

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:30

android Programming Glossary: pointed

Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel?


know. Compatibility with previous API levels edited As I pointed in the comment below that was a concept and you can download..

How to set mobile system time and date in android?


and setTimeZone Long Answer As it has been pointed out in several threads only the system user can change the system..

How do I restart an Android Activity


was started with. That seems to do the trick UPDATE As pointed out by Ralf below Activity.recreate is the way to go in API..

OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android)


any thoughts I did some research on the forums and it pointed to this post I just don't know why it is not working. Any help..

Android Studio: Add jar as library?


How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment?


datepicker share improve this question As tyczj pointed out you can use the interface method or you could make datapicker..

Android: Override back button to act like home button


can be used as a quick alternative on occasion. NOTE as pointed out by Dave below Android 2.0 introduced a new onBackPressed..

Writing XML on Android


I save its contents to a file stream EDIT As CommonsWare pointed out there's no such possibility using classes from Android SDK..

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache


must be caching somewhere. On the IRC channel I was pointed to a fix to remove caching from a URL Connection but can't see..

How to save state during orientation change in Android if the state is made of my classes?


alive across activity destruction creation. And as Dianne pointed out retaining nonconfiguration data was for optimizing things..

How to open or simulate a click on an android Preference, created with XML, programatically?


when there are PreferenceGroups as serveral people have pointed out in the comments your answer. This can be done with any preference..

Android phone orientation overview including compass


with values that correspond to figure C. When the phone is pointed to the sky the rotation matrix is identity matrix the matrix..

How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android?


vertical SeekBar in Android I've implemented the commonly pointed to VerticalSeekBar post here . As it is the SeekBar operates..

Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database?


these typical databases. Hence I used the FileBackupHelper pointed it to my .db file in databases introduced locks around any db..

How to add java.awt.image package in Android


are out of luck. And they won't port it because as it was pointed out above Android has its own graphics libraries android.graphics..

Store orientation to an array - and compare


Euler angles rotation matrices quaternions as tc pointed that out. If you are using acceleration data you have 3 dimensional..

Android onConfigurationChanged not being called


guide topics resources runtime changes.html EDIT As derrik pointed out I assumed that you were changing the configuration with..

Android: How to declare global variables?


discouraged in favor of Singleton patterns. Somatik also pointed out something of this nature earlier although I didn't see it..

Android REST client, Sample?


From now I think I should change the pattern. Somebody pointed out that Google IOSched application is great sample of how to..

Android - Set fragment id


can be used to uniquely identify a Fragment. As Aleksey pointed out you can pass an ID to FragmentTransaction 's add int Fragment..

Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel?


I proposed may not even be necessary after all but I don't know. Compatibility with previous API levels edited As I pointed in the comment below that was a concept and you can download the class I'm using from my Google Drive account . I took a..

How to set mobile system time and date in android?


the approach should be very similar see android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE and setTimeZone Long Answer As it has been pointed out in several threads only the system user can change the system time. This is only half of the story. SystemClock.setCurrentTimeMillis..

How do I restart an Android Activity


finish first and I'm using the exact same intent this activity was started with. That seems to do the trick UPDATE As pointed out by Ralf below Activity.recreate is the way to go in API 11 and beyond. This is preferable if you're in an API11 environment...

OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android)


ex It fails on the bm Bitmap.createScaledBitmap any thoughts I did some research on the forums and it pointed to this post I just don't know why it is not working. Any help would be great Thanks Chris. android exception bitmap virtual..

Android Studio: Add jar as library?


How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment?


the string value back to the mtDTDelivery widget android android datepicker share improve this question As tyczj pointed out you can use the interface method or you could make datapicker class an inner class of your activity class in which case..

Android: Override back button to act like home button


the current state from a Service if needed. But moveTaskToBack can be used as a quick alternative on occasion. NOTE as pointed out by Dave below Android 2.0 introduced a new onBackPressed method and these recommendations on how to handle the Back..

Writing XML on Android


on Android Given an instance of org.w3c.dom.Document how do I save its contents to a file stream EDIT As CommonsWare pointed out there's no such possibility using classes from Android SDK prior to Android 2.2 API 8 . Can you recommend then a third..

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache


code to the web page produced in the WebView so I know the WebView must be caching somewhere. On the IRC channel I was pointed to a fix to remove caching from a URL Connection but can't see how to apply it to a WebView yet. http www.androidsnippets.org..

How to save state during orientation change in Android if the state is made of my classes?


the best way to handle keeping expensive to recreate data alive across activity destruction creation. And as Dianne pointed out retaining nonconfiguration data was for optimizing things like thumbnail generation that are nice to save for performance..

How to open or simulate a click on an android Preference, created with XML, programatically?


This way you won't run into the issue of getOrder not working when there are PreferenceGroups as serveral people have pointed out in the comments your answer. This can be done with any preference types that have a protected showDialog method. share..

Android phone orientation overview including compass


.. method you use the values array with values that correspond to figure C. When the phone is pointed to the sky the rotation matrix is identity matrix the matrix mathematical equivalent of 1 which means no mapping is necessary..

How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android?


can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android I've implemented the commonly pointed to VerticalSeekBar post here . As it is the SeekBar operates a little quirky. Here is my slightly adapted onTouchEvent from..

Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database?


backup.html . There is no BackupHelper specifically for these typical databases. Hence I used the FileBackupHelper pointed it to my .db file in databases introduced locks around any db operation such as db.insert in my ContentProviders and even..

How to add java.awt.image package in Android


Store orientation to an array - and compare


is far easier to compare the acceleration vectors than orientations Euler angles rotation matrices quaternions as tc pointed that out. If you are using acceleration data you have 3 dimensional vectors at each time point the x y z coordinates. I..

Android onConfigurationChanged not being called


code that's causing the problem. http developer.android.com guide topics resources runtime changes.html EDIT As derrik pointed out I assumed that you were changing the configuration with the accelerometer detecting what way the device was facing...

Android: How to declare global variables?


and Diane Hackborn in which use of Application subclasses is discouraged in favor of Singleton patterns. Somatik also pointed out something of this nature earlier although I didn't see it at the time. Because of Reto and Diane's roles in maintaining..

Android REST client, Sample?


as static component in my Application controller class. From now I think I should change the pattern. Somebody pointed out that Google IOSched application is great sample of how to write REST clients on Android. Somebody else told that this..

Android - Set fragment id


tag that you can set inside the FragmentTransaction which can be used to uniquely identify a Fragment. As Aleksey pointed out you can pass an ID to FragmentTransaction 's add int Fragment method. However this does not specify the ID for a Fragment...