android Programming Glossary: new
Saving Activity state in Android super.onCreate savedInstanceState mTextView new TextView this if savedInstanceState null mTextView.setText..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app application in Android. If I use Intent emailIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND this will launch the.. Button this.findViewById send.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v TODO Auto.. TODO Auto generated method stub try GMailSender sender new GMailSender password sender.sendMail This..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object on each row. When you click the list row it launches a new activity. I have had to build my own tabs because of an issue.. the listview activity to the result handler to relaunch my new activity which is nothing more than an image widget. The image.. fine again. FYI This is how I was doing it String from new String DBHelper.KEY_BUSINESSNAME DBHelper.KEY_ADDRESS DBHelper.KEY_CITY..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView Drawable drawableMap public DrawableManager drawableMap new HashMap String Drawable public Drawable fetchDrawable String.. drawableMap.get urlString final Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message message.. Drawable message.obj Thread thread new Thread @Override public void run TODO set imageView to a pending..
Error importing HoloEverywhere the .zip .tgz and extract it Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from existing source and.. computer UnZip the folder Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from existing source and..
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android Device in Eclipse Windows Android SDK and AVD Manager New... Name new_avd_X Target Google APIs Google Inc. API Level X.. will again failed. Create Android Project in Eclipse File New Android Project and select Google APIs Build Target. add uses..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen from the Eclipse menu bar select Window AVD Manager New configured with values for real devices Name the emulator for..
Network listener Android listener android networking share improve this question New java class public class ConnectionChangeReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver.. Type mobNetInfo.getTypeName Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show New xml in your AndroidManifest.xml under the manifest element Needed.. android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE New xml in your AndroidManifest.xml under the application element..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin 22.2 New App Wizard Unsupported template dependency Upgrade your Android..
How to import existing Android project into Eclipse? project into my current Eclipse workspace. I select File New Android Project which brings up the Android project dialog I..
Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse? activity share improve this question You can use the New Class dialog but that leaves other steps you need to do by hand..
Change the background color of the options menu on the same LayoutInflater instance. New code in Android 2.3 broke this assumption and led to a NullPointerException...
How do you install an APK file in the Android emulator? Execute the emulator SDK Manager.exe Tools Manage AVDs... New then Start Start the console Windows XP Run type cmd and move..
What is Context in Android? in the activity class . Typical uses of context Creating New objects Creating new views adapters listeners TextView tv new..
Android read text raw resource file character How can I remove that character I think it's New Line. WORKING SOLUTION public static String readRawTextFile..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found these instructions. Eclipse 3.6 Helios Select Help Install New Software... Click the link for Available Software Sites. Ensure..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android fill_parent Button android id @ id addBtn android text Add New Item android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height..
How to add new contacts in android cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME New Name cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER 1234567890..
How do I make a splash screen in android super.onCreate icicle setContentView R.layout.splashscreen New Handler to start the Menu Activity and close this Splash Screen..
What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android? English Britain en_GB 1.5 English Canada en_CA 1.5 English New Zealand en_NZ 1.5 English Singapore en_SG 1.5 French Belgium..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder New version of ADT r17 plugin for Eclipse added feature to automatically..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? PAGE current_page 1 Next page request URL pagingURL Log.e NEW URL URL try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get.. limit 10 getLimit Log.e NEW PAGING URL pagingURL else stopLoadingData true Runnable run.. int currentPosition lv.getFirstVisiblePosition APPEND NEW DATA TO THE ARRAYLIST AND SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW adapter..
Lazy download images into gridView FOR CURRENT PAGE int current_page 1 BOOLEAN TO CHECK IF NEW FEEDS ARE LOADING Boolean loadingMore true Boolean stopLoadingData.. gridOfPhotos.getFirstVisiblePosition APPEND NEW DATA TO THE ARRAYLIST AND SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW adapter.. currentPosition 1 SET LOADINGMORE FALSE AFTER ADDING NEW FEEDS TO THE EXISTING LIST loadingMore false And this is the..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” imageblob . If I try c1.setImage it doesn't work. NEW In one activity case Intent cameraIntent new..
