android Programming Glossary: radiogroup
Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons? share improve this question I'd just re use the RadioGroup like so please note the onClick attribute i.e. a button click.. click will trigger your Activity's onToggle View method. RadioGroup android id @ id toggleGroup android layout_width fill_parent.. textOn A4 android textOff A4 android onClick onToggle RadioGroup In your Activity or some place else you can define a listener..
How to group a 3x3 grid of radio buttons? android layout_below @ id title_radGroup_buffer TableRow RadioGroup android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content.. 13px android layout_height wrap_content RadioButton RadioGroup TableRow TableRow RadioGroup android layout_width fill_parent.. wrap_content RadioButton RadioGroup TableRow TableRow RadioGroup android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content..
How do I access call log for android?
I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it? @id login_button android layout_centerHorizontal true RadioGroup android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. 20dip android text Off android textColor #000000 RadioGroup RelativeLayout and here's my java public class LogInActivity..
How to use RadioGroup in ListView custom adapter? to use RadioGroup in ListView custom adapter I want to show a single select option.. I am using RadioButton in my listView row. I know that RadioGroup is used for single selection. But Problem is that I have added.. get the radiobutton in getView butt when want to add it in RadioGroup it say view allready have parent call removeView in parent before..
How to set On click listener on the Radio Button in android improve this question I'd think a better way is to use RadioGroup and set the listener on this to change and update the View accordingly.. accordingly saves you having 2 or 3 or 4 etc listeners . RadioGroup radioGroup RadioGroup findViewById radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener.. having 2 or 3 or 4 etc listeners . RadioGroup radioGroup RadioGroup findViewById radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener..
Gesture detection and ScrollView issue velocityY SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY gallery.showPrevious RadioGroup current_product_layout.findViewById .check..
Android: checkbox listener @Override public void onCheckedChanged RadioGroup group int checkedId if isChecked perform logic The problem.. that Eclipse thinks it's an OnCheckedChangeListener for a RadioGroup and it doesn't work. How can I fix this android checkbox ..
Listview with Checkbox,RadioButton,Textview and button not working correctly in android convertView Notice i've added some control over the radiogroup too so has changed public class Model private String..
Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons? How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons I want a group of buttons where a user can..
Android: Radio group question unable to work out the logic on how to do the above for a radiogroup. The xml for my radio group is RadioGroup android id @ id radioGroup1.. is how you get the checked radiobutton This will get the radiogroup RadioGroup rGroup RadioGroup findViewById This.. This will get the radiobutton in the radiogroup that is checked RadioButton checkedRadioButton RadioButton rGroup.findViewById..
listview with radio group error a custom listview with dynamic radiobuttons adding to radiogroup upto that i am getting what i want but when i try to select..
getCheckedRadioButtonId() returning useless int? buildQuestions JSONObject question throws JSONException radioGroup RadioGroup questionBox.findViewById submitListener TagObj tagObj new TagObj question radioGroup submitButton.setTag tagObj public OnClickListener submitListener.. activity TagObj tagObject TagObj v.getTag RadioGroup radioGroup tagObject.getRadioGroup JSONObject question tagObject.getQuestion..
Listview with Checkbox,RadioButton,Textview and button not working correctly in android text protected CheckBox checkbox protected RadioGroup radioGroup public class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Model private final.. viewHolder.checkbox.setTag position viewHolder.radioGroup RadioGroup convertView.findViewById viewHolder.radioGroup.setTag.. convertView.findViewById viewHolder.radioGroup.setTag position convertView.setTag viewHolder else viewHolder..
Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons? @Override public void onCheckedChanged final RadioGroup radioGroup final int i for int j 0 j radioGroup.getChildCount j final.. final RadioGroup radioGroup final int i for int j 0 j radioGroup.getChildCount j final ToggleButton view ToggleButton radioGroup.getChildAt.. j final ToggleButton view ToggleButton radioGroup.getChildAt j view.setChecked view.getId i and register it..
