android Programming Glossary: privilege
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI to implement but I am not able to do so. I don't have the privilege of comment anywhere in my stack overflow account So I am not..
Differences between Jar, Android Library and Android Library Project require to be built within the system. Maybe some root privilege could help adding one but this would have to be done on EACH..
Android Host is unresolved . Perhaps I'm not popular enough yet to be given that privilege. In the meantime I'm essentially re posting the question and..
Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone work. If you want to use that device you must have root privilege. EDITED Modify ndk gdb script to get rid of the dependency of.. get rid of the dependency of run as. It works only on root privilege 'adb shell whoami' should be 'root' . ndk gdb 2011 02 24 16..
Getting Android owner's email address nicely this but that requires my app to use the GET_ACCOUNTS privilege my app could then access all of the user's accounts on the device..
android apk's silent installation can bypass completely the built in installer and with root privilege you can basically do what you want. But I still think that would..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Bhiefer as an answer which I think it could work So I tried to implement but I am not able to do so. I don't have the privilege of comment anywhere in my stack overflow account So I am not able to contact Bhief e for asking him for some help. So anyone..
Differences between Jar, Android Library and Android Library Project accepted devices Sprint Evo front facing camera... and might require to be built within the system. Maybe some root privilege could help adding one but this would have to be done on EACH device where applications using your library would want to..
Android Host is unresolved to solicit more attention to the solution I ultimately found . Perhaps I'm not popular enough yet to be given that privilege. In the meantime I'm essentially re posting the question and a different answer. Basically I accept that maybe the Android..
Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone is not able to be used with ndk gdb because run as doesn't work. If you want to use that device you must have root privilege. EDITED Modify ndk gdb script to get rid of the dependency of run as. It works only on root privilege 'adb shell whoami'.. must have root privilege. EDITED Modify ndk gdb script to get rid of the dependency of run as. It works only on root privilege 'adb shell whoami' should be 'root' . ndk gdb 2011 02 24 16 55 07.000000000 0900 ndk gdb root 2011 06 09 08 35 04.000000000..
Getting Android owner's email address nicely question Roman Nurik suggests using an AccountManager to handle this but that requires my app to use the GET_ACCOUNTS privilege my app could then access all of the user's accounts on the device including their Facebook Twitter accounts. That permission..
android apk's silent installation for rooted devices if you write your own installer you can bypass completely the built in installer and with root privilege you can basically do what you want. But I still think that would be a serious breach of security. share improve this answer..