android Programming Glossary: rad
Android color picker to be included in the activity 0xFF00FF00 0xFFFFFF00 0xFFFF0000 Shader s new SweepGradient 0 0 mColors null mPaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG.. Color.argb a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g color..
Draw in Canvas by finger android 0xFF00FF00 0xFFFFFF00 0xFFFF0000 Shader s new SweepGradient 0 0 mColors null mPaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG.. Color.argb a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g color..
Android Null Exception on Calling function circle's center x coordinate y coordinate radius of the circle direction to wind the shape circlePath.addCircle.. 0xFF00FF00 0xFFFFFF00 0xFFFF0000 Shader s new SweepGradient 0 0 mColors null mPaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG.. a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? maps circle overlay dynamically change radius I have a MapView in my app and am drawing a few circle overlays.. is working fine but when I zoom on the map the overlay radius does not change. I have tried searching forums and google.. extends Overlay private GeoPoint geopoint private int rad public CustomOverlay GeoPoint point int radius geopoint point..
How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value lon2 double theta lon1 lon2 double dist Math.sin deg2rad lat1 Math.sin deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad lat1 Math.cos deg2rad.. lon1 lon2 double dist Math.sin deg2rad lat1 Math.sin deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad lat1 Math.cos deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad.. Math.sin deg2rad lat1 Math.sin deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad lat1 Math.cos deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad theta dist Math.acos..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? Like above it returns raw events angular speed un rad s with no processing at all no offset scale compensation . TYPE_ORIENTATION..
Android color picker to be included in the activity l mColors new int 0xFFFF0000 0xFFFF00FF 0xFF0000FF 0xFF00FFFF 0xFF00FF00 0xFFFFFF00 0xFFFF0000 Shader s new SweepGradient 0 0 mColors null mPaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG mPaint.setShader s mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeWidth.. c1 p int b ave c0 c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g color int b color ColorMatrix cm new ColorMatrix.. b ave c0 c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g color int b color ColorMatrix cm new ColorMatrix ColorMatrix..
Draw in Canvas by finger android l mColors new int 0xFFFF0000 0xFFFF00FF 0xFF0000FF 0xFF00FFFF 0xFF00FF00 0xFFFFFF00 0xFFFF0000 Shader s new SweepGradient 0 0 mColors null mPaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG mPaint.setShader s mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeWidth.. c1 p int b ave c0 c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g color int b color ColorMatrix cm new ColorMatrix.. b ave c0 c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g color int b color ColorMatrix cm new ColorMatrix ColorMatrix..
Android Null Exception on Calling function case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE path.lineTo pointX pointY circlePath.reset circle's center x coordinate y coordinate radius of the circle direction to wind the shape circlePath.addCircle pointX pointY 30 Path.Direction.CW circlePath.addRect.. l mColors new int 0xFFFF0000 0xFFFF00FF 0xFF0000FF 0xFF00FFFF 0xFF00FF00 0xFFFFFF00 0xFFFF0000 Shader s new SweepGradient 0 0 mColors null mPaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG mPaint.setShader s mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeWidth.. c1 p int b ave c0 c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r color int g color int b color ColorMatrix cm new ColorMatrix..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? maps circle overlay dynamically change radius I have a MapView in my app and am drawing a few circle overlays on this map. Everything is working fine but when I zoom.. and am drawing a few circle overlays on this map. Everything is working fine but when I zoom on the map the overlay radius does not change. I have tried searching forums and google for a solution but could not find one that worked for me. Does.. public class CustomOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint geopoint private int rad public CustomOverlay GeoPoint point int radius geopoint point rad radius @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView..
How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value double distance double lat1 double lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double theta lon1 lon2 double dist Math.sin deg2rad lat1 Math.sin deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad lat1 Math.cos deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad theta dist Math.acos dist dist rad2deg.. double lat1 double lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double theta lon1 lon2 double dist Math.sin deg2rad lat1 Math.sin deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad lat1 Math.cos deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad theta dist Math.acos dist dist rad2deg dist dist dist.. double lat2 double lon2 double theta lon1 lon2 double dist Math.sin deg2rad lat1 Math.sin deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad lat1 Math.cos deg2rad lat2 Math.cos deg2rad theta dist Math.acos dist dist rad2deg dist dist dist 60 1.1515 return dist..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? TYPE_GYROSCOPE if present uses the gyroscope and only the gyroscope. Like above it returns raw events angular speed un rad s with no processing at all no offset scale compensation . TYPE_ORIENTATION is deprecated. It returns the orientation as..