android Programming Glossary: news
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called apart from Network location provider. But here is good news not Long time back Google introduced Fused Location Provider..
Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer? p npr android app source browse Npr src org npr android news r 7cf2352b5c3c0fbcdc18a5a8c67d836577e7e8e3.. p npr android app source browse Npr src org npr android news r e4984187f45c39a54ea6c88f71197762dbe10e72..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views This interaction is exactly like what the new weather news widget that comes with the Nexus One does for navigating between.. view widgets that do this Update found a copy of the news weather widget GenieWidget and they seem to have implemented..
Custom event listener on Android app thread of my app wakes up and refreshes it's list of news from a rss feed. I've done everything but got stucked in here... this.listeners.add listener .... Fire the callback when news is available .... for listener listeners listener.onNewsUpdate.. new OnNewsUpdateListener onNewsUpdate News Data process news data runOnUIThread new Runnable public void run refresh list..
How can I update a single row in a ListView? single row in a ListView I have a ListView which displays news items. They contain an image a title and some text. The image..
iPhone or Android? [closed] . Also I want to pickup my phone and start to read news not start to download news. With the iPhone that is not possible.. my phone and start to read news not start to download news. With the iPhone that is not possible for a 3rd party developer..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 still accept that mode and WOULD turn the LED on The bad news was that when later setting the flash mode back to auto or off..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol which you are required to implement the protocol. The good news is that socket are language independent and you can send messages..
sqlite example program in android [closed] vnd.example.brown private Bru_Press_Data news private UriMatcher uriMatcher private Cursor cursor private.. uriMatcher.addURI AUTHORITY user_deal # QUADUSER_ID news new Bru_Press_Data getContext return true @Override public Cursor.. uri QUADUSER Get the database and run the query db news.getReadableDatabase cursor db.query TABLE_NAME projection selection..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? it so not being able to use the Geocoder object is bad news. I could add a way for the user to select the location on a..
Android horizontal scroll list [duplicate] scrolling list I think best example of this is pulse news reader https details id com.alphonso.pulse..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission You'll find installPackage ... function there. The bad news is that it's marked with @hide. This means it's not directly..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] in this space. New ones seem to spring up every week. Good news for you you have a lot of choices. These frameworks take different..
Get focused View from ViewPager mActivity.getLayoutInflater Standardmä ig ist news eingeblendet View view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.news_fragment.. eingeblendet View view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.news_fragment null Falls sich die Position verändert so verändert..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? FragmentTransaction.hide . To illustrate with the same News article list article contents example that Android developer.. example that Android developer guide uses Have the News activity containing both an ArticleListFragment and ArticleReaderFragment.. anything which is significantly different from the News Reader example presented in the Android developer guide. The..
How do you create a transparent demo screen for an Android app? installs my application. Here's an example from the Pulse News app Galaxy Nexus Nexus One Instead of a 'tap to dismiss' feature..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) To Study And Implement Page Viewer And Page Indicator For News private Context ctx private int mCount CONTENT.length public..
Tab Widget Issue when use android:configChanges=“orientation|keyboardHidden” in Grid View but working for other Tab a custom Tab Widget.In that have multiple tab like Home News Abc PQR . The Activity should be for both orientation like portrait.. activity then its working for Home activity not for Mean when i change the orientation its keeping same xml..
Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer? it would stutter whenever it refilled the buffer. The NPR News app for Android is open source and uses a local proxy server..
How to make a splash screen (screen visible when app starts)? db if needed and then start the Activity that displays the News Feeds. Close the splash Activity by calling finish Here's a.. Void params dismiss your dialog launch your News activity Intent intent new Intent SplashScreen.this News.class.. News activity Intent intent new Intent SplashScreen.this News.class startActivity intent close this activity finish hope..
Custom event listener on Android app question Define a callback interface public interface NewsUpdateListener void onNewsUpdate News data to be passed Provide.. interface public interface NewsUpdateListener void onNewsUpdate News data to be passed Provide a registration facility.. public interface NewsUpdateListener void onNewsUpdate News data to be passed Provide a registration facility on the background..
How can I parse this JSON in Android? Reporter followers_count 25 recommended false bio Apple News AAPL Stock Analysis visit Apple Digest blog link above login..
How to add a footer in ListView? mention footer in red rectangle Fig1 Footer like More News Fig2 Add additional 10 record added in listview android android..
