android Programming Glossary: newtext
How to pass the values from one activity to previous activity if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK String newText data.getStringExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER TODO Update..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead this public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText mStatusView.setText Query newText return false public boolean.. onQueryTextChange String newText mStatusView.setText Query newText return false public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query mStatusView.setText..
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index false @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText return false @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String..
onclick button is not working in listview false @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText return false @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String..
Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android javascript document.getElementById 'text' .innerHTML ' newText ' You can also use other HTML elements instead of the span that..
Action Bar Sherlock SearchView not expanding on click of it true @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText if mAdapter null mAdapter.getFilter .filter newText return false..
Android 3.0 - what are the advantages of using LoaderManager instances exactly? sv public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText Called when the action bar search text has changed. Update the.. a new query with this filter. mCurFilter TextUtils.isEmpty newText newText null getLoaderManager .restartLoader 0 null this return.. with this filter. mCurFilter TextUtils.isEmpty newText newText null getLoaderManager .restartLoader 0 null this return true..
How to find android TextView number of characters per line? Try this private boolean isTooLarge TextView text String newText float textWidth text.getPaint .measureText newText return textWidth.. String newText float textWidth text.getPaint .measureText newText return textWidth text.getMeasuredWidth Detecting how many characters.. string will fit or not in the TextView. The content of newText should be all the characters in a particular line. If true then..
Android Create custom SearchView Search action @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText Do something return true @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit..
Android ActionbarSherlock SearchView @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText Do something System.out.println onQueryTextChange return..
SearchView's OnCloseListener doesn't work @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText searchLibrary newText return false @Override public boolean.. boolean onQueryTextChange String newText searchLibrary newText return false @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String.. proof @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText System.out.println newText hello searchLibrary newText return..
How to pass the values from one activity to previous activity
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead mSearchView.setSearchableInfo info mSearchView.setOnQueryTextListener this public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText mStatusView.setText Query newText return false public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query mStatusView.setText Query query.. mSearchView.setOnQueryTextListener this public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText mStatusView.setText Query newText return false public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query mStatusView.setText Query query submitted return false public..
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index objectAdapter @Override public boolean onClose return false @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText return false @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query return false ... public class..
onclick button is not working in listview @Override public boolean onClose return false @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText return false @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query return false EfficientAdapter.JAVA public class EfficientAdapter..
Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android that we used for the math part something like w.loadUrl javascript document.getElementById 'text' .innerHTML ' newText ' You can also use other HTML elements instead of the span that we use above if you want to have specific styling formatting...
Action Bar Sherlock SearchView not expanding on click of it
Android 3.0 - what are the advantages of using LoaderManager instances exactly? SearchView getActivity sv.setOnQueryTextListener this item.setActionView sv public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText Called when the action bar search text has changed. Update the search filter and restart the loader to do a new query with.. Update the search filter and restart the loader to do a new query with this filter. mCurFilter TextUtils.isEmpty newText newText null getLoaderManager .restartLoader 0 null this return true @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query.. the search filter and restart the loader to do a new query with this filter. mCurFilter TextUtils.isEmpty newText newText null getLoaderManager .restartLoader 0 null this return true @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query Don't..
How to find android TextView number of characters per line? text size width textview share improve this question Try this private boolean isTooLarge TextView text String newText float textWidth text.getPaint .measureText newText return textWidth text.getMeasuredWidth Detecting how many characters.. question Try this private boolean isTooLarge TextView text String newText float textWidth text.getPaint .measureText newText return textWidth text.getMeasuredWidth Detecting how many characters fit will be impossible due to the variable width of.. of the characters. The above function will test if a particular string will fit or not in the TextView. The content of newText should be all the characters in a particular line. If true then start a new line and using a new string to pass as parameter..
Android Create custom SearchView Search action queryTextListener new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText Do something return true @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query Do something return true searchView.setOnQueryTextListener..
Android ActionbarSherlock SearchView queryTextListener new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText Do something System.out.println onQueryTextChange return true @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query..
SearchView's OnCloseListener doesn't work searchView.setOnQueryTextListener new OnQueryTextListener @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText searchLibrary newText return false @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query return false searchView.setOnCloseListener.. new OnQueryTextListener @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText searchLibrary newText return false @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit String query return false searchView.setOnCloseListener new OnCloseListener.. Any ideas Update Yes System.out.println does work. Here's proof @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange String newText System.out.println newText hello searchLibrary newText return false Results in this Logcat 02 17 13 04 20.094 I System.out..