While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured this SHA 1 KEY Follow the Step no 4 6 Now you will get NEW google map API KEY Now use this key in to Manifeast.xml file.. name android value NEW GOOGLE MAP API KEY 7 Now Create New APK FILE of you APLICATION..
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? com.sec.badge apps cv package new String getPackageName NEW I have created an open source project that you can import as..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? in Android android share improve this question NEW ANSWER added Jan 25th 2012 Since writing the below answer someone..
how to set custom title bar TextView Value dynamically in android? if myTitleText null myTitleText.setText NEW TITLE myTitleText.setBackgroundColor Color.GREEN share improve..
Change title bar text in Android if myTitleText null myTitleText.setText NEW TITLE user can also set color using Color and then Color value..
replace selector images programmatically has already been defined. You can however define a NEW one through code StateListDrawable states new StateListDrawable..
Android:Passing a hash map between Activities and i would like to pass it to activity2. public class NEW extends Activity public class data String name float value ..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken here we looped the full gallery. if bFound This is the NEW image. If the size is bigger copy it. Then delete it File..
How to set Alarm in Android? Notification note new Notification R.drawable.face NEW ACTIVITY System.currentTimeMillis Intent notificationIntent..
how to extract code of apk file this zip apk file in the same folder in this eg or case NEW FOLDER . now dowmload dex2jar from this link http p dex2jar and extract it to the same folder in this case NEW FOLDER open command prompt and reach to that folder.. open command prompt and reach to that folder in this case NEW FOLDER ....after reaching write dex2jar classes.dex and press..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera and it has to be deleted from the gallery This is the NEW image. If the size is bigger copy it. Then delete it File..
Saving Activity state in Android is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mTextView new TextView this if savedInstanceState null mTextView.setText Welcome to HelloAndroid else mTextView.setText Welcome back...
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app the default built in app I am trying to create a mail sending application in Android. If I use Intent emailIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND this will launch the built in Android application I'm trying to send the mail.. setContentView R.layout.main final Button send Button this.findViewById send.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub try GMailSender sender new GMailSender.. new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub try GMailSender sender new GMailSender password sender.sendMail This is Subject This is Body
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object object I have a list view with a couple of image buttons on each row. When you click the list row it launches a new activity. I have had to build my own tabs because of an issue with the camera layout. The activity that gets launched for.. SD card the application returns from the activity back to the listview activity to the result handler to relaunch my new activity which is nothing more than an image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor and.. As soon as I disabled the image on the list view it worked fine again. FYI This is how I was doing it String from new String DBHelper.KEY_BUSINESSNAME DBHelper.KEY_ADDRESS DBHelper.KEY_CITY DBHelper.KEY_GPSLONG DBHelper.KEY_GPSLAT..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView public class DrawableManager private final Map String Drawable drawableMap public DrawableManager drawableMap new HashMap String Drawable public Drawable fetchDrawable String urlString if drawableMap.containsKey urlString return drawableMap.get.. if drawableMap.containsKey urlString imageView.setImageDrawable drawableMap.get urlString final Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message message imageView.setImageDrawable Drawable message.obj Thread thread.. @Override public void handleMessage Message message imageView.setImageDrawable Drawable message.obj Thread thread new Thread @Override public void run TODO set imageView to a pending image Drawable drawable fetchDrawable urlString Message..
Error importing HoloEverywhere taken from blog here to add ActionBarSherlock Download the .zip .tgz and extract it Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from existing source and then browse to the library folder inside extracted AndroidBarSherlock.. below to add HoloEverywhere Download Zip from GitHub to your computer UnZip the folder Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from existing source and then browse to the HoloEverywhereLib folder inside extracted..
