android Programming Glossary: points
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] Route private String name private final List GeoPoint points private List Segment segments private String copyright private.. private int length private String polyline public Route points new ArrayList GeoPoint segments new ArrayList Segment public.. ArrayList Segment public void addPoint final GeoPoint p points.add p public void addPoints final List GeoPoint points this.points.addAll..
Android: crashes with getApplicationContext reference that getApplicationContext is returning just points to null. I think you're having a problem similar to one I had..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found either ANDROID_STUDIO_JDK or JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME points to valid JDK installation. ECHO is off. Press any key to continue..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts share improve this question Note that as CommonsWare points out below the whole approach in this answer only applies up..
How to capture the android device screen content? [duplicate]
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? file Can I parse kml file in order to display paths or points in Android Please could you help me with that This is kml sample.. Does the actual drawing of the route based on the geo points provided in the nav set @param navSet Navigation set bean that..
Android, getting resource ID from string? my classes. It needs to use both the id that the reference points to and also it needs the string. How should I best achieve this..
Where can I browse Android source code on-line? [closed] projects such as Kernel have been removed and it now only points you to clonable git repositories. To get all the code locally..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email DumbDumpers DumbDumper.jpg you need the extra as this points to the root directory i.e. file sdcard DumbDumpers DumbDumper.jpg..
Android: How to declare global variables? logic. As before this is not incorrect but only further points out that there is no concrete benefit to using a Singleton instead.. subclass and further that using Singletons generally points to extremely inflexible design which is not easily modified.. is better in any fashion I cannot agree with any of her points. It may be that she has not fully explained her reasoning but..
When to call activity context OR application context? the other this getting the Activity instance context points to an Activity that is being destroyed each time the user tilts..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? data via Activity's implemented method. But this method points to newly created fragment which is created via Activity's onCreate..
Ellipse detection with OpenCV mCircles Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 1 20 Log.d Ellipse Points X mCircles.get 1 1 0 mCircles.get 1 1 1 break If you think any..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] feedUrl return null public class Segment Points in this segment. private GeoPoint start Turn instruction to.. addPoint final GeoPoint p points.add p public void addPoints final List GeoPoint points this.points.addAll points public.. points this.points.addAll points public List GeoPoint getPoints return points public void addSegment final Segment s segments.add..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? Millimeters based on the physical size of the screen. pt Points 1 72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen. dp..
Android, how to access Activity UI from my class? TextView myView TextView findViewById ... Points myPoints new Points ... file private class Points.. myView TextView findViewById ... Points myPoints new Points ... file private class Points ..... TextView findViewById ... Points myPoints new Points ... file private class Points ... HOW TO USE..
How to find absolute position of click while zoomed in it out B Point Center of the scale operation A1 A2 A3 Points equal in user space but different in canvas space. You know..
Can I serialize the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application we can think we just need to store a map of Actions and Points. We need path.moveTo int x int y path.lineTo int x int y path.quadTo..
android pass bundle with search android value .activity.ListinoProdottiActivity Points to searchable meta data. meta data android name
Clickable area after Scaling with respect to positions of touch event? [duplicate] it out B Point Center of the scale operation A1 A2 A3 Points equal in user space but different in canvas space. You know..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] double getDistance return distance public class Route private String name private final List GeoPoint points private List Segment segments private String copyright private String warning private String country private int length.. copyright private String warning private String country private int length private String polyline public Route points new ArrayList GeoPoint segments new ArrayList Segment public void addPoint final GeoPoint p points.add p public void.. public Route points new ArrayList GeoPoint segments new ArrayList Segment public void addPoint final GeoPoint p points.add p public void addPoints final List GeoPoint points this.points.addAll points public List GeoPoint getPoints return..
Android: crashes with getApplicationContext fixed in Android 1.6 API version 4 . It looks like the object reference that getApplicationContext is returning just points to null. I think you're having a problem similar to one I had in that some of the code in the onCreate is being run before..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found ERROR cannot start Android Studio. No JDK found. Please validate either ANDROID_STUDIO_JDK or JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME points to valid JDK installation. ECHO is off. Press any key to continue . . . I've attempted to open the idea properties file..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts allocate 614KB when there's 1.6MB of free memory android oom share improve this question Note that as CommonsWare points out below the whole approach in this answer only applies up to and including 2.3.x Gingerbread . As of Honeycomb Bitmap..
