

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:15

android Programming Glossary: neu

android dynamically add layouts under each other


to add multiple layouts dynamically under each other. So I wrote the following code for int i 1 i layoutCounter i View neu inflater.inflate R.layout.vote parent false neu.setId layoutID if layoutID 1 params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. So I wrote the following code for int i 1 i layoutCounter i View neu inflater.inflate R.layout.vote parent false neu.setId layoutID if layoutID 1 params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.addRule RelativeLayout.BELOW neu.getId neu.setLayoutParams params parent.addView neu layoutID txtMultiline is a fixed View defined in XML. LayoutID is an..

Android How do i overwrite the filter for my ArrayAdapter?


TextView neg TextView v.findViewById R.id.negNum TextView pos TextView v.findViewById R.id.posNum TextView neu TextView v.findViewById R.id.neuNum WebImageView productPhoto WebImageView v.findViewById R.id.pPhoto if productPhoto.. R.id.negNum TextView pos TextView v.findViewById R.id.posNum TextView neu TextView v.findViewById R.id.neuNum WebImageView productPhoto WebImageView v.findViewById R.id.pPhoto if productPhoto null productPhoto.setImageUrl o.getImageUrl.. null pname.setText o.getProductName .toString if neg null String a o.getNegativeReviews neg.setText a if neu null String a o.getNeutralReviews neu.setText a if pos null String a o.getPositiveReviews pos.setText a return v..

Android: How to detect double-tap?


ptypename int pid product.getInt pid int positive product.getInt pos int negative product.getInt neg int neutral product.getInt neu SearchItem item new SearchItem imgUrl productname ptypename neutral positive negative pid sResultsArr.add.. pid product.getInt pid int positive product.getInt pos int negative product.getInt neg int neutral product.getInt neu SearchItem item new SearchItem imgUrl productname ptypename neutral positive negative pid sResultsArr.add item catch.. product.getInt neg int neutral product.getInt neu SearchItem item new SearchItem imgUrl productname ptypename neutral positive negative pid sResultsArr.add item catch JSONException e catch Exception e returns back to UI therad h.post..

Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views


if mVelocityTracker null mVelocityTracker.recycle mVelocityTracker null mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_REST neu unten invalidate Request redraw break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL Log.i LOG_TAG event cancel mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_REST..