android Programming Glossary: problem.
camera app not working? return mediaFile So please help me in solving this problem.. If I remove the method prepareVideoRecorder then it previews..
Android ListView with Simple Adapter with my xml files. can anyone help me to solve this problem.. android android layout android listview share improve this.. height to match_parent . But not sure if that fixes your problem. I only had problems with ListActivity therefore I am using always..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 with javax/net/SocketFactory.class dalvik share improve this question I had the same problem.. This worked for me project properties java build path libraries..
Record phone calls on android phone? 0 break Please provide some good solution for this problem.. java android share improve this question This can be solved..
No command output when running: 'am start -n share improve this question I finally figured out my problem.. FYI I uninstall jdk jre and reinstalled... fixed the issue......
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues tried to change the apache's library.. maybe it is the problem.. but as far as i read the net nobody was experiencing this with..
Fragment Inside Fragment LinearLayout LinearLayout Hope i tried to clear my problem.. Please help. Because it took already too much time and pushing..
camera app not working? new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory video.mp4 return mediaFile So please help me in solving this problem.. If I remove the method prepareVideoRecorder then it previews the camera properly.. but after this method execution it does..
Android ListView with Simple Adapter But I can't get list view. No errors came. I think problem with my xml files. can anyone help me to solve this problem.. android android layout android listview share improve this question I would try to set the height to match_parent.. share improve this question I would try to set the height to match_parent . But not sure if that fixes your problem. I only had problems with ListActivity therefore I am using always a normal Activity and retrieve the ListView from the Contentview..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 with javax/net/SocketFactory.class all works fine for now. Hope this will help someone. android dalvik share improve this question I had the same problem.. This worked for me project properties java build path libraries remove all including android jars now go the project browser..
Record phone calls on android phone? if recordstarted 1 recorder.stop recordstarted 0 break Please provide some good solution for this problem.. java android share improve this question This can be solved with API level 8 . Set your audio source for media recorder..
No command output when running: 'am start -n were you able to resolve the issue android android emulator share improve this question I finally figured out my problem.. FYI I uninstall jdk jre and reinstalled... fixed the issue.... It looks like on a windows pc you have to use the 32 bit..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues it to 500 700 kb. didn't fix the problem though. haven't tried to change the apache's library.. maybe it is the problem.. but as far as i read the net nobody was experiencing this with httpmime library. what can it be i'm completely lost now..
Fragment Inside Fragment android layout_height wrap_content android orientation horizontal LinearLayout LinearLayout Hope i tried to clear my problem.. Please help. Because it took already too much time and pushing me behind my schedule. Thanks alot android android fragments..