android Programming Glossary: newcompass
Android Compass orientation on unreliable (Low pass filter) 30.0 var oldCompass 0.0 and the function recieves newCompass and returns oldCompass as the result. if Math.abs newCompass.. and returns oldCompass as the result. if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass 180 if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass SmoothThresholdCompass.. result. if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass 180 if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass SmoothThresholdCompass oldCompass newCompass else..
Android Compass orientation on unreliable (Low pass filter) defenition is var SmoothFactorCompass 0.5 var SmoothThresholdCompass 30.0 var oldCompass 0.0 and the function recieves newCompass and returns oldCompass as the result. if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass 180 if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass SmoothThresholdCompass.. 30.0 var oldCompass 0.0 and the function recieves newCompass and returns oldCompass as the result. if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass 180 if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass SmoothThresholdCompass oldCompass newCompass else oldCompass oldCompass.. function recieves newCompass and returns oldCompass as the result. if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass 180 if Math.abs newCompass oldCompass SmoothThresholdCompass oldCompass newCompass else oldCompass oldCompass SmoothFactorCompass newCompass oldCompass..