android Programming Glossary: pointx
Android Null Exception on Calling function event Gives you x and y coordinates on the Event. float pointX event.getX float pointY event.getY Checks for the event that.. event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN path.moveTo pointX pointY return true case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE path.lineTo.. return true case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE path.lineTo pointX pointY circlePath.reset circle's center x coordinate y coordinate..
Android Null Exception on Calling function circlePaint @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event Gives you x and y coordinates on the Event. float pointX event.getX float pointY event.getY Checks for the event that occurs switch event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN.. pointY event.getY Checks for the event that occurs switch event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN path.moveTo pointX pointY return true case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE path.lineTo pointX pointY circlePath.reset circle's center x coordinate.. case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN path.moveTo pointX pointY return true case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE path.lineTo pointX pointY circlePath.reset circle's center x coordinate y coordinate radius of the circle direction to wind the shape circlePath.addCircle..