android Programming Glossary: privacy
ICS Android enable gps programmatically? enable gps programmatically I hope not as that would be a privacy flaw. AFAIK all known holes that allowed malware to enable GPS..
Android:android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException - How to solve the problem? btnAction.setImageResource R.drawable.button_record set privacy level text if settings.getPrivacyLevel 0 txtPrivacyLevel.setText..
How to programmatically get the devices IMEI/ESN in Android this is not a secure way to authenticate users and raises privacy concerns. It is not recommended. Instead look at the Google..
What is the correct permission handling when sending sensitive app data as email attachment? allow it to be emailed as an attachment while honoring the privacy of the user e.g. without making the attachment world readable..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker and the answer is always the same You can't for security privacy reasons you have to forward to location preferences screen and.. in my app. Of course I don't want to blow up the users privacy so I would first ask the user if he wants to turn it on automatically..
How can I get the dreaded WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission for my android app? need to be able to toggle the GPS receiver on and off For privacy reasons if nothing else enabling or disabling any sort of location..
How to enable GPS in android coding [duplicate]
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack Privacy pm.addIQProvider query jabber iq privacy new PrivacyProvider pm.addIQProvider command http
How to handle WiFi to Mobile network switch programatically?
Accept All Cookies via HttpClient The issue that you are facing seems to be by design for privacy security purpose. In general any resource is not allowed to..
File transfer using smack in android apps. protocol disco#info sdm.addFeature jabber iq privacy FileTransferNegotiator.setServiceEnabled Main.connection true.. IBBProviders.Data Privacy pm.addIQProvider query jabber iq privacy new PrivacyProvider pm.addIQProvider command http
ICS Android enable gps programmatically? location share improve this question is there a way to enable gps programmatically I hope not as that would be a privacy flaw. AFAIK all known holes that allowed malware to enable GPS programmatically have now been closed. am trying to enable..
Android:android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException - How to solve the problem? R.drawable.button_stop else btnAction.setText Capture btnAction.setImageResource R.drawable.button_record set privacy level text if settings.getPrivacyLevel 0 txtPrivacyLevel.setText Private else if settings.getPrivacyLevel 1 txtPrivacyLevel.setText..
How to programmatically get the devices IMEI/ESN in Android gets a new device. Update As mentioned in the comments below this is not a secure way to authenticate users and raises privacy concerns. It is not recommended. Instead look at the Google Login API if you want to implement a frictionless login system...
What is the correct permission handling when sending sensitive app data as email attachment? is given that the log is sensitive data how would I allow it to be emailed as an attachment while honoring the privacy of the user e.g. without making the attachment world readable android share improve this question Dear people from..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker GPS programatically on android has been discussed many times and the answer is always the same You can't for security privacy reasons you have to forward to location preferences screen and let the user enable disable it. I understand that however.. and you don't even need to be rooted. I would like to do this in my app. Of course I don't want to blow up the users privacy so I would first ask the user if he wants to turn it on automatically with the typical remember my decision checkbox and..
How can I get the dreaded WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission for my android app? android permissions gps share improve this question I need to be able to toggle the GPS receiver on and off For privacy reasons if nothing else enabling or disabling any sort of location tracking needs to be solely in the hands of the user..
How to enable GPS in android coding [duplicate]
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack query http protocol bytestreams new BytestreamsProvider Privacy pm.addIQProvider query jabber iq privacy new PrivacyProvider pm.addIQProvider command http protocol commands new AdHocCommandDataProvider pm.addExtensionProvider..
How to handle WiFi to Mobile network switch programatically?
Accept All Cookies via HttpClient android cookies httpclient share improve this question The issue that you are facing seems to be by design for privacy security purpose. In general any resource is not allowed to set a cookie it will not be able to receive. Here you are trying..
File transfer using smack in android apps. ServiceDiscoveryManager Main.connection sdm.addFeature http protocol disco#info sdm.addFeature jabber iq privacy FileTransferNegotiator.setServiceEnabled Main.connection true FileTransferManager manager new FileTransferManager Main.connection.. data http protocol ibb new IBBProviders.Data Privacy pm.addIQProvider query jabber iq privacy new PrivacyProvider pm.addIQProvider command http protocol commands new AdHocCommandDataProvider pm.addExtensionProvider..