rate issue there is nothing you have to do here. Since it is a streaming..

Embedding ads on Android app?


have given me a good experience. The click through rate has been almost identical between the two but I am sticking..

how to resume an interrupted download


successfully transfer. On the occasions when the data rate is slow and the download gets disconnected is there a way to..

Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function


How this code synchronizes its reading with the rate of recording is unclear is the boolean isRecording sequenced..

AudioRecord object not initializing


a method that loops over all possible combinations of bit rates encoding etc. private static int mSampleRates new int 8000.. 22050 44100 public AudioRecord findAudioRecord for int rate mSampleRates for short audioFormat new short AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT.. AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO try Log.d C.TAG Attempting rate rate Hz bits audioFormat channel channelConfig int bufferSize..

How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas?


the ball bitmap was rotated not all canvas. Measure frame rate unit frames per second . now System.currentTimeMillis canvas.drawText.. public void run Canvas c while run c null limit frame rate to max 60fps timeNow System.currentTimeMillis timeDelta timeNow..

Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling


String LOG_TAG null variables which are required to generate and manage the UI of the App private RecordButton mRecordButton.. void onPeriodicNotification AudioRecord rec TODO Auto generated method stub String LOG_TAG Thread.currentThread .getName .. void onMarkerReached AudioRecord recorder TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e LOG_TAG Marker Reached listener will be..

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


20dp android gravity center Button android id @ id Btn_Rate android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent.. @drawable property_blue_blink android onClick onRate android singleLine true android text Rate Testimonial android.. onClick onRate android singleLine true android text Rate Testimonial android textColor @color white android textSize..

“Rate This App”-link in Google Play store app on the phone


Rate This App&rdquo link in Google Play store app on the phone I'd.. in Google Play store app on the phone I'd like to put a Rate This App link in an Android App to open up the app listing in..

Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES


How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES I am creating a music player. Now.. static SLSeekItf uriPlayerSeek static SLPlaybackRateItf uriPlaybackRate output mix interfaces static SLObjectItf.. uriPlayerSeek static SLPlaybackRateItf uriPlaybackRate output mix interfaces static SLObjectItf outputMixObject NULL..

TabHost with Fragments and FragmentActivity


match_parent FrameLayout android id @ id tabRateAPet android layout_width match_parent android layout_height.. match_parent FrameLayout android id @ id tabViewMyRates android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent.. match_parent FrameLayout android id @ id tabViewGlobalRates android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent..

Android approach for “Rate my application”


approach for &ldquo Rate my application&rdquo Is there a best practice approach to prompt..

Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is android.R.id.list


Tab 3 spec3.setContent R.id.tab3 spec3.setIndicator Rate tabHost.addTab spec1 tabHost.addTab spec2 tabHost.addTab spec3..

how to Generate Pdf File with Image in android?


Date table.addCell 1.1 table.addCell table.addCell Labor Rate table.addCell 2.2 table.addCell table.addCell Labor Cost table.addCell..

Accuracy of MediaPlayer.seekTo(int msecs)


doesnot build the timestamp table then CBR Constant Bit Rate Since the bit rate is constant we can skip necessary number..

Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario?


versions though view hardware acceleration is strongly recommended for this kind of animations. For non hardware accelerated devices a bitmap caching implementation should fit better Demo video with the animation Here Slow frame rate cause of the.. accelerated devices a bitmap caching implementation should fit better Demo video with the animation Here Slow frame rate cause of the screen cast. Actual performance is very fast Usage layout new ThreeLayout this 3 layout.setAnimationDuration.. public FrameLayout getLeftLayout public FrameLayout getMiddleLayout public FrameLayout getRightLayout Below are demonstrated the 2 animations Stage1 IN Screen OUT View1 __ View2 __ __ View3 __ Stage2 OUT IN Screen View1 View2 __ View3 __ share..

Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec


file but this file is only playable with ffplay f h264 and it seems like it's lost all information regarding the framerate extremely fast playback . Also the color space looks incorrect atm using the camera's default on encoder's side . public.. bufferInfo 0 catch Throwable t t.printStackTrace Changing the encoder type to video mp4 apparently solves the framerate problem but since the main goal is to make a streaming service this is not a good solution. I'm aware that I dropped some.. video streaming android camera h.264 video encoding share improve this question For your fast playback frame rate issue there is nothing you have to do here. Since it is a streaming solution the other side has to be told the frame rate..

Embedding ads on Android app?


that retrieves ads from their servers. Overall both ad platforms have given me a good experience. The click through rate has been almost identical between the two but I am sticking with Adsense because in my experience it is more lucrative...

how to resume an interrupted download


within 100 seconds. The file is small enough to usually successfully transfer. On the occasions when the data rate is slow and the download gets disconnected is there a way to resume the URLConnection at the file offset where the disconnection..

Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function


into myBuffer send contents of myBuffer to SD file myAudioRecord.stop How this code synchronizes its reading with the rate of recording is unclear is the boolean isRecording sequenced on and off properly elsewhere It seems this code could either..

AudioRecord object not initializing


different initialization settings so you will have to create a method that loops over all possible combinations of bit rates encoding etc. private static int mSampleRates new int 8000 11025 22050 44100 public AudioRecord findAudioRecord for int.. etc. private static int mSampleRates new int 8000 11025 22050 44100 public AudioRecord findAudioRecord for int rate mSampleRates for short audioFormat new short AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT for short channelConfig.. short channelConfig new short AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO try Log.d C.TAG Attempting rate rate Hz bits audioFormat channel channelConfig int bufferSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize rate channelConfig audioFormat..

How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas?


Rotate the canvas matrix back to its saved position only the ball bitmap was rotated not all canvas. Measure frame rate unit frames per second . now System.currentTimeMillis canvas.drawText framesCountAvg fps 40 70 fpsPaint framesCount if now.. getSurfaceHolder return surfaceHolder @Override public void run Canvas c while run c null limit frame rate to max 60fps timeNow System.currentTimeMillis timeDelta timeNow timePrevFrame if timeDelta 16 try Thread.sleep 16 timeDelta..

Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling


amit public class AudioRecorder extends Activity private String LOG_TAG null variables which are required to generate and manage the UI of the App private RecordButton mRecordButton null private Button recordBtn stopBtn playBtn variables.. int numShortsRead 0 @Override public void onPeriodicNotification AudioRecord rec TODO Auto generated method stub String LOG_TAG Thread.currentThread .getName Log.e LOG_TAG inside position listener audioData new short.. player.write audioData 0 numShortsRead @Override public void onMarkerReached AudioRecord recorder TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e LOG_TAG Marker Reached listener will be called every time 160 frames are reached recorder.setPositionNotificationPeriod..

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


android layout_margin 5dp android layout_marginTop 20dp android gravity center Button android id @ id Btn_Rate android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable.. match_parent android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable property_blue_blink android onClick onRate android singleLine true android text Rate Testimonial android textColor @color white android textSize @dimen font_size.. 1 android background @drawable property_blue_blink android onClick onRate android singleLine true android text Rate Testimonial android textColor @color white android textSize @dimen font_size android textStyle bold TableRow TableRow..

“Rate This App”-link in Google Play store app on the phone


Rate This App&rdquo link in Google Play store app on the phone I'd like to put a Rate This App link in an Android App to open.. Rate This App&rdquo link in Google Play store app on the phone I'd like to put a Rate This App link in an Android App to open up the app listing in the user's Google Play store app on their phone. a What code..

Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES


How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES I am creating a music player. Now I have to change the music playing speed. There is no built.. static SLObjectItf uriPlayerObject NULL static SLPlayItf uriPlayerPlay static SLSeekItf uriPlayerSeek static SLPlaybackRateItf uriPlaybackRate output mix interfaces static SLObjectItf outputMixObject NULL playback rate default 1x 1000 static SLpermille.. uriPlayerObject NULL static SLPlayItf uriPlayerPlay static SLSeekItf uriPlayerSeek static SLPlaybackRateItf uriPlaybackRate output mix interfaces static SLObjectItf outputMixObject NULL playback rate default 1x 1000 static SLpermille playbackMinRate..

TabHost with Fragments and FragmentActivity


id tabcontent android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent FrameLayout android id @ id tabRateAPet android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent FrameLayout android id @ id tabViewMyRates.. android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent FrameLayout android id @ id tabViewMyRates android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent FrameLayout android id @ id tabViewGlobalRates.. android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent FrameLayout android id @ id tabViewGlobalRates android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent FrameLayout LinearLayout TabHost LinearLayout..

Android approach for “Rate my application”


approach for &ldquo Rate my application&rdquo Is there a best practice approach to prompt Android users to rate your application Considering they..

Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is android.R.id.list


spec2.setIndicator # Days TabSpec spec3 tabHost.newTabSpec Tab 3 spec3.setContent R.id.tab3 spec3.setIndicator Rate tabHost.addTab spec1 tabHost.addTab spec2 tabHost.addTab spec3 Handler handler new Handler public void handleMessage Message..

how to Generate Pdf File with Image in android?


table.addCell c1 table.setHeaderRows 1 table.addCell Date table.addCell 1.1 table.addCell table.addCell Labor Rate table.addCell 2.2 table.addCell table.addCell Labor Cost table.addCell 3.2 table.addCell 3.3 subCatPart.add table private..

Accuracy of MediaPlayer.seekTo(int msecs)


there can be two cases If there is no parser or a parser that doesnot build the timestamp table then CBR Constant Bit Rate Since the bit rate is constant we can skip necessary number of bytes to a given time Bitrate timeToSeek bytes to be skipped..