android Programming Glossary: printer
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android I have to print some data on thermal bluetooth printer.. in Android I have to print some data on thermal bluetooth printer I'm doing with this String message abcdef any message 12345.. 90 stream byte image stream.toByteArray Unfortunately the printer prints a lot of strange characters approx. 50 cm of paper ...
Bluetooth and WIFI Printing for Android and WIFI Printing for Android We would need a portable printer handheld it is important that can connect to android phone via.. device I asked them about the list of supported bluetooth printers since it has a menu item search for BT printer but they did.. bluetooth printers since it has a menu item search for BT printer but they did not answered. What I need to know above the already..
Sending a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) bluetooth API using OBEX I need to send a file to a printer that supports OBEX OPP only. I can send the file using the android.. send the file using the android intent ACTION_SEND to the printer with no problems but I'd need to send it programmatically.... send it programmatically.. I can connect to the bluetooth printer using OBEX OPP UUID 1105 with the method createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android during onDestroy dialogProgress.setTitle Finding printer... dialogProgress .setOnDismissListener new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener.. question Here is perfectely working code for blue tooth printer device_list.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout.. n BILL BILL n os.write BILL.getBytes This is printer specific code you can comment Start Setting height int gs..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? file convertBitmap bmp mService.write PrinterCommands.SET_LINE_SPACING_24 int offset 0 while offset bmp.getHeight.. int offset 0 while offset bmp.getHeight mService.write PrinterCommands.SELECT_BIT_IMAGE_MODE for int x 0 x bmp.getWidth x .. 1 0 7 b mService.write slice offset 24 mService.write PrinterCommands.FEED_LINE mService.write PrinterCommands.FEED_LINE ..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service question yes you can do something like this public class PrinterService extends Service private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter.. Device device null @Override public void onCreate Log.d PrinterService Service started super.onCreate @Override public IBinder.. return mBinder public class LocalBinder extends Binder PrinterService getService return PrinterService.this private final IBinder..
How to print from the Thermal Printer in Android? to print from the Thermal Printer in Android I am working on the an application with the in Android... with the in Android. That device have built in Line Printer. I have to interact with this printer and use to print the details.. I have mainly Three issues regarding the Casio Device Printer 1.I have used the printing code for Build in printer and but..
android: Bluetooth Printer Bluetooth Printer I need to print on a bluetooth printer let me explain I already.. index products printers mobile rw420.html using the Zebra Printer Protocol. It's just a stream sent on Bluetooth. Now we'd like..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android Printer issue in android I am trying to print the bill through bluetooth..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android I have to print some data on thermal bluetooth printer I'm doing with this String message abcdef any message.. can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android I have to print some data on thermal bluetooth printer I'm doing with this String message abcdef any message 12345 byte send send message.getBytes mService.write send It works.. bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 90 stream byte image stream.toByteArray Unfortunately the printer prints a lot of strange characters approx. 50 cm of paper . I don't know how to print the image. I would like to try getting..
Bluetooth and WIFI Printing for Android and WIFI Printing for Android We would need a portable printer handheld it is important that can connect to android phone via bluetooth or wifi. What I know currently No standard printing.. of supported formats. Have you tried it with any handheld device I asked them about the list of supported bluetooth printers since it has a menu item search for BT printer but they did not answered. What I need to know above the already asked How.. any handheld device I asked them about the list of supported bluetooth printers since it has a menu item search for BT printer but they did not answered. What I need to know above the already asked How do you print from your android app What kind..
Sending a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) Profile OPP Is there any way to send a file using the android bluetooth API using OBEX I need to send a file to a printer that supports OBEX OPP only. I can send the file using the android intent ACTION_SEND to the printer with no problems but.. send a file to a printer that supports OBEX OPP only. I can send the file using the android intent ACTION_SEND to the printer with no problems but I'd need to send it programmatically.. I can connect to the bluetooth printer using OBEX OPP UUID 1105.. ACTION_SEND to the printer with no problems but I'd need to send it programmatically.. I can connect to the bluetooth printer using OBEX OPP UUID 1105 with the method createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord but then I should follow obex specifications..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android registerReceiver mReceiver filter Don't forget to unregister during onDestroy dialogProgress.setTitle Finding printer... dialogProgress .setOnDismissListener new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener public void onDismiss DialogInterface.. finish android bluetooth share improve this question Here is perfectely working code for blue tooth printer device_list.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android.. BILL BILL Total Qty 2.0 n BILL BILL Total Value 17625.0 n BILL BILL n os.write BILL.getBytes This is printer specific code you can comment Start Setting height int gs 29 os.write intToByteArray gs int h 104 os.write intToByteArray..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? file File fl new File file if fl.exists Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeFile file convertBitmap bmp mService.write PrinterCommands.SET_LINE_SPACING_24 int offset 0 while offset bmp.getHeight mService.write PrinterCommands.SELECT_BIT_IMAGE_MODE.. bmp mService.write PrinterCommands.SET_LINE_SPACING_24 int offset 0 while offset bmp.getHeight mService.write PrinterCommands.SELECT_BIT_IMAGE_MODE for int x 0 x bmp.getWidth x for int k 0 k 3 k byte slice 0 for int b 0 b 8 b int y offset.. v false if i dots.length v dots.get i slice byte v 1 0 7 b mService.write slice offset 24 mService.write PrinterCommands.FEED_LINE mService.write PrinterCommands.FEED_LINE mService.write PrinterCommands.FEED_LINE mService.write PrinterCommands.FEED_LINE..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service android service activity bluetooth share improve this question yes you can do something like this public class PrinterService extends Service private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter public static final String BT_DEVICE btdevice public static.. public Vector Byte packdata new Vector Byte 2048 public static Device device null @Override public void onCreate Log.d PrinterService Service started super.onCreate @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent mHandler MyAplication getApplication.. Intent intent mHandler MyAplication getApplication .getHandler return mBinder public class LocalBinder extends Binder PrinterService getService return PrinterService.this private final IBinder mBinder new LocalBinder @Override public int onStartCommand..
How to print from the Thermal Printer in Android? to print from the Thermal Printer in Android I am working on the an application with the in Android. That device have built in Line Printer. I have to interact.. the Thermal Printer in Android I am working on the an application with the in Android. That device have built in Line Printer. I have to interact with this printer and use to print the details on receipt and then with cutter cut that receipt automatically... in it but i don't know how to execute these ESC commands. I have mainly Three issues regarding the Casio Device Printer 1.I have used the printing code for Build in printer and but after the printing the cutter is not working BuildinEx840 ex840..
android: Bluetooth Printer Bluetooth Printer I need to print on a bluetooth printer let me explain I already have a program on windows mobile platform that sends commands.. to a Zebra RW 420 printer http id zebra na en index products printers mobile rw420.html using the Zebra Printer Protocol. It's just a stream sent on Bluetooth. Now we'd like to do this on Android. I would like to know some basic information..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android Printer issue in android I am trying to print the bill through bluetooth using the following code when I run the app first time..