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android t Google Inc. Google APIs X Then create AVD Android Virtual Device in Eclipse Windows Android SDK and AVD Manager New... Name new_avd_X Target Google APIs Google Inc. API Level X IMPORTANT You must create your AVD with Target as Google APIs.. your AVD with Target as Google APIs Google Inc. otherwise it will again failed. Create Android Project in Eclipse File New Android Project and select Google APIs Build Target. add uses library android name between application..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen device density. In Eclipse it's easy to create multiple emulators from the Eclipse menu bar select Window AVD Manager New configured with values for real devices Name the emulator for the real device it's emulating Specify Resolution don't use..
Network listener Android really helpful. Thanks in advance. java android networking listener android networking share improve this question New java class public class ConnectionChangeReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context.. .show if mobNetInfo null Toast.makeText context Mobile Network Type mobNetInfo.getTypeName Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show New xml in your AndroidManifest.xml under the manifest element Needed to check when the network connection changes uses permission.. to check when the network connection changes uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE New xml in your AndroidManifest.xml under the application element receiver android name com.blackboard.androidtest.receiver.ConnectionChangeReceiver..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin 22.2 New App Wizard Unsupported template dependency Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin I found some answers to that issue but none..
How to import existing Android project into Eclipse? into Eclipse I'm trying to import and existing Android project into my current Eclipse workspace. I select File New Android Project which brings up the Android project dialog I then select Create project from existing source Location Build..
Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse? way How do others handle that android eclipse ide android activity share improve this question You can use the New Class dialog but that leaves other steps you need to do by hand e.g. adding an entry to the manifest file . If you want..
Change the background color of the options menu directly without currently being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate on the same LayoutInflater instance. New code in Android 2.3 broke this assumption and led to a NullPointerException. My slightly refined hack below does not rely..
How do you install an APK file in the Android emulator? emulator install apk share improve this question Windows Execute the emulator SDK Manager.exe Tools Manage AVDs... New then Start Start the console Windows XP Run type cmd and move to the platform tools folder of SDK directory. Paste the APK..
What is Context in Android? getApplicationContext getContext getBaseContext or this when in the activity class . Typical uses of context Creating New objects Creating new views adapters listeners TextView tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter..
Android read text raw resource file The text get's showed but after each line I get a strange character How can I remove that character I think it's New Line. WORKING SOLUTION public static String readRawTextFile Context ctx int resId InputStream inputStream ctx.getResources..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found all of them but they can be easily installed by following these instructions. Eclipse 3.6 Helios Select Help Install New Software... Click the link for Available Software Sites. Ensure there is an update site named Helios. If this is not present..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent Button android id @ id addBtn android text Add New Item android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android onClick addItems ListView android id @android..
How to add new contacts in android ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME New Name cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER 1234567890 cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE..
How do I make a splash screen in android first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle setContentView R.layout.splashscreen New Handler to start the Menu Activity and close this Splash Screen after some seconds. new Handler .postDelayed new Runnable..
What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android? 1.5 Dutch Netherlands nl_NL 1.5 English Australia en_AU 1.5 English Britain en_GB 1.5 English Canada en_CA 1.5 English New Zealand en_NZ 1.5 English Singapore en_SG 1.5 French Belgium fr_BE 1.5 French Canada fr_CA 1.5 French France fr_FR 1.5 French..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder New version of ADT r17 plugin for Eclipse added feature to automatically setup JAR dependencies. Any .jar files in the libs..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? SET LOADING MORE TRUE loadingMore true INCREMENT CURRENT PAGE current_page 1 Next page request URL pagingURL Log.e NEW URL URL try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine.. initialUserID albums access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 getLimit Log.e NEW PAGING URL pagingURL else stopLoadingData true Runnable run new Runnable @Override public void run Toast.makeText.. get listview current position used to maintain scroll position int currentPosition lv.getFirstVisiblePosition APPEND NEW DATA TO THE ARRAYLIST AND SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW adapter new AlbumsAdapter Albums.this arrAlbums lv.setAdapter..
