android Programming Glossary: problems
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars android osx share improve this question If you have problems with external jars then create one folder named libs copy and..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works won't call again and again some random rows and other problems like returning convert view even before scrolling won't happen.. my listview was inside the lineaLayout it was also having problems like repeating view call and convert view as putting Listview..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found know if you were able to install this or if you are having problems as well. java android installation jdk android studio share..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent a new camera app but this code isn't great either. the big problems are you never get full sized images from the devices with the..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts a lot of other people are experiencing the same OOM memory problems with BitmapFactory . My app only shows a total memory available..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? to port your application to the Web since some of the same problems you have reported with Android you will find in Web apps as..
How to close Android application? way to remove the app from the device but it could cause problems since resources will not be finalized first. For example all..
Sending images using Http Post and small in size 50 50 dip . Any tutorial to tackle these problems would be much appreciated. Edit The images chosen from the gallery..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? filter with the new subelements in that tag to avoid the problems I had. For instance my AndroidManifest.xml looks like this activity..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? in Android Recalling this post enumerating several problems of using singletons and having seen several examples of Android..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] i made this with help from Android download binary file problems and Install Application programmatically on Android thanks guys..
How to ship an Android application with a database? I see 1 Possible sqlite version mismatches might cause problems and I currently don't know where the database should go and..
Image in Canvas with touch events Canvas with touch events Seems simple and yet I'm having problems with implementation. I want a canvas with image on screen including.. and was able to show image in canvas on screen but I have problems with motion onTouch events zoom pan . I need canvas because..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? devices support this feature. Issues There are also some problems while turning On Off flashlight. eg. for the devices not having.. doesnot turn ON etc. Typically Samsung creates alot of problems. You can refer about problems in the given below list Use camera.. Samsung creates alot of problems. You can refer about problems in the given below list Use camera flashlight in Android Turn..
Android: How to declare global variables? design which is not easily modified and leads to many problems down the road. IMHO the strong contract the Android API offers..
Using Application context everywhere? improve this question There are a couple of potential problems with this approach though in a lot of circumstances such as..
Problems Using ActionBarSherlock in Project Using ActionBarSherlock in Project For some reason I can't..
Android Eclipse Classpath - want to add classpath container path but eclipse won't let me When attempting to run the project the Run fails and the Problems tab mentions can't be found and Eclipse asks..
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start 4 2 2012 07 03 16 22 56.457 MESSAGE Problems occurred when invoking code from plug in org.eclipse.equinox.preferences..
How to justify text on a TextView made easy- Android it I know I know. Here's the full code. It also addresses Problems when setting transparent background and loading UTF 8 strings..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack with Android Fragment back stack I've got a massive problem..
Speed up Android project build time in IntelliJ IDEA doesn't support Eclipse like incremental compilation and Problems pane by default in another word it doesn't auto compile your..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview WebView. I managed to play HTML5 videos on my webview. Problems are arising when displaying video in fullscreen mode. As I figured..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask mContext Failure Cannot unzip. pd.dismiss Problems I am facing 1. The value of unzipDest and index updated in doInBackground..
Problems saving a photo to a file saving a photo to a file Man I am still not able to save a..
Problems understanding the life cycle when screen goes off and on understanding the life cycle when screen goes off and on Information..
How can I update a single row in a ListView? just the single item in the list. How would I do this Problems I have with my current approach are Scrolling is slow I have..
Problems using Rhino on Android using Rhino on Android I'm trying to use Mozilla Rhino in my..
Is using scala on android worth it? Is there a lot of overhead? Problems? using scala on android worth it Is there a lot of overhead Problems I was thinking of building an app on android with Scala instead..
Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity creating a Popup Window in Android Activity I'm trying to create..
“Android library projects cannot be launched”? and library everything is OK . And there is no error in Problems view. However when I tried to run my application as an Android..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout me. LogCat doesn't provide any information. Eclipse Problems view is not showing any issues. I tried the following steps..
Your project contains error(s), please fix it before running it is a view you can add that lists all the errors called Problems . Otherwise you can try to clean the project and that usually..
Problems loading mobile.twitter in webview loading mobile.twitter in webview When I try to load the following..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android with https No peer certificate in android Problem I want to..
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars all of this worked perfectly prior to the update . TIA java android osx share improve this question If you have problems with external jars then create one folder named libs copy and paste all needed jar files in that folder. it will automatic..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works of exact height and width of views to be rendered and getView won't call again and again some random rows and other problems like returning convert view even before scrolling won't happen i have test this myself unless my listview was inside the.. before scrolling won't happen i have test this myself unless my listview was inside the lineaLayout it was also having problems like repeating view call and convert view as putting Listview inside LinearLayout worked like magic for me. didn't know..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found However I found nothing. I hope some of you can let me know if you were able to install this or if you are having problems as well. java android installation jdk android studio share improve this question Adding a system variable JDK_HOME..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent else u intent.getData this saves you having to write a new camera app but this code isn't great either. the big problems are you never get full sized images from the devices with the bug. you get pictures that are 512px wide that are inserted..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts me nuts I've been doing a lot of searching and I know a lot of other people are experiencing the same OOM memory problems with BitmapFactory . My app only shows a total memory available of 4MB using Runtime.getRuntime .totalMemory . If the limit..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? right now. Similarly I would counsel you against attempting to port your application to the Web since some of the same problems you have reported with Android you will find in Web apps as well e.g. no termination . Or conversely someday if you do port..
How to close Android application? machine could be abruptly killed. This is the quickest way to remove the app from the device but it could cause problems since resources will not be finalized first. For example all threads running under the process will be abruptly killed..
