android Programming Glossary: radius
Standard Android Button with a different color width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right.. width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right.. width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right..
How should I give images rounded corners in Android? void onDraw Canvas canvas Path clipPath new Path float radius 10.0f float padding radius 2 int w this.getWidth int h this.getHeight.. Path clipPath new Path float radius 10.0f float padding radius 2 int w this.getWidth int h this.getHeight clipPath.addRoundRect.. new RectF padding padding w padding h padding radius radius Path.Direction.CW canvas.clipPath clipPath super.onDraw..
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android android id @android id background shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor.. @android id secondaryProgress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor.. id @android id progress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor @color progress_start android..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) questions 3126830 query to get records based on radius in sqlite It's suggesting to make 4 new columns for cos and.. on data It is better to calculate 4 locations that are in radius meter of the north west east and south of your central point.. reliable PointF p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF p2 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 90 PointF..
Implement page curl on android? on the x y plane R sqrt vi.x vi.x pow vi.y A 2 Now get the radius of the cone cross section intersected by our vertex in 3D space...
Multi-gradient shapes apk res android android shape rectangle corners android radius 3dp gradient android angle 0 android startColor #FF63a34a android.. apk res android android shape rectangle corners android radius 3dp gradient android angle 0 android startColor #FF63a34a..
Make certain area of bitmap transparent on touch the top image should be made transparent on that touched radius thus exposing the bottom image. This is how I overlay the 2.. straight away make the 2 images transparent on the defined radius how can I make only the top bitmap transparent android bitmap..
Standard Android Button with a different color endColor @color yellow2 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item android state_focused.. startColor @color orange5 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item shape gradient.. startColor @color blue25 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item selector share improve..
How should I give images rounded corners in Android? share improve this question Why not use clipPath protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Path clipPath new Path float radius 10.0f float padding radius 2 int w this.getWidth int h this.getHeight clipPath.addRoundRect new RectF padding padding w.. Why not use clipPath protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Path clipPath new Path float radius 10.0f float padding radius 2 int w this.getWidth int h this.getHeight clipPath.addRoundRect new RectF padding padding w padding h padding radius radius..
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android xmlns android http apk res android item android id @android id background shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75 android endColor #ff747674.. #ff747674 android angle 270 shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00.. #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor @color progress_start android endColor @color progress_end android angle 270 shape..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) the magic Thanks Btw found this alternative http questions 3126830 query to get records based on radius in sqlite It's suggesting to make 4 new columns for cos and sin values of lat and lng but is there any other not so redundant.. To have a deterministic threshold and more accurate filter on data It is better to calculate 4 locations that are in radius meter of the north west east and south of your central point in your java code and then check easily by less than and more.. center new PointF x y final double mult 1 mult 1.1 is more reliable PointF p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF p2 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 90 PointF p3 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 180 PointF..
Implement page curl on android? of the circle circumscribed by vertex vi.x vi.y around A on the x y plane R sqrt vi.x vi.x pow vi.y A 2 Now get the radius of the cone cross section intersected by our vertex in 3D space. r R sin theta Angle subtended by arc ST on the cone cross..
Multi-gradient shapes encoding utf 8 shape xmlns android http apk res android android shape rectangle corners android radius 3dp gradient android angle 0 android startColor #FF63a34a android endColor #FF477b36 android type linear shape half_overlay.xml.. android item shape xmlns android http apk res android android shape rectangle corners android radius 3dp gradient android angle 0 android startColor #FF63a34a android endColor #FF477b36 android type linear shape item..
Make certain area of bitmap transparent on touch is to overlap 2 images on top of each other and upon onTouch the top image should be made transparent on that touched radius thus exposing the bottom image. This is how I overlay the 2 images Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight.. 40 30 mPaint hardcode to test Problem is I think the circle straight away make the 2 images transparent on the defined radius how can I make only the top bitmap transparent android bitmap transparent paint share improve this question import..