android Programming Glossary: newstringutf
FindClass from any thread in Android JNI jclass env CallObjectMethod ClassLoader MID_loadClass envNewStringUTF name dlog myFindClass s c0 p c1 p c0 and c1 are same d name.. CallObjectMethod gClassLoader gFindClassMethod getEnv NewStringUTF name JNIEnv getEnv JNIEnv env int status gJvm GetEnv void env..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK Config Landroid graphics Bitmap jstring configName env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory Config Landroid graphics Bitmap jstring configName env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] Config Landroid graphics Bitmap jstring configName env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics..
FFMpeg jni in Android? JNIEnv env jobject thiz return env NewStringUTF env Hello from JNI You also need some Java code to load the..
How to use NDK in android project? 20 sprintf szResult szFormat sum jstring result env NewStringUTF env szResult free szResult return result 5 now edit your activity..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError JNIEnv env jobject thiz return env NewStringUTF env Hello from JNI the .so file is... project_root libs armeabi..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android vm void env vm_args Construct a String jstring jstr env NewStringUTF This string comes from JNI First get the class that contains.. jstr str Shutdown the VM. vm DestroyJavaVM return env NewStringUTF Hello from JNI After clean compilation app stops with next message.. JNIEnv env jobject obj jstring jstr env NewStringUTF env This comes from jni. jclass clazz env FindClass env com..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android other way TCHAR szReport new TCHAR jstring result callEnv NewStringUTF szReport It can be every char variable. Exceptions Can be thrown..
How to compile library with source code with NDK tools? #12 2e0 9001 str r0 sp #4 2e2 9100 str r1 sp #0 return env NewStringUTF env Hello from JNI 2e4 9b01 ldr r3 sp #4 2e6 681a ldr r2 r3..
Android std and stl support JNIEnv env jobject javaThis return env NewStringUTF Hello from native code I wanted to add some modifications just..
FindClass from any thread in Android JNI const char name ... jclass c0 env FindClass name jclass c1 jclass env CallObjectMethod ClassLoader MID_loadClass envNewStringUTF name dlog myFindClass s c0 p c1 p c0 and c1 are same d name c0 c1 env IsSameObject c0 c1 ... Then I have these 3 combinations.. findClass const char name return static_cast jclass getEnv CallObjectMethod gClassLoader gFindClassMethod getEnv NewStringUTF name JNIEnv getEnv JNIEnv env int status gJvm GetEnv void env JNI_VERSION_1_6 if status 0 status gJvm AttachCurrentThread..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK bitmapCls createBitmap IILandroid graphics Bitmap Config Landroid graphics Bitmap jstring configName env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics Bitmap Config jmethodID valueOfBitmapConfigFunction env..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory bitmapCls createBitmap IILandroid graphics Bitmap Config Landroid graphics Bitmap jstring configName env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics Bitmap Config jmethodID valueOfBitmapConfigFunction env..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] bitmapCls createBitmap IILandroid graphics Bitmap Config Landroid graphics Bitmap jstring configName env NewStringUTF ARGB_8888 jclass bitmapConfigClass env FindClass android graphics Bitmap Config jmethodID valueOfBitmapConfigFunction env..
FFMpeg jni in Android? the Android NDK samples jstring Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI JNIEnv env jobject thiz return env NewStringUTF env Hello from JNI You also need some Java code to load the library and declare the native method. public class HelloJni..
How to use NDK in android project? szResult jlong sum value1 value2 szResult malloc sizeof szFormat 20 sprintf szResult szFormat sum jstring result env NewStringUTF env szResult free szResult return result 5 now edit your activity where you want to call the native code first create a..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError jni in hello jni.c jstring Java_com_bdunlay_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI JNIEnv env jobject thiz return env NewStringUTF env Hello from JNI the .so file is... project_root libs armeabi libhello android android ndk share improve this..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android 1 Construct a VM jint res JNI_CreateJavaVM vm void env vm_args Construct a String jstring jstr env NewStringUTF This string comes from JNI First get the class that contains the method you need to call jclass clazz env FindClass the.. result NULL printf s n str Clean up env ReleaseStringUTFChars jstr str Shutdown the VM. vm DestroyJavaVM return env NewStringUTF Hello from JNI After clean compilation app stops with next message ERROR AndroidRuntime 742 FATAL EXCEPTION main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError.. stdio.h #include jni.h jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString JNIEnv env jobject obj jstring jstr env NewStringUTF env This comes from jni. jclass clazz env FindClass env com inceptix android t3d MainActivity jmethodID messageMe env GetMethodID..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android const char fileName env GetStringUTFChars file jbol And the other way TCHAR szReport new TCHAR jstring result callEnv NewStringUTF szReport It can be every char variable. Exceptions Can be thrown with the JNIEnv callEnv ThrowNew callEnv FindClass java..
How to compile library with source code with NDK tools? JNIEnv env jobject thiz 2dc b500 push lr 2de b083 sub sp #12 2e0 9001 str r0 sp #4 2e2 9100 str r1 sp #0 return env NewStringUTF env Hello from JNI 2e4 9b01 ldr r3 sp #4 2e6 681a ldr r2 r3 #0 2e8 23a7 movs r3 #167 2ea 009b lsls r3 r3 #2 2ec 58d2 ldr..
Android std and stl support jstring Java_org_android_helloworld_HelloworldActivity_invokeNativeFunction JNIEnv env jobject javaThis return env NewStringUTF Hello from native code I wanted to add some modifications just to play with it a bit #include algorithm and then in the..