Sending images using Http Post and using them locally The images are few in number 10 and small in size 50 50 dip . Any tutorial to tackle these problems would be much appreciated. Edit The images chosen from the gallery are sent to the server after scaling it to required size...
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? intent filter tag. I suggest you simply make another intent filter with the new subelements in that tag to avoid the problems I had. For instance my AndroidManifest.xml looks like this activity android name .AntonWorld android label @string app_name..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? vs. Application Context in Android Recalling this post enumerating several problems of using singletons and having seen several examples of Android applications using singleton pattern I wonder if it's a..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] programmatically on Android 5 answers first of all i made this with help from Android download binary file problems and Install Application programmatically on Android thanks guys i want to make autoupdate and autoinstall at once. it is..
How to ship an Android application with a database? the database and insert the data on first use The drawbacks I see 1 Possible sqlite version mismatches might cause problems and I currently don't know where the database should go and how to access it. 2 It may take a really long time to create..
Image in Canvas with touch events in Canvas with touch events Seems simple and yet I'm having problems with implementation. I want a canvas with image on screen including onTouch events. I have tried ImageView but I was not.. but I was not able to use canvas. I have tried SurfaceView and was able to show image in canvas on screen but I have problems with motion onTouch events zoom pan . I need canvas because I will render the image in my code. Can someone please show..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? of an Android device full post.. Note that only rooted HTC devices support this feature. Issues There are also some problems while turning On Off flashlight. eg. for the devices not having FLASH_MODE_TORCH or even if it has then flashlight doesnot.. not having FLASH_MODE_TORCH or even if it has then flashlight doesnot turn ON etc. Typically Samsung creates alot of problems. You can refer about problems in the given below list Use camera flashlight in Android Turn ON OFF Camera LED flash light.. or even if it has then flashlight doesnot turn ON etc. Typically Samsung creates alot of problems. You can refer about problems in the given below list Use camera flashlight in Android Turn ON OFF Camera LED flash light in Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.2.1..
Android: How to declare global variables? that using Singletons generally points to extremely inflexible design which is not easily modified and leads to many problems down the road. IMHO the strong contract the Android API offers to developer applications is one of the most appealing and..
Using Application context everywhere? and not leaking of course android android context share improve this question There are a couple of potential problems with this approach though in a lot of circumstances such as your example it will work well. In particular you should be..
Problems Using ActionBarSherlock in Project Using ActionBarSherlock in Project For some reason I can't get ActionBarSherlock to work. I think I have it set up correctly..
Android Eclipse Classpath - want to add classpath container path but eclipse won't let me as part of 'Android Application Development' is MJAndroid. When attempting to run the project the Run fails and the Problems tab mentions can't be found and Eclipse asks me to check the build path. Clicking Properties Java Build..
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start refreshing workspace to recover changes. ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.preferences 4 2 2012 07 03 16 22 56.457 MESSAGE Problems occurred when invoking code from plug in org.eclipse.equinox.preferences . STACK 0 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError..
How to justify text on a TextView made easy- Android is not to show us how it looks it's to share how you've done it I know I know. Here's the full code. It also addresses Problems when setting transparent background and loading UTF 8 strings into the view. See the comments in reloadData for details...
Problems with Android Fragment back stack with Android Fragment back stack I've got a massive problem with the way the android fragment backstack seems to work and..
Speed up Android project build time in IntelliJ IDEA non you use. As CrazyCoder mentioned in his comments IntelliJ doesn't support Eclipse like incremental compilation and Problems pane by default in another word it doesn't auto compile your project when file changed. So this is really not an issue nor..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview how to display HTML5 video in full screen mode on android WebView. I managed to play HTML5 videos on my webview. Problems are arising when displaying video in fullscreen mode. As I figured out android has two ways of handling the video tag On..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock Is anyone else having problems importing a project with..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask Log.v this.toString index present in index else pd mContext Failure Cannot unzip. pd.dismiss Problems I am facing 1. The value of unzipDest and index updated in doInBackground remain null to Unzip and all its objects. How..
Problems saving a photo to a file saving a photo to a file Man I am still not able to save a picture when I send an intent asking for a photo to be taken...
Problems understanding the life cycle when screen goes off and on understanding the life cycle when screen goes off and on Information My device is a Nexus One with 2.2 and I have tested..
How can I update a single row in a ListView? calls getView for all visible items. I want to update just the single item in the list. How would I do this Problems I have with my current approach are Scrolling is slow I have a fade in animation on the image which happens every time a..
Problems using Rhino on Android using Rhino on Android I'm trying to use Mozilla Rhino in my Java application for Android to evaluate some JavaScript...
Is using scala on android worth it? Is there a lot of overhead? Problems? using scala on android worth it Is there a lot of overhead Problems I was thinking of building an app on android with Scala instead of the regular Java or the equivalent I guess . Is it worth..
Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity creating a Popup Window in Android Activity I'm trying to create a popup window that only appears the first time the application..
“Android library projects cannot be launched”? cannot be launched. I carefully checked the build path and library everything is OK . And there is no error in Problems view. However when I tried to run my application as an Android project it failed and showed this message. Please tell me..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout device timeout Launch canceled This is all the Console is telling me. LogCat doesn't provide any information. Eclipse Problems view is not showing any issues. I tried the following steps with no success 1. Cleaning the project Project Clean 2. Restarting..
Your project contains error(s), please fix it before running it from errors in the build path. If you're using eclipse there is a view you can add that lists all the errors called Problems . Otherwise you can try to clean the project and that usually solves a few problems. Finally if you add or alter resources..
Problems loading mobile.twitter in webview loading mobile.twitter in webview When I try to load the following urls in a Webview all i get is black twitter background..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android with https No peer certificate in android Problem I want to send https request to the site https fido EzPay..