Lazy download images into gridView String URL STORE THE PAGING URL private String pagingURL FLAG FOR CURRENT PAGE int current_page 1 BOOLEAN TO CHECK IF NEW FEEDS ARE LOADING Boolean loadingMore true Boolean stopLoadingData false This is the code block that fetches the initial.. current position used to maintain scroll position int currentPosition gridOfPhotos.getFirstVisiblePosition APPEND NEW DATA TO THE ARRAYLIST AND SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW adapter new PhotosAdapter Photos.this arrPhotos gridOfPhotos.setAdapter.. adapter Setting new scroll position gridOfPhotos.setSelection currentPosition 1 SET LOADINGMORE FALSE AFTER ADDING NEW FEEDS TO THE EXISTING LIST loadingMore false And this is the helper class to SET and GET the data collected from the queries..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” at line byte blob c1.getBlob c1.getColumnIndex imageblob . If I try c1.setImage it doesn't work. NEW In one activity case Intent cameraIntent new Intent android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE ..
While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured D0 F2 1E 9D D0 6F A4 70 0F A9 Now you have new SHA 1 KEY With this SHA 1 KEY Follow the Step no 4 6 Now you will get NEW google map API KEY Now use this key in to Manifeast.xml file AS SHOWN IN STEM NO 4 meta data android name in to Manifeast.xml file AS SHOWN IN STEM NO 4 meta data android name android value NEW GOOGLE MAP API KEY 7 Now Create New APK FILE of you APLICATION with the use the existing keystore. share improve this answer..
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? badgecount 0 getContentResolver .update Uri.parse content com.sec.badge apps cv package new String getPackageName NEW I have created an open source project that you can import as a library to assist with this. It's licensed as Apache so feel..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? thing find out if the software keyboard is shown. Is this possible in Android android share improve this question NEW ANSWER added Jan 25th 2012 Since writing the below answer someone clued me in to the existence of ViewTreeObserver and friends..
how to set custom title bar TextView Value dynamically in android?
Change title bar text in Android final TextView myTitleText TextView findViewById if myTitleText null myTitleText.setText NEW TITLE user can also set color using Color and then Color value constant myTitleText.setBackgroundColor Color.GREEN strings.xml..
replace selector images programmatically there's no way to modify a single state after the StateListDrawable has already been defined. You can however define a NEW one through code StateListDrawable states new StateListDrawable states.addState new int android.R.attr.state_pressed getResources..
Android:Passing a hash map between Activities string and a class object. I populate this map in Activity1 and i would like to pass it to activity2. public class NEW extends Activity public class data String name float value .... etc ...... static Map String data data_map new HashMap..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken c.getString 1 bFound true break To here we looped the full gallery. if bFound This is the NEW image. If the size is bigger copy it. Then delete it File f new File c.getString 2 Ensure it's there check size and delete..
How to set Alarm in Android? context. getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Notification note new Notification R.drawable.face NEW ACTIVITY System.currentTimeMillis Intent notificationIntent new Intent context Alset.class PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity..
how to extract code of apk file but not xml and java continue... step 2 now extract this zip apk file in the same folder in this eg or case NEW FOLDER . now dowmload dex2jar from this link http p dex2jar and extract it to the same folder in this case.. . now dowmload dex2jar from this link http p dex2jar and extract it to the same folder in this case NEW FOLDER open command prompt and reach to that folder in this case NEW FOLDER ....after reaching write dex2jar classes.dex.. it to the same folder in this case NEW FOLDER open command prompt and reach to that folder in this case NEW FOLDER ....after reaching write dex2jar classes.dex and press you get classes.dex.dex2jar file in the same..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera full gallery. if bFound the file which is newly created and it has to be deleted from the gallery This is the NEW image. If the size is bigger copy it. Then delete it File f new File c.getString 2 Ensure it's there check size and..