

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:08

android Programming Glossary: ramdisk

Emulator not running


autoconfig kernel home padmakumar android sdk system images android 16 armeabi v7a kernel qemu emulator autoconfig ramdisk home padmakumar android sdk system images android 16 armeabi v7a ramdisk.img emulator Using initial system image home padmakumar.. armeabi v7a kernel qemu emulator autoconfig ramdisk home padmakumar android sdk system images android 16 armeabi v7a ramdisk.img emulator Using initial system image home padmakumar android sdk system images android 16 armeabi v7a system.img emulator.. home padmakumar android sdk system images android 16 armeabi v7a kernel qemu kernel.parameters android.checkjni 1 disk.ramdisk.path home padmakumar android sdk system images android 16 armeabi v7a ramdisk.img disk.systemPartition.initPath home padmakumar..

Android emulator segmentation fault


800 bpp 16 emulator autoconfig kernel opt sdk system images android 17 armeabi v7a kernel qemu emulator autoconfig ramdisk opt sdk add ons addon google_apis google 17 images armeabi v7a ramdisk.img emulator Using initial system image opt sdk add.. 17 armeabi v7a kernel qemu emulator autoconfig ramdisk opt sdk add ons addon google_apis google 17 images armeabi v7a ramdisk.img emulator Using initial system image opt sdk add ons addon google_apis google 17 images armeabi v7a system.img emulator.. yes kernel.path opt sdk system images android 17 armeabi v7a kernel qemu kernel.parameters android.checkjni 1 disk.ramdisk.path opt sdk add ons addon google_apis google 17 images armeabi v7a ramdisk.img disk.systemPartition.initPath opt sdk add..

Can't access data folder in the File Explorer of DDMS using a Nexus One!


set to 0 on the emulator and that's why you can browse data there. Finally note that init.rc is usually contained in a ramdisk image packed onto the kernel you can't really edit it on the phone but would have to modify the image offline re attach..

Running emulator after building Android from source


other shell script to get that set. I looked at the img files I saw couple at the location out target product generic ramdisk.img system.img userdata.img Could anyone shed some light on this and assist me on what I should do next I am new to Android.. command out host linux x86 bin emulator sysdir out target product generic system out target product generic system.img ramdisk out target product generic ramdisk.img data out target product generic userdata.img kernel prebuilt android arm kernel kernel.. sysdir out target product generic system out target product generic system.img ramdisk out target product generic ramdisk.img data out target product generic userdata.img kernel prebuilt android arm kernel kernel qemu sdcard sdcard.img skindir..

Make persistent changes to init.rc


of the system Or is there any way to work around android android source share improve this question Unpack the uramdisk using following command in host PC Linux mkdir tmp initrc cd tmp initrd sudo mount dev sdb1 mnt sdb1 is partion where uramdisk.. using following command in host PC Linux mkdir tmp initrc cd tmp initrd sudo mount dev sdb1 mnt sdb1 is partion where uramdisk uInitrd resides. dd bs 1 skip 64 if mnt uInitrd of initrd.gz gunzip initrd.gz At this point running the command file initrd.. this point running the command file initrd should show mkdir fs cd fs cpio id .. initrd Make changes to init.rc Pack uramdisk using following commands find . cpio H newc o .. newinitrd cd .. gzip newinitrd mkimage A arm O linux C gzip T ramdisk n..

Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work


version 10 the version 2.8.3 within Eclipse with the provided plug in. The presented way is to provide a specific ramdisk image version where we can upload scala libraries which drastically shrinks the size of the code to upload to the emulator...