android Programming Glossary: newest
ActionBarSherlock + Maps + Loaders = java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError two days now hope someone can help. I'm trying to use the newest ActionBarSherlock 4.0 with a MapView. I knew it's problematic..
Using the new “manifestmerger” property in Android &ldquo manifestmerger&rdquo property in Android In the newest version of ADT version 20 preview 3 they say that it's possible..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock absForceOverflow does not exist. Was it removed in the newest version or something I've checked the R files of both ABS and..
After upgrade Android on Nexus to 4.2.2, Eclipse shows target unknown for device? go fine if your cable is fine Make sure you're using the newest version of adb . Even after I updated my SDK tools I couldn't..
Cluster markers in Google Maps Android v2 set to the same position lat lng so the user only sees the newest marker. Is there a possibility in the best case a library that..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 was fine until i upgraded the eclipse ADT plugin to the newest version v22 . I also upgraded the SDK of course. I do not see..
How to blit() in android? and drawing ops you want. yourBitmap will contain all the newest information. Then you use the surface holder like so Canvas..
How to change target build on Android project? of 8. To do this I see that I must build against the newest SDK 2.2 To do this in Eclipse I right click on my project go..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? TableName RENAME TO 'temp_ TableName create new table the newest table creation schema get the intersection with the new columns..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android TableName RENAME TO 'temp_ TableName create new table the newest table creation schema get the intersection with the new columns..
unable to find activity in android On some Android version including the newest doesn't exist anymore. You need to use this..
Android: how to code depending on the version of the API? could forget is that you have to compile your app with the newest SDK you are goint to make reference. public abstract class LabeledIntentBridge..
Downloading/Caching Google Maps for Offline Use in an Android app and I thought it was possible with the newest Google Maps API release but I haven't seen much discussion on..
See Android recent task executed by the user tasks and grab the first one. getRunningTasks returns newest to oldest RunningTaskInfo task m.getRunningTasks numberOfTasks..
Concurrent Modification Exception : adding to an ArrayList Elements on the screen at the same time and if I touch the newest Element it works fine and launches the particles. However if..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar item android id @ id menuSortNewest android title Sort by newest item android id @ id menuSortRating android title Sort by rating..
Android webview cannot render youtube video embedded via iframe is a big problem because more websites are now using the newest format iframe to embed their youtube videos. Android Youtube..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets Chrome but it does not seem to be fixed in Browser in the newest OS. java android html html5 webview share improve this question..
When does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false? does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false In the newest version of ADT r17 a generated constant was added BuildConfig.DEBUG..
Is there a way to hide the system/navigation bar in Android ICS on Honeycomb devices. My clients however will be using the newest Ice Cream Sandwich devices and are very keen on hiding the bar..
ActionBarSherlock + Maps + Loaders = java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError how to check out my answer . I'm struggling with it for two days now hope someone can help. I'm trying to use the newest ActionBarSherlock 4.0 with a MapView. I knew it's problematic with fragments but I don't need them in this activity. But..
Using the new “manifestmerger” property in Android the new &ldquo manifestmerger&rdquo property in Android In the newest version of ADT version 20 preview 3 they say that it's possible to make the libraries' manifest file become mergeable with..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock HoloEverywhere Forcing Overflow but it does not work because absForceOverflow does not exist. Was it removed in the newest version or something I've checked the R files of both ABS and HE library projects and the field is simply not there. My..
After upgrade Android on Nexus to 4.2.2, Eclipse shows target unknown for device? cable or try accessing files on the device over USB this will go fine if your cable is fine Make sure you're using the newest version of adb . Even after I updated my SDK tools I couldn't get my device authorized when using adb . I eventually figured..
Cluster markers in Google Maps Android v2 Android v2 API. The problem is that multiple markers are set to the same position lat lng so the user only sees the newest marker. Is there a possibility in the best case a library that clusters different markers from the same area in relation..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 that is referencing several library projects. Everything was fine until i upgraded the eclipse ADT plugin to the newest version v22 . I also upgraded the SDK of course. I do not see any compile errors in eclipse but when i run the project on..
How to blit() in android? Canvas yourBitmap You can then do whatever transformations and drawing ops you want. yourBitmap will contain all the newest information. Then you use the surface holder like so Canvas someOtherCanvas surfaceHolder.lockCanvas someOtherCanvas.drawBitmap..
How to change target build on Android project? I want to change it so that it has a minSdk of 3 and targetSdk of 8. To do this I see that I must build against the newest SDK 2.2 To do this in Eclipse I right click on my project go to properties click on Android and change the project build..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? DBUtils.GetColumns db TableName backup table ALTER table TableName RENAME TO 'temp_ TableName create new table the newest table creation schema get the intersection with the new columns this time columns taken from the upgraded table columns.retainAll..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android DBUtils.GetColumns db TableName backup table ALTER table TableName RENAME TO 'temp_ TableName create new table the newest table creation schema get the intersection with the new columns this time columns taken from the upgraded table columns.retainAll..
unable to find activity in android intent.setClassName On some Android version including the newest doesn't exist anymore. You need to use this then Intent intent new Intent
Android: how to code depending on the version of the API? that uses another API LEVEL. The only detail one beginner could forget is that you have to compile your app with the newest SDK you are goint to make reference. public abstract class LabeledIntentBridge public abstract Intent BuildLabeledIntent..
Downloading/Caching Google Maps for Offline Use Maps for Offline Use I'd like to be able to implement this in an Android app and I thought it was possible with the newest Google Maps API release but I haven't seen much discussion on the topic. Ideally you'd be able to download cache maps for..
See Android recent task executed by the user ACTIVITY_SERVICE Get some number of running tasks and grab the first one. getRunningTasks returns newest to oldest RunningTaskInfo task m.getRunningTasks numberOfTasks .get 0 Build output String output the last application you've..
Concurrent Modification Exception : adding to an ArrayList fine until I add another main Element . Now I have two Elements on the screen at the same time and if I touch the newest Element it works fine and launches the particles. However if I touch and activate cFlag on the older Element then it gives..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar icon @drawable ic_menu_sort android showAsAction ifRoom menu item android id @ id menuSortNewest android title Sort by newest item android id @ id menuSortRating android title Sort by rating menu item Second option menu options.xml menu xmlns android..
Android webview cannot render youtube video embedded via iframe activity tag but still no video in both 2.3 3.2 devices. This is a big problem because more websites are now using the newest format iframe to embed their youtube videos. Android Youtube Team please take a look at this problem. android webview youtube..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets a Javascript file is loaded I don't know if it's fixed in Chrome but it does not seem to be fixed in Browser in the newest OS. java android html html5 webview share improve this question .destroy Destroys the internal state of this WebView...
When does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false? does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false In the newest version of ADT r17 a generated constant was added BuildConfig.DEBUG that is set according to the build type. The problem..
Is there a way to hide the system/navigation bar in Android ICS device and I'm managing navigation about hiding the bar on Honeycomb devices. My clients however will be using the newest Ice Cream Sandwich devices and are very keen on hiding the bar at the bottom the screen. Their application is not for regular..