android Programming Glossary: processor
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted it possible to rewrite this code for better working with processor I have a class which does some tasks with fixed periodicy in.. for pausing it works fine but loop in this way still loads processor when process is paused. Is it possible to fix this private boolean.. private boolean mIsPaused true TODO more efficient for processor way of pausing is required private final Thread mTimerThread..
Emulator not running after I changed my Hardisk to other MotherBoard i5 3GHz processor without re installing OS. OS Ubuntu 10.10 my emulator is not..
Slow Android emulator Android emulator I have a 2.67 GHz Celeron processor 1.21 GB of RAM on a x86 Windows XP Professional machine. My..
Why my opengl output differs for various devices? is added to the polygon list for the tile. The pixel processor takes the polygon list for one tile and computes values for..
Eclipse Android SDK slow Content Assist performance very frustrating. One thing to note when Eclipse hangs my processor is maxed out and is being worked by a java process. So its doing..
Need to play audio to the caller outgoing call audio does not pass through the application processor on which linux and android run. share improve this answer..
Does the Android Emulator support OpenGL ES 2.0? question Google released a new version with native x86 processor support which sped things up a bit. It also supports OpenGL..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator system's hardware resources such as disk space memory and processor speed. Apple always harps on the importance of device testing.. because iPhone Simulator does not emulate an iPhone processor disk drive memory constraints and whatnot. You hardly ever get..
Set Alpha/Opacity of Layout set alpha on set ov views that doesn't take much memory or processor time. Not sure about getting current alpha value though. share..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector has been tweaked specifically to utilize multiple processors Android Devevelopers Guide suggests that Android 3.0 is the.. the platform designed to run on either single or multicore processor architectures. A variety of changes in the Dalvik VM Bionic..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter . By doing so you'll save a lot of memory resources and processor run time since inflating is a quite time consuming operation...
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) controller. This leaves us with only one path the baseband processor. However BB firmware is propietary and controlled by manufacturers... 27.007 Technical Specification that allows the application processor to send APDUs directly to the SIM UICC . However there could.. TS 27.007 specification implemented in their baseband processor firmware. When it comes to application processor I do not know..
Android Process Scheduling up much yet. Thanks Edit My concern is with regard to processor time slicing scheduling not memory resources memory resources.. to respond immediately. Conversely the video encoder is processor bound. Aside from reading the raw data stream from the disk..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted efficient way for pausing loop wanted Is it possible to rewrite this code for better working with processor I have a class which does some tasks with fixed periodicy in a separate thread. Sometimes this process can be paused and.. can be paused and resumed. Currently I am using a flag for pausing it works fine but loop in this way still loads processor when process is paused. Is it possible to fix this private boolean mIsCanceled false private boolean mIsPaused true TODO.. Is it possible to fix this private boolean mIsCanceled false private boolean mIsPaused true TODO more efficient for processor way of pausing is required private final Thread mTimerThread new Thread new Runnable @Override public void run while mIsCanceled..
Emulator not running not running My AVD Emulator is not running after I changed my Hardisk to other MotherBoard i5 3GHz processor without re installing OS. OS Ubuntu 10.10 my emulator is not running thru eclipse. when I click Run As.. Android application...
Slow Android emulator Android emulator I have a 2.67 GHz Celeron processor 1.21 GB of RAM on a x86 Windows XP Professional machine. My understanding is that the Android emulator should start fairly..
Why my opengl output differs for various devices? covers part of a tile an entry called a polygon list command is added to the polygon list for the tile. The pixel processor takes the polygon list for one tile and computes values for all pixels in that tile before starting work on the next tile...
Eclipse Android SDK slow Content Assist performance of a class it hangs Eclipse for up to 15 seconds. This is very frustrating. One thing to note when Eclipse hangs my processor is maxed out and is being worked by a java process. So its doing something whatever it is. But frequently everytime I finish..
Need to play audio to the caller
Does the Android Emulator support OpenGL ES 2.0? since April. android mobile opengl es share improve this question Google released a new version with native x86 processor support which sped things up a bit. It also supports OpenGL ES 2.0 faster emulator with better hardware As a bonus since..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator environment they otherwise have access to all of the host system's hardware resources such as disk space memory and processor speed. Apple always harps on the importance of device testing because iPhone Simulator does not emulate an iPhone processor.. speed. Apple always harps on the importance of device testing because iPhone Simulator does not emulate an iPhone processor disk drive memory constraints and whatnot. You hardly ever get memory warnings unless your Mac is struggling to manage resources..
Set Alpha/Opacity of Layout
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector among my questions is in what way the GC in Android 3.0 Honeycomb has been tweaked specifically to utilize multiple processors Android Devevelopers Guide suggests that Android 3.0 is the first version of the platform designed to run on either single.. Guide suggests that Android 3.0 is the first version of the platform designed to run on either single or multicore processor architectures. A variety of changes in the Dalvik VM Bionic library and elsewhere add support for symmetric multiprocessing..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter the current view port when you scroll your list back and forth . By doing so you'll save a lot of memory resources and processor run time since inflating is a quite time consuming operation. For each and every convertView you re use you also save GC..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) the SIM slot is not connected by other means to the NFC controller. This leaves us with only one path the baseband processor. However BB firmware is propietary and controlled by manufacturers. Samsung has not implemented the 3GPP TS 27.007 Technical.. The reason is that they have not implemented the 3GPP TS 27.007 Technical Specification that allows the application processor to send APDUs directly to the SIM UICC . However there could be some light ahead of the tunnel since citizy project in France.. into citizy. Those phones are bound to have the required TS 27.007 specification implemented in their baseband processor firmware. When it comes to application processor I do not know if they took the SEEK for android from G D path or the OpenNFC..
Android Process Scheduling any good links you could recommend... My searches haven't turned up much yet. Thanks Edit My concern is with regard to processor time slicing scheduling not memory resources memory resources are well described within the android documentation. Thanks.. when it does receive a key press the user expects the editor to respond immediately. Conversely the video encoder is processor bound. Aside from reading the raw data stream from the disk and later writing the resulting video the encoder spends all..