android Programming Glossary: raise
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event not support item click events. Calling this method will raise an exception. Better use OnItemSelectedListener instead spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener..
handle textview link click in my android app just say when a link is clicked in this textview I want to raise an event that receives the href value of the link as an input..
How to check if network is available on Android ( Delphi XE5 ) if not Assigned ConnectivityServiceNative then raise Exception.Create 'Could not locate Connectivity Service' Result.. as ILocalObject .GetObjectID if not Assigned Result then raise Exception.Create 'Could not access Connectivity Manager' end..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? but I first want to address a number of issues you raise in your various comments to the various answers already given..
Source not found Android? @param info ActivityInfo from the manifest above error is raised. can any one guide me how to resolve this issue i am new to.. when the debugging goes to an Android class Eclipse will raise an error. Have a look at this questions for instructions on..
Detect application heap size in Android to setting the heap manually via a rooted OS i.e. it would raise the value of maxMemory while leaving getMemoryClass alone. There..
How to raise a toast in AsyncTask, I am prompted to used the Looper to raise a toast in AsyncTask I am prompted to used the Looper I have..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? Integer.parseInt objContact.getId then raise a new notification for this contact ID mNotificationManager.notify.. contact id and details about the message notification is raised with the message user actiones on the notification and the.. when the second message is generated the notification is raised well message is fine there but the intent when the user actions..
Installing application on SD-card in Android sdk 2.2 end up with.. something very small. You can also always raise the sizes to like 512 256 266 and try again to be certain it's..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? to the work being done if it is still in the foreground or raise a Notification to let the user know if the work has been done...
How to update widget every minute
Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)? with a low priority BroadcastReceiver as backup to raise a Notification if the activity is not on screen here is a blog..
how to raise a alert dialog from BroadcastReciever class? to raise a alert dialog from BroadcastReciever class I have used a timer.. I call the broad cast receiver class then i would like to raise a AlertDialog . public void timerMethod Intent intent new Intent.. Context context Intent intent dialogMethod How can I raise an AlertDialog from BroadcastReceiver class from a background..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? a lot How do you implement it Should the algorithm raise exceptions if the encrypted data cannot be decrypted Or is that..
Difference between “Build Target SDK” in Eclipse and android:targetSdkVersion in AndroidManifest.xml? Then if you want use somewhere APIs from higher SDKs raise up value in project properties and wrap code with check if device..
Simple Thread Management - Java - Android idea. Hence one possibility is for you to clone AsyncTask raise the limit or go unbounded which is also possible with LinkedBlockingQueue.. hit should be the implementation. If you just want to raise the limit adjust MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE to be as big as you're likely..
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event for the Spinner widget clearly states A spinner does not support item click events. Calling this method will raise an exception. Better use OnItemSelectedListener instead spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener new OnItemSelectedListener @Override..
handle textview link click in my android app how that is done but I'm hoping there's an easier way to just say when a link is clicked in this textview I want to raise an event that receives the href value of the link as an input parameter android textview share improve this question..
How to check if network is available on Android ( Delphi XE5 ) TJContext.JavaClass.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE if not Assigned ConnectivityServiceNative then raise Exception.Create 'Could not locate Connectivity Service' Result TJConnectivityManager.Wrap ConnectivityServiceNative as.. Result TJConnectivityManager.Wrap ConnectivityServiceNative as ILocalObject .GetObjectID if not Assigned Result then raise Exception.Create 'Could not access Connectivity Manager' end function IsConnected Boolean var ConnectivityManager JConnectivityManager..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? improve this question This will eventually get to your question but I first want to address a number of issues you raise in your various comments to the various answers already given at the time of this writing. I have no intention of changing..
Source not found Android? while i debug code in class Instrumentation.class at line @param info ActivityInfo from the manifest above error is raised. can any one guide me how to resolve this issue i am new to android development.. java android eclipse share improve.. of the Android API are not included in the SDK download. So when the debugging goes to an Android class Eclipse will raise an error. Have a look at this questions for instructions on how to add the source to Eclipse . share improve this answer..
Detect application heap size in Android would be that this option would have an effect similar to setting the heap manually via a rooted OS i.e. it would raise the value of maxMemory while leaving getMemoryClass alone. There is another method getLargeMemoryClass that indicates how..
How to raise a toast in AsyncTask, I am prompted to used the Looper to raise a toast in AsyncTask I am prompted to used the Looper I have tasks completed by AsyncTask in background. At some point..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? clear any active notification with this contact ID mNotificationManager.cancel Integer.parseInt objContact.getId then raise a new notification for this contact ID mNotificationManager.notify Integer.parseInt objContact.getId notification This works.. a message for a contact an intent is provided with the contact id and details about the message notification is raised with the message user actiones on the notification and the app displays the message passed by the intent The problem This.. The problem This can happen more than once for a contact. And when the second message is generated the notification is raised well message is fine there but the intent when the user actions the notification it uses old data so previous message is..
Installing application on SD-card in Android sdk 2.2 sd cards size really 256MB I sometimes forget the suffix and end up with.. something very small. You can also always raise the sizes to like 512 256 266 and try again to be certain it's something else. Also Logcat output would be nice too. Edit..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? broadcast Intent to either have the activity respond to the work being done if it is still in the foreground or raise a Notification to let the user know if the work has been done. Here is a blog post with more on this pattern. share improve..
How to update widget every minute
Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)? listener object Send an ordered broadcast Intent to the activity with a low priority BroadcastReceiver as backup to raise a Notification if the activity is not on screen here is a blog post with more on this pattern share improve this answer..
how to raise a alert dialog from BroadcastReciever class? to raise a alert dialog from BroadcastReciever class I have used a timer method in an activity class. In that method I have an intent.. every 15 minutes at background by using AlarmManager . When I call the broad cast receiver class then i would like to raise a AlertDialog . public void timerMethod Intent intent new Intent Activity.this BroadcastReceiverClass.class PendingIntent.. 60 1000 sender public void onReceive Context context Intent intent dialogMethod How can I raise an AlertDialog from BroadcastReceiver class from a background process android broadcastreceiver share improve this question..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? had these features. So do you need it Does it increase the security a lot How do you implement it Should the algorithm raise exceptions if the encrypted data cannot be decrypted Or is that insecure and it should just return an unreadable string..
Difference between “Build Target SDK” in Eclipse and android:targetSdkVersion in AndroidManifest.xml? app critical features. Set the same value to project properties. Then if you want use somewhere APIs from higher SDKs raise up value in project properties and wrap code with check if device API can do this code if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR_MR1..
Simple Thread Management - Java - Android of 10 simultaneous tasks. Why they have that limit I have no idea. Hence one possibility is for you to clone AsyncTask raise the limit or go unbounded which is also possible with LinkedBlockingQueue and use your clone. Then perhaps submit the change.. Click here to run a Google Code Search for AsyncTask the first hit should be the implementation. If you just want to raise the limit adjust MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE to be as big as you're likely to need. If you want to go unbounded use the zero argument..