Creating RadioButtons programmatically this rg.addView rb i the RadioButtons are added to the radioGroup instead of the layout rb i .setText Test ll.addView rg you add..
How to set On click listener on the Radio Button in android saves you having 2 or 3 or 4 etc listeners . RadioGroup radioGroup RadioGroup findViewById radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener.. radioGroup RadioGroup findViewById radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener new OnCheckedChangeListener public..
Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons? Does something like this exist in Android android togglebuttonbar share improve this question I'd just re use the RadioGroup like so please note the onClick attribute i.e. a button click will trigger your Activity's onToggle View method. RadioGroup.. like so please note the onClick attribute i.e. a button click will trigger your Activity's onToggle View method. RadioGroup android id @ id toggleGroup android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_marginTop.. android layout_weight 1 android textSize 14sp android textOn A4 android textOff A4 android onClick onToggle RadioGroup In your Activity or some place else you can define a listener e.g. static final RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener ToggleListener..
How to group a 3x3 grid of radio buttons? layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_below @ id title_radGroup_buffer TableRow RadioGroup android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android orientation horizontal android id @ id radGroup1.. text Button3 android layout_width 105px android textSize 13px android layout_height wrap_content RadioButton RadioGroup TableRow TableRow RadioGroup android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android orientation horizontal.. 105px android textSize 13px android layout_height wrap_content RadioButton RadioGroup TableRow TableRow RadioGroup android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android orientation horizontal android id @ id radGroup1..
How do I access call log for android?
I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it? wrap_content android paddingTop 40dp android layout_below @id login_button android layout_centerHorizontal true RadioGroup android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_below @id tv_login android orientation.. wrap_content android layout_marginTop 9dip android layout_marginLeft 20dip android text Off android textColor #000000 RadioGroup RelativeLayout and here's my java public class LogInActivity extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
How to use RadioGroup in ListView custom adapter? to use RadioGroup in ListView custom adapter I want to show a single select option in my list. I am using RadioButton in my listView row... adapter I want to show a single select option in my list. I am using RadioButton in my listView row. I know that RadioGroup is used for single selection. But Problem is that I have added the Radio button in my ListRowView. Now I want add all my.. RadioButton. I am using custom Adapter and in getView . I get the radiobutton in getView butt when want to add it in RadioGroup it say view allready have parent call removeView in parent before And I know its true but If I remove it from the view...
How to set On click listener on the Radio Button in android text of the same edit Text has changed. android share improve this question I'd think a better way is to use RadioGroup and set the listener on this to change and update the View accordingly saves you having 2 or 3 or 4 etc listeners . RadioGroup.. and set the listener on this to change and update the View accordingly saves you having 2 or 3 or 4 etc listeners . RadioGroup radioGroup RadioGroup findViewById radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener new OnCheckedChangeListener.. on this to change and update the View accordingly saves you having 2 or 3 or 4 etc listeners . RadioGroup radioGroup RadioGroup findViewById radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener new OnCheckedChangeListener public void onCheckedChanged..
Gesture detection and ScrollView issue else if e2.getY e1.getY SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityY SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY gallery.showPrevious RadioGroup current_product_layout.findViewById .check gallery.getDisplayedChild catch Exception e return false ..
Android: checkbox listener satView.setOnCheckedChangeListener new OnCheckedChangeListener @Override public void onCheckedChanged RadioGroup group int checkedId if isChecked perform logic The problem is that Eclipse thinks it's an OnCheckedChangeListener for.. int checkedId if isChecked perform logic The problem is that Eclipse thinks it's an OnCheckedChangeListener for a RadioGroup and it doesn't work. How can I fix this android checkbox share improve this question You can do this satView.setOnCheckedChangeListener..
Listview with Checkbox,RadioButton,Textview and button not working correctly in android list.get getPosition .setCcOrIsTo isCcOrIsTo return convertView Notice i've added some control over the radiogroup too so has changed public class Model private String name private boolean selected private boolean isCcOrIsTo..
Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons? How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons I want a group of buttons where a user can choose one of them as option. It has to be a radiobuttongroup..
Android: Radio group question else cb.setText This checkbox is unchecked but I am unable to work out the logic on how to do the above for a radiogroup. The xml for my radio group is RadioGroup android id @ id radioGroup1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height.. android radio group share improve this question This is how you get the checked radiobutton This will get the radiogroup RadioGroup rGroup RadioGroup findViewById This will get the radiobutton in the radiogroup that is checked.. get the radiogroup RadioGroup rGroup RadioGroup findViewById This will get the radiobutton in the radiogroup that is checked RadioButton checkedRadioButton RadioButton rGroup.findViewById rGroup.getCheckedRadioButtonId To use the..
listview with radio group error with radio group error everybody i am creating a custom listview with dynamic radiobuttons adding to radiogroup upto that i am getting what i want but when i try to select one radio button in first row then automatically first button..
getCheckedRadioButtonId() returning useless int? well as its current text. Here's the relevant code public void buildQuestions JSONObject question throws JSONException radioGroup RadioGroup questionBox.findViewById Button chartsButton Button questionBox.findViewById chartsListener submitButton.setOnClickListener submitListener TagObj tagObj new TagObj question radioGroup submitButton.setTag tagObj public OnClickListener submitListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v userFunctions.. userFunctions new UserFunctions if userFunctions.isUserLoggedIn activity TagObj tagObject TagObj v.getTag RadioGroup radioGroup tagObject.getRadioGroup JSONObject question tagObject.getQuestion Log.v submit Integer.toString radioGroup.getCheckedRadioButtonId..
Listview with Checkbox,RadioButton,Textview and button not working correctly in android . Here is my code private class ViewHolder protected TextView text protected CheckBox checkbox protected RadioGroup radioGroup public class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Model private final List Model list private final Activity context boolean checkAll_flag.. viewHolder.checkbox CheckBox convertView.findViewById viewHolder.checkbox.setTag position viewHolder.radioGroup RadioGroup convertView.findViewById viewHolder.radioGroup.setTag position convertView.setTag viewHolder else.. viewHolder.checkbox.setTag position viewHolder.radioGroup RadioGroup convertView.findViewById viewHolder.radioGroup.setTag position convertView.setTag viewHolder else viewHolder ViewHolder convertView.getTag viewHolder.text.setText list.get..
Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons? ToggleListener new RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener @Override public void onCheckedChanged final RadioGroup radioGroup final int i for int j 0 j radioGroup.getChildCount j final ToggleButton view ToggleButton radioGroup.getChildAt j view.setChecked.. @Override public void onCheckedChanged final RadioGroup radioGroup final int i for int j 0 j radioGroup.getChildCount j final ToggleButton view ToggleButton radioGroup.getChildAt j view.setChecked view.getId i and register.. RadioGroup radioGroup final int i for int j 0 j radioGroup.getChildCount j final ToggleButton view ToggleButton radioGroup.getChildAt j view.setChecked view.getId i and register it for instance in onCreate @Override public void onCreate Bundle..
Creating RadioButtons programmatically or RadioGroup.VERTICAL for int i 0 i 5 i rb i new RadioButton this rg.addView rb i the RadioButtons are added to the radioGroup instead of the layout rb i .setText Test ll.addView rg you add the whole RadioGroup to the layout ll.addView submit submit.setOnClickListener..
How to set On click listener on the Radio Button in android the listener on this to change and update the View accordingly saves you having 2 or 3 or 4 etc listeners . RadioGroup radioGroup RadioGroup findViewById radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener new OnCheckedChangeListener public void.. saves you having 2 or 3 or 4 etc listeners . RadioGroup radioGroup RadioGroup findViewById radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener new OnCheckedChangeListener public void onCheckedChanged RadioGroup group int checkedId checkedId..