How to capture the android device screen content? [duplicate]
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? to draw a path on a map using kml file Can I parse kml file in order to display paths or points in Android Please could you help me with that This is kml sample code which I would like to display in android google map.. xml e navigationDataSet null return navigationDataSet Drawing Does the actual drawing of the route based on the geo points provided in the nav set @param navSet Navigation set bean that holds the route information incl. geo pos @param color Color..
Android, getting resource ID from string? string I need to pass a resource ID to a method in one of my classes. It needs to use both the id that the reference points to and also it needs the string. How should I best achieve this For example R.drawable.icon I need to get the integer ID..
Where can I browse Android source code on-line? [closed] of the different parts that make up android. Some of the projects such as Kernel have been removed and it now only points you to clonable git repositories. To get all the code locally you can use the repo helper program or you can just clone..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email that Regards Fin Update Path for me should have been file sdcard DumbDumpers DumbDumper.jpg you need the extra as this points to the root directory i.e. file sdcard DumbDumpers DumbDumper.jpg combined as file sdcard DumbDumpers DumbDumper.jpg In..
Android: How to declare global variables? big tangled mess of what should be independent application logic. As before this is not incorrect but only further points out that there is no concrete benefit to using a Singleton instead of an Application subclass in this aspect. She continues.. strong a contract with the Android system as using an Application subclass and further that using Singletons generally points to extremely inflexible design which is not easily modified and leads to many problems down the road. IMHO the strong contract.. Application subclass and has not proven that using a Singleton is better in any fashion I cannot agree with any of her points. It may be that she has not fully explained her reasoning but I cannot see any downside to using an Application subclass..
When to call activity context OR application context? as possible in order to not leak out any memory. This is because the other this getting the Activity instance context points to an Activity that is being destroyed each time the user tilts the phone or leave the app etc.. Which apparently the Garbage..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? etc with my callback interface call for initiating data via Activity's implemented method. But this method points to newly created fragment which is created via Activity's onCreate method. Issue Maybe I'm using wrong patterns but even..
Ellipse detection with OpenCV Highgui.CV_CAP_ANDROID_GREY_FRAME Imgproc.HoughCircles mGray mCircles Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 1 20 Log.d Ellipse Points X mCircles.get 1 1 0 mCircles.get 1 1 1 break If you think any more info could be useful please let me know. Thanks java..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] catch IOException e Log.e e.getMessage XML parser feedUrl return null public class Segment Points in this segment. private GeoPoint start Turn instruction to reach next segment. private String instruction Length of segment... GeoPoint segments new ArrayList Segment public void addPoint final GeoPoint p points.add p public void addPoints final List GeoPoint points this.points.addAll points public List GeoPoint getPoints return points public void addSegment.. p points.add p public void addPoints final List GeoPoint points this.points.addAll points public List GeoPoint getPoints return points public void addSegment final Segment s segments.add s public List Segment getSegments return segments..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? in Inches based on the physical size of the screen. mm Millimeters based on the physical size of the screen. pt Points 1 72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen. dp Density independent Pixels an abstract unit that is based on..
Android, how to access Activity UI from my class? file public class MyActivity extends Activity TextView myView TextView findViewById ... Points myPoints new Points ... file private class Points ... HOW TO USE myView HERE ... How do I use the UI.. public class MyActivity extends Activity TextView myView TextView findViewById ... Points myPoints new Points ... file private class Points ... HOW TO USE myView HERE ... How do I use the UI objects.. public class MyActivity extends Activity TextView myView TextView findViewById ... Points myPoints new Points ... file private class Points ... HOW TO USE myView HERE ... How do I use the UI objects in my class..
How to find absolute position of click while zoomed in for. It's gone through a few iteration's but here's how I worked it out B Point Center of the scale operation A1 A2 A3 Points equal in user space but different in canvas space. You know the values for Bx and By because they are always constant no..
Can I serialize the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application modifications and it worked for me quite well. To understand we can think we just need to store a map of Actions and Points. We need path.moveTo int x int y path.lineTo int x int y path.quadTo int x1 int y1 int x2 int y2 and path.reset methods..
android pass bundle with search to itself meta data android name android value .activity.ListinoProdottiActivity Points to searchable meta data. meta data android name android resource @xml searchable activity Here..
Clickable area after Scaling with respect to positions of touch event? [duplicate] for. It's gone through a few iteration's but here's how I worked it out B Point Center of the scale operation A1 A2 A3 Points equal in user space but different in canvas space. You know the values for Bx and By because they are always constant no..