How to implement the SHARE function of a Android app? question Here is the actual code from my Android app BBC News that does this. It shares the URL to the page. If the user has..
Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget the tab to be reused intent new Intent .setClass this TopNewsActivity.class Initialize a TabSpec for each tab and add it to.. tab and add it to the TabHost spec tabHost.newTabSpec topNews .setIndicator Top News res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_news .setContent.. TabHost spec tabHost.newTabSpec topNews .setIndicator Top News res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_news .setContent intent tabHost.addTab..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called correct location because it uses other sensors information also apart from Network location provider. But here is good news not Long time back Google introduced Fused Location Provider api's via its Google Play Service Framework which is super..
Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer? relevant code in lines 199 216 r94 here http p npr android app source browse Npr src org npr android news r 7cf2352b5c3c0fbcdc18a5a8c67d836577e7e8e3 And this is the StreamProxy class http p.. And this is the StreamProxy class http p npr android app source browse Npr src org npr android news r e4984187f45c39a54ea6c88f71197762dbe10e72 The NPR app is also still getting the error 38 0 sometimes while..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views previous next views switching to it if there's enough velocity. This interaction is exactly like what the new weather news widget that comes with the Nexus One does for navigating between its tabs . Are there any existing view widgets that do.. One does for navigating between its tabs . Are there any existing view widgets that do this Update found a copy of the news weather widget GenieWidget and they seem to have implemented their own widget to accomplish this which they call
Custom event listener on Android app generate the event which will be fired everytime another running thread of my app wakes up and refreshes it's list of news from a rss feed. I've done everything but got stucked in here. Can I get any suggestion or link with some more info on how.. NewsUpdateListener listener Store the listener object this.listeners.add listener .... Fire the callback when news is available .... for listener listeners listener.onNewsUpdate News data to be passed .... Register listener somewhere during..
How can I update a single row in a ListView? can I update a single row in a ListView I have a ListView which displays news items. They contain an image a title and some text. The image is loaded in a separate thread with a queue and all and when..
iPhone or Android? [closed] by using intents http android intro anatomy.html . Also I want to pickup my phone and start to read news not start to download news. With the iPhone that is not possible for a 3rd party developer to accomplish due to the lack.. android intro anatomy.html . Also I want to pickup my phone and start to read news not start to download news. With the iPhone that is not possible for a 3rd party developer to accomplish due to the lack of background tasks. share..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 it's not supported. However I found that this model would still accept that mode and WOULD turn the LED on The bad news was that when later setting the flash mode back to auto or off left the LED still lit It will not turn off until you call..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol to bring bytes from one side to another and on top of which you are required to implement the protocol. The good news is that socket are language independent and you can send messages between heterogeneous devices ipad android linux windows..
sqlite example program in android [closed] event private static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE2 vnd.example.brown private Bru_Press_Data news private UriMatcher uriMatcher private Cursor cursor private SQLiteDatabase db String str @Override public boolean onCreate.. UriMatcher.NO_MATCH uriMatcher.addURI AUTHORITY user_deal QUADUSER uriMatcher.addURI AUTHORITY user_deal # QUADUSER_ID news new Bru_Press_Data getContext return true @Override public Cursor query Uri uri String projection String selection String.. .get 1 selection appendRowId selection id if uriMatcher.match uri QUADUSER Get the database and run the query db news.getReadableDatabase cursor db.query TABLE_NAME projection selection selectionArgs null null orderBy cursor.setNotificationUri..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? doesn't provide a location the user must manually specify it so not being able to use the Geocoder object is bad news. I could add a way for the user to select the location on a map but it's not ideal. Possibly I could use the Google Maps..
Android horizontal scroll list [duplicate] one here would help me out with this So I can have horizontal scrolling list I think best example of this is pulse news reader https details id com.alphonso.pulse Thanks android listview gallery horizontallist share improve..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission Next step is to inspect PackageManager which is abstract class. You'll find installPackage ... function there. The bad news is that it's marked with @hide. This means it's not directly available you won't be able to compile with call to this method..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] a cross platform framework. There are a ton of companies in this space. New ones seem to spring up every week. Good news for you you have a lot of choices. These frameworks take different approaches and many of them are fundamentally designed..
