android Programming Glossary: newstring
How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data Then to retrieve the value try something like String newString if savedInstanceState null extras getIntent .getExtras if extras.. null extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null newString null else newString extras.getString STRING_I_NEED else newString.. getIntent .getExtras if extras null newString null else newString extras.getString STRING_I_NEED else newString String savedInstanceState.getSerializable..
Android - how to replace part of a string by another string? or to itself string string.replace to xyz or String newString string.replace to xyz API Docs public String replace CharSequence..
Conversion of Date calendar.getActualMaximum Calendar.DATE String newString new SimpleDateFormat dd MMM yyyy .format calendar.getTime .toUpperCase..
How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data String keyIdentifer null i.putExtra STRING_I_NEED strName Then to retrieve the value try something like String newString if savedInstanceState null extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null newString null else newString extras.getString STRING_I_NEED.. the value try something like String newString if savedInstanceState null extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null newString null else newString extras.getString STRING_I_NEED else newString String savedInstanceState.getSerializable STRING_I_NEED.. like String newString if savedInstanceState null extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null newString null else newString extras.getString STRING_I_NEED else newString String savedInstanceState.getSerializable STRING_I_NEED share improve this..
Android - how to replace part of a string by another string? new String. So you just need to assign it to a new String variable or to itself string string.replace to xyz or String newString string.replace to xyz API Docs public String replace CharSequence target CharSequence replacement Since API Level 1 Copies..
Conversion of Date name is ignored but we don't need this. calendar.set Calendar.DATE calendar.getActualMaximum Calendar.DATE String newString new SimpleDateFormat dd MMM yyyy .format calendar.getTime .toUpperCase System.out.println newString 31 DEC 2009 share..