android Programming Glossary: printerservice
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service question yes you can do something like this public class PrinterService extends Service private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter public.. Device device null @Override public void onCreate Log.d PrinterService Service started super.onCreate @Override public IBinder onBind.. return mBinder public class LocalBinder extends Binder PrinterService getService return PrinterService.this private final IBinder..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service android service activity bluetooth share improve this question yes you can do something like this public class PrinterService extends Service private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter public static final String BT_DEVICE btdevice public static final.. public Vector Byte packdata new Vector Byte 2048 public static Device device null @Override public void onCreate Log.d PrinterService Service started super.onCreate @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent mHandler MyAplication getApplication .getHandler.. Intent intent mHandler MyAplication getApplication .getHandler return mBinder public class LocalBinder extends Binder PrinterService getService return PrinterService.this private final IBinder mBinder new LocalBinder @Override public int onStartCommand..