android Programming Glossary: middleasync
Async/await not reacting as expected static async Task OuterAsync Console.WriteLine B await MiddleAsync Console.WriteLine J static async Task MiddleAsync Console.WriteLine.. B await MiddleAsync Console.WriteLine J static async Task MiddleAsync Console.WriteLine C await InnerAsync Console.WriteLine I static.. B OuterAsync is being called Main is still waiting. C MiddleAsync is being called OuterAsync is still waiting to see if MiddleAsync..
Async/await not reacting as expected Wait here. OuterAsync .Wait Console.WriteLine K Console.ReadKey static async Task OuterAsync Console.WriteLine B await MiddleAsync Console.WriteLine J static async Task MiddleAsync Console.WriteLine C await InnerAsync Console.WriteLine I static async.. static async Task OuterAsync Console.WriteLine B await MiddleAsync Console.WriteLine J static async Task MiddleAsync Console.WriteLine C await InnerAsync Console.WriteLine I static async Task InnerAsync Console.WriteLine D await DoSomething.. order. Here's what's going on A Before anything else gets called B OuterAsync is being called Main is still waiting. C MiddleAsync is being called OuterAsync is still waiting to see if MiddleAsync is complete or not. D InnerAsync is being called MiddleAsync..