android Programming Glossary: processed
upload video to facebook in android response mPostHandler.sendEmptyMessage 0 then post the processed result back to the UI thread if we do not do this an runtime..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor?
Encryption error on Android 4.2 the cipher mode @param the value to process @return the processed value as byte @throws InvalidKeyException @throws IllegalBlockSizeException..
Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2 public void onBeginningOfSpeech speech input will be processed so there is no need for count down anymore if mIsCountDownOn..
Bind service to activity in Android the service is not stopped until started intents have been processed. Clients can also use Context.bindService to obtain a persistent..
How to execute web request in its own thread? is complete result contains the number of results you processed And execute by calling new DownloadFilesTask .execute url1..
Voice recognition on android with recorded sound clip? Is there any way I can send an audio clip to be processed with speech to text android speech recognition voice voice..
Embedding ads on Android app? both of these services they payouts are monthly and are processed the month after. So all of my ad revenue earned in March will.. after. So all of my ad revenue earned in March will be processed and paid to me at the beginning of May. At the time of writing..
Prevent ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button (Android) event.getRepeatCount 0 return true Pretend we processed it return false Any other keys are still processed as normal.. we processed it return false Any other keys are still processed as normal Maybe it's even possible to grab the positive and..
parsing local xml file using Sax in android and text contained within by casing the event type once processed call to get the next event i.e. String NodeValue..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] in programming. Many of our codes always use data to be processed and saved. Just like any other programming environment Android..
How to fix “process is bad” error for an Android Widget? touch out of frustration if necessary and that will be processed internal to the appWidget and reset the appWidget. share improve..
Android Swipe on List return false allow other events like Click to be processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP upX event.getX upY event.getY float.. return false allow other events like Click to be processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE upX event.getX upY event.getY..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? Lastly clear the newMouseSelection as it has now been processed tapPoint null if hitMapLocation null selectedMapLocation null..
Android: What are the recommended configurations for Proguard? system such as Windows. Because this tool unpacks your processed jars you should then use dontusemixedcaseclassnames #Specifies..
Android - how to replace part of a string by another string? target sequence with another sequence. The string is processed from the beginning to the end. Parameters target the sequence..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? using SensorManager's helpers. This sensor is heavily processed . TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION TYPE_GRAVITY TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR..
upload video to facebook in android Response response.toString JSONObject json Util.parseJson response mPostHandler.sendEmptyMessage 0 then post the processed result back to the UI thread if we do not do this an runtime exception will be generated e.g. CalledFromWrongThreadException..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor?
Encryption error on Android 4.2 Process the given input with the provided mode. br @param the cipher mode @param the value to process @return the processed value as byte @throws InvalidKeyException @throws IllegalBlockSizeException @throws BadPaddingException @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException..
Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2 implements RecognitionListener @Override public void onBeginningOfSpeech speech input will be processed so there is no need for count down anymore if mIsCountDownOn mIsCountDownOn false mNoSpeechCountDown.cancel Log.d..
Bind service to activity in Android services can use their stopSelf int method to ensure the service is not stopped until started intents have been processed. Clients can also use Context.bindService to obtain a persistent connection to a service. This likewise creates the service..
How to execute web request in its own thread?
Voice recognition on android with recorded sound clip? within my app and then sending the clip to google for transcription. Is there any way I can send an audio clip to be processed with speech to text android speech recognition voice voice recognition share improve this question Unfortunately not..
Embedding ads on Android app? for that sale in my bank account within a few days but with both of these services they payouts are monthly and are processed the month after. So all of my ad revenue earned in March will be processed and paid to me at the beginning of May. At the.. services they payouts are monthly and are processed the month after. So all of my ad revenue earned in March will be processed and paid to me at the beginning of May. At the time of writing this I am bringing in about as much revenue from ads as I..
Prevent ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button (Android) dialog int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH event.getRepeatCount 0 return true Pretend we processed it return false Any other keys are still processed as normal Maybe it's even possible to grab the positive and negative.. event.getRepeatCount 0 return true Pretend we processed it return false Any other keys are still processed as normal Maybe it's even possible to grab the positive and negative button presses and only handle these return true for..
parsing local xml file using Sax in android etc. You can then start to process nodes attributes etc and text contained within by casing the event type once processed call to get the next event i.e. String NodeValue while eventType XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT Keep going until..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] share improve this question Database is important thing in programming. Many of our codes always use data to be processed and saved. Just like any other programming environment Android supports database programming too. You can use the default..
How to fix “process is bad” error for an Android Widget?
Android Swipe on List downX event.getX downY event.getY mSwipeDetected Action.None return false allow other events like Click to be processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP upX event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe.. downX event.getX downY event.getY mSwipeDetected Action.None return false allow other events like Click to be processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE upX event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? true break testX int screenCoords.x testY int screenCoords.y Lastly clear the newMouseSelection as it has now been processed tapPoint null if hitMapLocation null selectedMapLocation null return selectedMapLocation return hitMapLocation private void..
Android: What are the recommended configurations for Proguard? 5 #When not preverifing in a case insensitive filing system such as Windows. Because this tool unpacks your processed jars you should then use dontusemixedcaseclassnames #Specifies not to ignore non public library classes. As of version 4.5..
Android - how to replace part of a string by another string? Level 1 Copies this string replacing occurrences of the specified target sequence with another sequence. The string is processed from the beginning to the end. Parameters target the sequence to replace. replacement the replacement sequence. Returns..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? and the magnetometer. Marginally better results can be obtained using SensorManager's helpers. This sensor is heavily processed . TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION TYPE_GRAVITY TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR are fused sensors which return respectively the linear acceleration..