Get focused View from ViewPager Wird verwendet um die Views aufzurufen LayoutInflater layoutInflater mActivity.getLayoutInflater Standardmä ig ist news eingeblendet View view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.news_fragment null Falls sich die Position verändert so verändert.. mActivity.getLayoutInflater Standardmä ig ist news eingeblendet View view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.news_fragment null Falls sich die Position verändert so verändert sich auch die View if position 0 view layoutInflater.inflate..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? hide the appropriate Fragment s using FragmentTransaction.hide . To illustrate with the same News article list article contents example that Android developer guide uses Have the News activity containing both an ArticleListFragment.. . To illustrate with the same News article list article contents example that Android developer guide uses Have the News activity containing both an ArticleListFragment and ArticleReaderFragment . On a tab both fragments are always displayed... Frag2 and ActivityC contains Frag3. So far we have not considered anything which is significantly different from the News Reader example presented in the Android developer guide. The only major difference is having three fragments instead of..
How do you create a transparent demo screen for an Android app? demo screen that is launched only when a user first installs my application. Here's an example from the Pulse News app Galaxy Nexus Nexus One Instead of a 'tap to dismiss' feature I want the user to be able to swipe through a couple of..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) new String This Is A Test Demo Sample Example Application To Study And Implement Page Viewer And Page Indicator For News private Context ctx private int mCount CONTENT.length public MyPagerAdapter Context ctx this.ctx ctx @Override public int..
Tab Widget Issue when use android:configChanges=“orientation|keyboardHidden” in Grid View but working for other Tab for other Tab I am stuck with my issue.Thing is that its a custom Tab Widget.In that have multiple tab like Home News Abc PQR . The Activity should be for both orientation like portrait and landscape . so for that each tab have two xml for.. configChanges orientation keyboardHidden rule tag in tab_sample activity then its working for Home activity not for Mean when i change the orientation its keeping same xml form port not use from layout the sense its call OnCreate..
Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer? a new version here and I had trouble making it sticky it would stutter whenever it refilled the buffer. The NPR News app for Android is open source and uses a local proxy server to handle MP3 streaming in versions of the OS before 2.2. You..
How to make a splash screen (screen visible when app starts)? download the xml feed from the net parse it store it to a db if needed and then start the Activity that displays the News Feeds. Close the splash Activity by calling finish Here's a skeleton code public class SplashScreen extends Activity @Override.. your xml feed asynchronously @Override protected void onPostExecute Void params dismiss your dialog launch your News activity Intent intent new Intent SplashScreen.this News.class startActivity intent close this activity finish hope that..
Custom event listener on Android app event handling listener addeventlistener share improve this question Define a callback interface public interface NewsUpdateListener void onNewsUpdate News data to be passed Provide a registration facility on the background thread which.. share improve this question Define a callback interface public interface NewsUpdateListener void onNewsUpdate News data to be passed Provide a registration facility on the background thread which gets the RSS feed class Background.. share improve this question Define a callback interface public interface NewsUpdateListener void onNewsUpdate News data to be passed Provide a registration facility on the background thread which gets the RSS feed class Background processing..
How can I parse this JSON in Android? 1270014645.png 1270014645 investor_relations false last_name Reporter followers_count 25 recommended false bio Apple News AAPL Stock Analysis visit Apple Digest blog link above login AppleReporter first_name Apple user avatar_url_thumb..
How to add a footer in ListView? like that design and process please refer image1 and imgae2.I mention footer in red rectangle Fig1 Footer like More News Fig2 Add additional 10 record added in listview android android listview footer share improve this question Create..
How to implement the SHARE function of a Android app? such a function Thanks. android share improve this question Here is the actual code from my Android app BBC News that does this. It shares the URL to the page. If the user has Facebook or Twitter apps installed they will be offered the..
Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget for each tab Create an Intent to launch an Activity for the tab to be reused intent new Intent .setClass this TopNewsActivity.class Initialize a TabSpec for each tab and add it to the TabHost spec tabHost.newTabSpec topNews .setIndicator.. this TopNewsActivity.class Initialize a TabSpec for each tab and add it to the TabHost spec tabHost.newTabSpec topNews .setIndicator Top News res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_news .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec Do the same for the other.. Initialize a TabSpec for each tab and add it to the TabHost spec tabHost.newTabSpec topNews .setIndicator Top News res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_news .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec Do the same for the other tabs intent new Intent..