android Programming Glossary: printf
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] developing with Eclipse resort everyone back to 1991 with printf like logging at every interval then to track down bugs Seriously...
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv 1 0 'c' argv 1 0 's' printf Usage c s n return 2 if makeAddr com.whoever.xfer sockAddr sockLen.. if fd 0 perror client socket return 1 if argv 1 0 'c' printf CLIENT s n sockAddr.sun_path 1 if connect fd const struct sockaddr.. 1 0 perror client write goto bail else if argv 1 0 's' printf SERVER s n sockAddr.sun_path 1 if bind fd const struct sockaddr..
iptables in android tcpopt_len unsigned char mytcp mytcp doff 4 tcpdatalen printf pseud length d n pseudohead.length printf tcp hdr length d n.. 4 tcpdatalen printf pseud length d n pseudohead.length printf tcp hdr length d n mytcp doff 4 printf tcp hdr struct length.. n pseudohead.length printf tcp hdr length d n mytcp doff 4 printf tcp hdr struct length d n sizeof struct tcphdr printf tcp opt..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android const char str env GetStringUTFChars jstring result NULL printf s n str Clean up env ReleaseStringUTFChars jstr str Shutdown.. NULL should be released but what a heck it's a tutorial printf s n str return env NewStringUTF env str And next code for java..
Why is redirecting stdout/stderr on android not working? device. It works fine but I don't get the outputs from the printf calls. I tried the commands below as mentioned at the android.. logcat reports the strings that the program writes using printf . I made sure to filter for the stdout tag. adb shell stop adb..
Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc like this #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv printf hello world n return 0 I have compiled it like this arm linux..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell world code. Mine is #include int main int argc char argv printf Hello World return 0 Edit and change the line include..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] and am baffled that this IDE can't get this right. Does developing with Eclipse resort everyone back to 1991 with printf like logging at every interval then to track down bugs Seriously. Is there a configuration or plug in that I'm missing to..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? message hello world struct sockaddr_un sockAddr socklen_t sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv 1 0 'c' argv 1 0 's' printf Usage c s n return 2 if makeAddr com.whoever.xfer sockAddr sockLen 0 return 1 int fd socket AF_LOCAL SOCK_STREAM PF_UNIX.. sockLen 0 return 1 int fd socket AF_LOCAL SOCK_STREAM PF_UNIX if fd 0 perror client socket return 1 if argv 1 0 'c' printf CLIENT s n sockAddr.sun_path 1 if connect fd const struct sockaddr sockAddr sockLen 0 perror client connect goto bail.. connect goto bail if write fd message strlen message 1 0 perror client write goto bail else if argv 1 0 's' printf SERVER s n sockAddr.sun_path 1 if bind fd const struct sockaddr sockAddr sockLen 0 perror server bind goto bail if listen..
iptables in android unsigned char tcp sizeof struct tcp_pseudo sizeof struct tcphdr tcpopt_len unsigned char mytcp mytcp doff 4 tcpdatalen printf pseud length d n pseudohead.length printf tcp hdr length d n mytcp doff 4 printf tcp hdr struct length d n sizeof struct.. sizeof struct tcphdr tcpopt_len unsigned char mytcp mytcp doff 4 tcpdatalen printf pseud length d n pseudohead.length printf tcp hdr length d n mytcp doff 4 printf tcp hdr struct length d n sizeof struct tcphdr printf tcp opt length d n tcpopt_len.. char mytcp mytcp doff 4 tcpdatalen printf pseud length d n pseudohead.length printf tcp hdr length d n mytcp doff 4 printf tcp hdr struct length d n sizeof struct tcphdr printf tcp opt length d n tcpopt_len printf tcp total psuedo length d n totaltcp_len..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android env CallObjectMethod jstr messageMe Get a C style string const char str env GetStringUTFChars jstring result NULL printf s n str Clean up env ReleaseStringUTFChars jstr str Shutdown the VM. vm DestroyJavaVM return env NewStringUTF Hello from.. jstr const char str env GetStringUTFChars env jstring result NULL should be released but what a heck it's a tutorial printf s n str return env NewStringUTF env str And next code for java methods public class MainActivity extends Activity private..
Why is redirecting stdout/stderr on android not working? 1.3 and tested it together with OpenGL ES on my android 2.2 device. It works fine but I don't get the outputs from the printf calls. I tried the commands below as mentioned at the android developer page but neither DDMS in Eclipse nor adb logcat.. android developer page but neither DDMS in Eclipse nor adb logcat reports the strings that the program writes using printf . I made sure to filter for the stdout tag. adb shell stop adb shell setprop log.redirect stdio true adb shell start What..
Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc sudo apt get install gcc arm linux gnueabi I created a hi.c like this #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv printf hello world n return 0 I have compiled it like this arm linux gnueabi gcc static hi.c o hi I ran it on an emulator like..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell Edit hello jni.c remove all the code and put in your hello world code. Mine is #include int main int argc char argv printf Hello World return 0 Edit and change the line include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY to include BUILD_EXECUTABLE . You..