android Programming Glossary: rarely
ChooserActivity has leaked IntentReceiver chooser dialog on your phone. However on the emulator you rarely have anything other than just the default Gallery application...
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable that after I connect a device for the first time I am rarely able to successfully connect to communicate with that device..
Android, ListView IllegalStateException: “The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification” What I got sometimes please notice it happens really rarely once a week for one of 3.5k users . But I'd like to get rid..
Peer-to-Peer communication options [duplicate] a unique IP address and can talk to each other but it's rarely that simple as routers firewalls are configured differently..
shouldOverrideUrlLoading does not work/catch link clicks while page is loading the page is still loading if the user clicks a link it rarely catches it. It will just open the link without ever calling..
Android - disable landscape mode? popular answer I feel very guilty as forcing portrait is rarely the right solution to the problems it's frequently applied to...
ERROR/Web Console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getItem' of null at SO thread As I mentioned earlier this problem occurs very rarely and haven't occurred since I posted my question. So I must understand..
Android AlarmManager - RTC_WAKEUP vs ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP from now. AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP type is rarely used compared to AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP.. share improve this..
Java httpPost into .asp form
Encrypt with Node.js Crypto module and decrypt with Java (in Android app) warning implementing a crypto protocol yourself is rarely a good idea. Even if you get this to work are you going to use..
What is the use of the res/values/public.xml file on Android? 0x7f040001 Resource ID from public.xml Applications rarely have any use for res values public.xml since the resource IDs..
Android eclipse startManagingCursor Deprecated but want to support older API versions? else being equal you probably should. However all else is rarely equal and the FragmentActivity requirement may be a problem..
Best practices: Layouts on Android (Programmatic vs XML) every fragment and activity of every app I write. I very rarely see any need to create Views dynamically tho configuration of..
ChooserActivity has leaked IntentReceiver an image you will most likely have a few choices appear in a chooser dialog on your phone. However on the emulator you rarely have anything other than just the default Gallery application. When it's only one application and it loads you get an Exception...
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable started with the official BLE APIs in Android 4.3 I have noticed that after I connect a device for the first time I am rarely able to successfully connect to communicate with that device or any other device again. Following the guide here I can successfully..
Android, ListView IllegalStateException: “The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification” by a factor of 10 but not disappeared. it was suggested in answer What I got sometimes please notice it happens really rarely once a week for one of 3.5k users . But I'd like to get rid of this bug completely. Here is partial stacktrace java.lang.IllegalStateException..
Peer-to-Peer communication options [duplicate] it on to the recipient. In theory all devices on the net have a unique IP address and can talk to each other but it's rarely that simple as routers firewalls are configured differently so you'd need to pay great attention to the ports you use especially..
shouldOverrideUrlLoading does not work/catch link clicks while page is loading a really big deal and there is a bug reported for it . While the page is still loading if the user clicks a link it rarely catches it. It will just open the link without ever calling shouldOverrideUrlLoading . Randomly. While experimenting with..
Android - disable landscape mode? screenOrientation portrait EDIT Since this has become a super popular answer I feel very guilty as forcing portrait is rarely the right solution to the problems it's frequently applied to. The major caveats with forced portrait This does not absolve..
ERROR/Web Console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getItem' of null at . The only hint I have been able to find so far was in this SO thread As I mentioned earlier this problem occurs very rarely and haven't occurred since I posted my question. So I must understand a little more about the connection between this and..
Java httpPost into .asp form
Encrypt with Node.js Crypto module and decrypt with Java (in Android app) you might want to append it to your message etc. Mandatory warning implementing a crypto protocol yourself is rarely a good idea. Even if you get this to work are you going to use the same key for all messages For how long If you decide..
What is the use of the res/values/public.xml file on Android? final int string2 0x7f040002 public static final int string3 0x7f040001 Resource ID from public.xml Applications rarely have any use for res values public.xml since the resource IDs assigned to resources does not matter. When they change the..
Android eclipse startManagingCursor Deprecated but want to support older API versions? apps that support API levels 11 You certainly can and all else being equal you probably should. However all else is rarely equal and the FragmentActivity requirement may be a problem for you. If you are developing a new application today you should..
Best practices: Layouts on Android (Programmatic vs XML) improve this question I use XML layouts on pretty much every fragment and activity of every app I write. I very rarely see any need to create Views dynamically tho configuration of ListViews showing hiding views etc needs doing in code. For..