android Programming Glossary: problematic
ActionBarSherlock + Maps + Loaders = java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError newest ActionBarSherlock 4.0 with a MapView. I knew it's problematic with fragments but I don't need them in this activity. But I..
ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread? somehow still running on the UI thread. Here's what the problematic code looks like MyServerCaller.getFolderContents folderId new..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? bandwidth from the GPU back to the CPU. This is sometimes problematic because memory architectures are designed to send data in the..
Reading mails sent from GMail messages i .getContent .toString What I know about the problematic mails getFrom also return the name i.e it comes in this format..
Odd Android Spinner behavior since it is not what the average developer expects it is problematic as well. The Spinner will also call onItemSelected when the..
What is the android UI thread stack size limit and how to overcome it? many variables each function takes etc . It seems that the problematic area is when the views are being drawn starting with android.view.ViewRoot.draw..
WebView threads never stop (WebViewCoreThread, CookieSyncManager, http[0-3]) out of this activity WebView's threads keep running The problematic threads are Thread 17 WebViewCoreThread Running Thread 25 CookieSyncManager..
Which Android phone to use for development…? [closed] has the oldest OS version in the wild 1.5 which can be problematic. It is also hugely popular. The two slowest devices that are..
LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView I have resorted to android layout_gravity bottom on the problematic LinearLayout which makes the button stick to the bottom of the..
NoClassDefFoundError when trying to unit test JSON parsing in Android was that I thought I had read somewhere that it would be problematic to include normal java libraries in my Android app. I was trying..
Targeting/Developing for multiple mobile platforms with one programming language (C#)? Cost-Benefit? data management etc. And even these are going to be problematic because you'll be force to have compromises in your data structures..
How to include the Spongy Castle JAR in Android? dependency management stuff is taken care of for you. The problematic dependencies you describe on javax.mail javax.activation etc..
Why so complex to set style from code in Android and android layout_height in your style but this can be problematic. LayoutParams any attribute that starts with layout_ are specific..
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? configuration Eclipse 3.6.2 instead of 3.6.1 in the problematic system described above and SDK R13 instead of R9 in the problematic.. system described above and SDK R13 instead of R9 in the problematic system . Then I tried to export it using the same exact steps.. to develop Next step Upgrade Eclipse to 3.6.2 only on the problematic system and see whether this solves the problem in that system..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? to see if your manifest settings filtered a device. Filter problematic or non compatible devices This feature provides a device specific..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android of specifics on what exactly you have tried and what the problematic areas are so I just made a small test to see if I could reproduce..
ActionBarSherlock + Maps + Loaders = java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for two days now hope someone can help. I'm trying to use the newest ActionBarSherlock 4.0 with a MapView. I knew it's problematic with fragments but I don't need them in this activity. But I need Loaders and it appears that to use Loaders I have to extend..
ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread? from the doInBackground method of an AsyncTask the inserts are somehow still running on the UI thread. Here's what the problematic code looks like MyServerCaller.getFolderContents folderId new OnFolderContentsResponseListener @Override public void onFolderContentsResponse..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? really cause problems in reality It relies on a large bandwidth from the GPU back to the CPU. This is sometimes problematic because memory architectures are designed to send data in the opposite direction. However I seem to recall that all modern..
Reading mails sent from GMail content bodyPart.getContent .toString else content messages i .getContent .toString What I know about the problematic mails getFrom also return the name i.e it comes in this format FirstName LastName gt MultiPart contains..
Odd Android Spinner behavior value. This feature is useful when you know about it but since it is not what the average developer expects it is problematic as well. The Spinner will also call onItemSelected when the user re selects the current value... When I want to avoid both..
What is the android UI thread stack size limit and how to overcome it? function calls you have in your deepest nesting and how many variables each function takes etc . It seems that the problematic area is when the views are being drawn starting with android.view.ViewRoot.draw . Each view calls the draw of its children..
WebView threads never stop (WebViewCoreThread, CookieSyncManager, http[0-3]) app's Activities. The problem is that when the user switches out of this activity WebView's threads keep running The problematic threads are Thread 17 WebViewCoreThread Running Thread 25 CookieSyncManager Running Thread 19 http0 Running Thread 29 http1..
Which Android phone to use for development…? [closed] all versions of the OS I'd recommend a Hero because this has the oldest OS version in the wild 1.5 which can be problematic. It is also hugely popular. The two slowest devices that are out there in any significant numbers are the G1 and the Tattoo..
LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView LinearLayout ScrollView LinearLayout At the moment I have resorted to android layout_gravity bottom on the problematic LinearLayout which makes the button stick to the bottom of the screen no matter what. But that also makes the text stick..
NoClassDefFoundError when trying to unit test JSON parsing in Android problem. The reason why I didn't try this in the first place was that I thought I had read somewhere that it would be problematic to include normal java libraries in my Android app. I was trying so many different things to get around my problem so I..
Targeting/Developing for multiple mobile platforms with one programming language (C#)? Cost-Benefit? to reuse is back end modules. Decision engines search routines data management etc. And even these are going to be problematic because you'll be force to have compromises in your data structures just to enable easy integration with three different..
How to include the Spongy Castle JAR in Android? the lightweight API . If you're using Maven then all this dependency management stuff is taken care of for you. The problematic dependencies you describe on javax.mail javax.activation etc indicate that you might have chosen an incorrect jar e.g. the..
Why so complex to set style from code in Android is actually one of these. You specify android layout_width and android layout_height in your style but this can be problematic. LayoutParams any attribute that starts with layout_ are specific to the parent view not the view they appear on. This is..
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? exact project to a different machine with a slightly different configuration Eclipse 3.6.2 instead of 3.6.1 in the problematic system described above and SDK R13 instead of R9 in the problematic system . Then I tried to export it using the same exact.. Eclipse 3.6.2 instead of 3.6.1 in the problematic system described above and SDK R13 instead of R9 in the problematic system . Then I tried to export it using the same exact steps described above. Works like a charm What is this Voodoo What.. IDE behaved more predictably than the software I was trying to develop Next step Upgrade Eclipse to 3.6.2 only on the problematic system and see whether this solves the problem in that system too. Update I just finished updating Eclipse 3.6.1 to 3.6.2..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? œPassion or the actual public device name E.g. Nexus One to see if your manifest settings filtered a device. Filter problematic or non compatible devices This feature provides a device specific administration option to developers. When you add a device..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android share improve this question You are not giving an awful lot of specifics on what exactly you have tried and what the problematic areas are so I just made a small test to see if I could reproduce any of what you're describing. I do not have any conclusive..